You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

Do you understand that being pro-restriction goes exactly against what you claim is the key to success?

Agency and customization. Opening up the player powers allows exactly that. You pick whatever the hell you want.

You care about the meta and pick the best for x or y content? Go for it, you have the agency to do so.
You’re bored of your current spell and want to try something new? Go for it, you have the agency to do so.
You love the fantasy of the spell you’re using and could not care less about the others? Keep using it then, you have the agency to do so.

With restrictions:

You have one spell. It’s good in one content and bad in the others ? Well, your agency was removed by the choice you made day 1. Tough luck.
You want to try another spell? You can swap. You regret trying this other spell? Well, have this one month grind slapping your face.

It’s insane to be pro restrictions and claim that it restores agency and whatnot. The delusion is unreal. Jesus.


This all could have been largely avoided if they had just made a larger variety of abilities for each covenant and turned them into a talent row, and possibly scrapping the signatures.


Exactly, WoW would be even better because you would still be able to keep playing your UNIQUE character and engage in a dozen of multiplayer activities with other people! Welcome to 2005, this premise is what made this game successful.

When is the last time World of Warcraft was ever like that…if ever?

Its the premise of the game. Vanilla started with it and expansions and updates should be aiming to improve it and not stripe the game of it. Covenants are the first time since Legion that Blizzard is trying to do something like that.

No. Being restricted means your choices will be meaningful and that you will have variety. Its clear and simple. Thats why older RPGs were much more engaging and had much more replayability.

Dead wrong. Being restricted means you will be directed to pick the best of the bunch, potentially sacrificing the access to what could be your prefered aesthetics, covenant hub, mounts, and so on.


Generally if you want to argue for having the restrictions, you’d want to give specific examples instead of being vague.

And imo there are examples but that’s going to change based on perspective and covenants being the feature of the xpac really doesn’t help.

And you lost me but here’s a link to the Classic forums :wave:


What if the best isnt the best for EVERYTHING?? Then you have a choice to make.

Thats the real problem of this game tho. Right now all that matters is DPS and immunities, at least for the scripted content. If they change that, more paths will be open in customization and covenants will be a blast.

Earliest achievement i can find on you is 2013, When did you start playing Vanilla?

LOL brother you started playing AFTER LFR WAS RELEASED.

Talking about Vanilla SMH LOL

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Calling anything PvE scripted content is basically like throwing your argument into an incinerator.

The best in this situation is taking the least worse option. Common sense.

It’s not a problem. Ion randomly said Covenants were made to introduce a “meaningful choice”, and it has spiralled into this over used meaningless buzzword that people are throwing around, when these people don’t actually think for themselves and just gobble whatever he said.

They built a hill for a problem that did not exist.


I didn’t play Vanilla. You can cleary see how the game was back then tho by browsing the internet or now specially by playing Classic. The game had core RPG elements. They were just rough and unpolished.

Updates and xpacs should have expanded on them and not destroyed them.

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I did, and you have no idea what you’re talking about.

RPG Elements such as… ?

Meaningful chocies such as…?

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  1. 10% variance in balance is huge
  2. That fine for you but that mentality is basically screw the other 25% who care
  3. This one works here best but not the next doesn’t work unless you equals of 4s in dungeons and raid bosses and we already see thats not the case so one covenant will be better for more than the others.
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Ahh I see timbo has had a brief moment of happiness [when they added echoes for essences] but is already getting started on covenants. I like it, please don’t change.

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And how many people were angry about the boa essences? Whoa fancy that…


Such as a shaman/pally doing less damage than a warrior because he also heals, among other things. Thats how things should be. These things should have been made more clear.

Classic has proven you can still clear content with non optimal stuff. I hope we go back to the roots of WoW, but with more modern and polished systems.

Classic can be cleared with 40 naked characters. Literally has been done look up the videos if you have doubts.

What do people do regardless of knowing that?

They play what’s the best.

Weird don’t you think?

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Great news Shaman and Paladin still do less damage than warrior.

What on earth? Classic has proven that everyone plays like a min/maxer nutcase except they go way further than anyone in Vanilla ever did.

The only content in that graveyard is speed running BWL and MC with max buffs LOL

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