We already have the ability to see what covenant you picked thanks for exorcise raid tools we don’t need to ask. Same as we can see now what corruption lvl you have and what corruptions you have. Don’t need to ask can see just by clicking your name
Ah ha! I run my gimmicky severe stacked resto shaman!
I’m so off meta and HIP!
Well, I don’t have options. Hopefully in Shadowlands, with PERMANENT and IMPACTFUL choices I will.
BfA is just bad. By being able to change your stuff at anytime, you are hindering yourself by not playing optimally. Its a bad RPG.
Huh? I’m having fun PVEing people in arena. IDGAF
You literally do?
Go on to the corruption vendor and create your build right now. You have the agency to do so.
I’m thinking this might be the drop that makes you realize your delusion, maybe?
You purchased that corruption though?
There’s a vendor that you literally had the option after the community had a massive outcry over the lack of (You’re welcome)
There’s always been borrowed power in the form of tier sets and the occasional broken trinket (like that cdr one in Nighthold). It just stands out more now that they are advertising it.
Same with that mana reduction trinket for Arcane mage on Sinestra in Cata.
That was earned power not borrowed a big difference
No, I don’t. Because everything is grindy and tied to RNG. Nothing is impactful or permanent. If my choices were permanent, then I could work arround tweaking my build. As of now, you get borrowed power that directions you towards a way to play the game.
Like I said, the game is streamlined, it kinda plays it by itself. 0 agency. 0 variety. 0 customization.
They even removed tier sets, lol. No more stats, its all STR. Not hit/expertise. No caps to reach. No leather/mail item is gonna be good for me. Nothing.
Iirc the normal definition of borrowed power is “a major change to gameplay that exists only for a time in this expansion” and doesn’t have anything to do with the difficulty of earning it. Just that it’s temporary.
The MoP cloak and WoD ring would also count.
Blizzard is that supervisor that brings out the book and goes see it works on paper.
It won’t be until they realize that in practice what looks good on paper doesn’t always and most often does not translate to practical use.
Well, suck it up nerd, to customize your character you need to GRIND BOY! Rings a bell… something you’ve said yourself perhaps…
Right. Now you remember.
Covenants are not permanent either. Unless the world ends in 2 years? Then you could argue it is kinda permanent.
You are given the ability to take whatever azerite, essences, and corruption you want. And you do not take it. That is the power of player agency: You took the decision to not create gimmicky builds because you care about your character’s power.
Yep. Pick the least bad Covenant and roll with it. Nice agency!
Hahaha haha, HA.
Yes you will…
Everyone favorite add on Raider IO will list your covenant on the nice little tool tip for them EZ declines.
If anything iLvL will remain the biggest determinant of whether you get in groups.
Also, I frankly don’t understand the need for Blizzard to include a gimmick in each expansion. In Legion it was the artifacts, in BFA it’s the necklace, and in SL it’s the Covenants. I don’t see why they don’t just make each class kit more interesting and leave it at that… I frankly don’t mind if Covenants were just purely cosmetic…
I won’t get declined from any groups because my friends are the kindest folks around!
Uh? Wtf are you even saying.
No and no. If you are playing a X RPG game and you are a fire mage and you choose to increase your shadow damage over increasing your fire damage, thats not agency. You are just being stupid. Of course it is not gonna work. Its different than choosing something that increase your fire damage dot, over your fire aoe or single target.
WoW BfA gives you a bunch of random options with 0 synergy. You can’t make a unique build. The game is made with a build in mind for each spec. Templates. Its bad. Covenants will hopefully change that.
That’s still dependent on both the same covenant being good for all content, which it probably won’t particularly for PvP and if it’s different for M+ and raiding, then picking based on covenant abilities would probably come further down the line in the decisions.
And how much power covenant abilities give will be a huge factor. There will be a spot where ilvl beats covenant ability in throughput. We don’t know where that is yet.
And spec/class will overrule them all likely.
The only thing that matters in M+ is throughput and skill at dealing with mechanics. There’s a lot of factors dictating the first one.
Covenants are not permanent. Is this hard to understand?
Have you forgotten that Shadowlands won’t last forever or?
What in the world…
You need to do some research before talking out of your butt too much. Fire mages actually increases their fire damage by picking the good corruption effects!
I think you need a reminder on what agency really means:
The capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power.
Locked up player powers prevents the capacity of acting over your character’s powers and customizations. A direct contradiction to agency.
You honestly think the casual that min/maxed is going to perform worse then the one that picked the fun and unique non optimal covenant build .
If so I would consider rehab because you are smoking some really bad stuff.
I wasn’t refering to wow. I just did a super simple example of how having random nonsense options to choose in a RPG game does not give the player options, but you couldn’t even understand that so yea… hope Covenants hit HARD and make people like you and OP question yourselves as to why you are still playing this.
I lost count of how many times I forgot to change azerite/talents and went with a PvP build in a +15 pug. Guess what? I was still top dps.