The weird and cringe attempt at a low blow when all else fails…?
Random non sense options? Huh?
The powers are listed, you know what they do, you are given the choice to pick whatever you want. Where is the non sense here?
The weird and cringe attempt at a low blow when all else fails…?
Random non sense options? Huh?
The powers are listed, you know what they do, you are given the choice to pick whatever you want. Where is the non sense here?
It is not at all dependant on that…
I am playing my DH in 8.3 for thag very reason. I am able to get into whatever raid boss I want on my Aff lock, without issue. I cannot get into a M+ to save my life. The class is bad at AOE so I dont get taken.
This is no difffent, except now you will subdivide further.
The fact that my Aff lock is denied entry to keys for being Affliction, is proof that will carry over. If you think people care you had to make a hard choice that’s a LOL. They dont.
IE yes you will still be declined for having the right coventant for the wrong content. If you have a PVE boon Covenant that’s garbage in arena and you think I am going to Q with you, you have another thing coming. Same applies to Raids and M+. This is going to pigeonhole everyone in to 1 of those 3 content choices.
I think the obvious solution is for this game to move past pugging as a primary grouping method like it’s direct competitors did.
Queue for everything except the top tier.
Here’s the thing though,the choices SHOULDN’T be considered poor to begin with. What’s the point in options that sound appealing and flavorful if you can’t do anything because of going with the route that’s the most fun rather than the one that feels factory mass produced/conforms to the alleged golden child robot formula? When these features are implemented,they should have it to where all are viable so people can add much needed diversity of play to the game instead of stacking a group of race/class/spec combo because a souless spreadsheet says so. When a game requires and railroads you into a means of conformity just to progress and enjoy its entirety rather than get left in the dust when trying to pug [because guilds are pretty much dead or have server monopolies these days]
Back in my hayday before I shelved my rogue,it was mostly trial and error,a wipe happens? Back to the drawing board and assigning different people to different mechanics while still letting them be the class/spec combo they want and 9/10 from my experiences? It worked well. We didn’t need spreadsheets,add ons [save for maybe DBM],stat shaming websites or some streamer talking out of their butt as though their opinion is gospel to make endgame fights work. And if more ideal specs were suggested,people were willing to help their fellow player [even when cross-realm became a thing in CATA there was no issue] rather than the “Shut up,don’t waste my time,you suck,you picked a crap spec and your opinion doesn’t matter!” mentality that seems to have festered into the community over time and moreso prevalent today.
Ironically coming from those who say they miss the feeling of community yet seem to turn up their nose at said community seeing other players as lesser/inferior rather than someone with potential who just wants to have the same fun as everyone else no more,no less. The people airing grievances about this are absolutely justified in airing it as it is a legitimate concern given homogenization/sameness has always been a VERY common critique,yet people have to play the same specs or else miss out/conform or bust.
This could very well bite Blizzard in the butt if they choose to stick with methods that keep pushing this mentality forward and players who want to progress and have fun without worry of conformity out.
TLDR- Kinda pointless to give choices if only one option is considered the right way which IMO is boring AF.
And that’s my point about the power level. The worst case scenarios are Only going to happen if Covenant abilities are extremely, extremely powerful. Pyro bracers + scorch belt combined levels.
Because otherwise there are going to be bigger factors which determine who gets brought, spec being the biggest one followed by ilvl.
Exactly. No matter what there will only be one choice depending on the content. So just scrap it. Stop pushing systems that are designed to fail. Seems like common sense to me.
Did your 10k dota MMR get you the PVp build? For those that don’t know, everything this dude says is a lie. He claimed multiple times to be 10k in dota, which there is like 10 people that are. Dont listen to anything he says, he is a troll, if not a flat put liar and Ion fan boy.
9/10 chance he bought every key he has done.
Ya, but. We have seen them.
They are.
And not really need to be. Door of Shadows is already alone broken enough to deny for not having it.
There is a balance somewhere. Somewhere between a game with absolutely no gear and a single player rpg.
Where covenant abilities combined with all the other freedom we are getting is not apparent yet.
We have not seen them competing alongside legendaries and fully upgraded conduits. We need everything in and then look at the numbers.
We do almost have everything in but afaik not the fully upgraded conduits.
I have friends and a guild, not worried about being declined for anything. Blizz has some work to do if they plan on balancing out this entire group of systems but we’ll see what happens I guess.
We have seeb the legendaries. Also the legendaries ans conduits are seperate you can still have those on any coventant.
That will differ which covenant is most broken, it will not balance them.
The friends and guild only gets you so far. If your doing high end content at some point that friendship doesn’t matter and take a back seat to the majority.
Which will be a large source of guild drama caused by this feature as well.
Can you name a single end boss where aoe was more important than single target? Seriously all that matters is the end boss.
What it will do is lower the % overall damage the covenant abilities do. That’s the important part.
Conduits and legendaries do not interact with the covenant abilities directly but they do with class abilities.
They do not lower that… Nadia gives a 4% flat damage bonus and then 15% increase to consumables and enchants.
Your fooling yourself if you dont see how broken that is.
Things like Door of Shadows, are worthless in a raid but worth more than Damage in M+. Its not always all about damage, for all content.
Yeah but there is a big difference between the the tier sets and trinkets compared to the current borrowed powers of Legion through SL.
Before your spec was viable and the tier /trinks gave you an added bonus from say a crit buff to making a stand still long cast being able to be done while moving.
They were just icing on the cake.
The newer borrowed powers are like half the ingredients to the cake itself with our characters being the dry and the borrowed power being the wet ingredients.
Guess what you can’y make a complete cake with just the dry ingredients.
Tier sets are just gear with a bonus on it. Isn’t it a bit of a stretch to compare it to something the the lead dev referres to as a sub class? Also, there’s only ever one tier set. Not four with restrictions on which one you can use.
Look no further than corruption to rob you of this trust. It literally happened as they are developing Shadowlands. Their ability to balance is abysmal.
They don’t care if they are optimal but they do care if you are.
Just like they can balance dungeons? May I introduce you to tyrannical, Kings rest, and siege of boralus.
I’m sure all you high end fancy people will get it all sorted somehow. I’m fine just doing heroic raiding & w/e M+, I don’t envy having to possibly play 4 versions of the same class so I’m glad I don’t really care about the tippy top end of the game. I don’t have the time to put in all that effort anyways.
I know Blizz has work to do to make this all work properly for the higher end, I hope they figure it out somehow.