??? Oh ya that was you.
So the priest discord lied? Huh, well that is strange. but you tend to twist around anything someone says that you don’t agree with. I’ve had a few people answer my question said I was right, now I’m lying? Lmao. Here I bump your thread, you need all the help you can get. So I doubt they lied, but you went in and asked the wrong question.
It’s quite literally two of the mods of the server that I’ve known for a very long period of time.
I posted your quotes to them directly.
You said the Priest discord agrees with me.
Strange hill to die on, feel free to tag me and we can discuss it in a open channel if you like.
I’ll take zero pleasure in being able to say “I told you so”. Let’s just get this fixed now
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But the elitists will just reroll and fotm to whatever covenant is BiS lmfao.
It will be the casuals that can’t swap or don’t have the time to make a new toon that will quit the game and go play DOTA because they can’t get in a group because they are in the wrong covenant.
I’m struggling to see how some people don’t understand this is how it’s going to work. Try hards will just pick the fotm, I mean they will anyway lol.
The try-hards will also have their own guildies to do groups with, they aren’t getting declined. It’s the pug-life that is going to suffer.
Bump for recent revelations…
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Bad players don’t like to play with other bad players though.
The 10-14 key range is the most toxic cesspool of vile humans you will ever encounter.
It is why there is such a hatred for raiderio on the forums. It spots bad players, and lets good players avoid them. These bad players end up in the 10-14 range, grouped together depleting keys, trying to push score to get out of the purgatory they are in or just get their weekly 15. They blame each other for every little mistake, will leave your key at the drop of a dime, and it is overall probably the worst that WoW has to offer in terms of human beings.
All they want is a carry, they don’t want to play with others of their kind, they want that sweet invite to the +15 Freehold. In their minds, they are good enough. THEY aren’t the problem in their group, its the other 4 guys. If they could just get a chance, they wouldn’t have to play with bads anymore.
Meanwhile, all 5 of them are thinking these same thoughts as they deplete their 12 Kings Rest, flaming their healer for letting them die when they got hit by 18 tornadoes on the last boss.
If you round up all the misfits of the pug world, all the people too uninformed, unintelligent, or unwilling to pick the “correct” covenant, you will get the same group of people…
They have suffered enough.
Thanks. I almost choked on my water. >.<
The best thing Blizzard could do is to implement a rating system in-game that would be private, but give the player an idea of where they stand as a gamer in WoW amongst the pack.
Seriously. Half the time I read about anger, betrayal, and/or frustration, in the forums - a ton of it boils down to a complete lack of awareness of where you are in the order of things in regards to performance. And of course, those that lack that knowledge don’t want to go to a 3rd party site.
Understand, I’m not interested in putting someone in their place, or making someone feel poorly. I’m seeking that point where the truth sets you free to become content with what you have or to encourage you to press on. A removal of the eternal confusion of: “why don’t they want to play with me”.
I don’t think there is anyone posting in those sort of threads that doesn’t get why 12 yr old Tim doesn’t want to be saddled with 9 yr old Robert for the day (or hour or 15min). It’s perfectly natural and understandable, and there is nothing wrong or “unworthy” about either of them.
Then maybe we could all move to a point of compassion on both sides. Yes, my name is Mossclaw, and I’m an optimist.
Any optimism should have been crushed when we got to observe what Classic WoW turned into. Even the wholesome place everyone thought people played the game for fun got turned into a gigantic try-hard fest with an even stricter meta than retail.
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And instead, they do more.
Oh no. I’m built Rogue-tough! Tubthumping all the way, here.
People just want to play the game, and they come from all walks of life, with all frames of reference. We have gear guides and “rotation” guides, but we don’t have a frame of expectations guide. Maybe that’s what needs to be made.
Yet that won’t help players know where they stand in the performance scheme of things. I think that would be helpful if it was Blizzard crafted, in-game, and private.
That said, I don’t see it happening, as Blizzard is that parent working at home who doesn’t want to be bothered by the children, and feel that they are perfectly capable of sorting themselves. Even after time and time again they have to get up from the laptop and lay down a law that sorts us. /lol/
Breaks my heart, It makes such a goofy system when you have something like m+ where balance is so delicate. Hopefully they deactivate these things in m+ altogether.
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It really is disappointing, because nobody is making Blizzard do this stuff. They seem convinced that if they double down on it hard enough people will just break and start liking it.
Which they should have learned their lesson from so many failed systems that’s never going to be the case… I’m looking at YOU AZERITE ARMOUR
It’s not rational though. They are impervious to reason. Hopefully this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back and we can finally get a new group in charge, and not one picked by Ion and his Good Idea Squad.
You’re polite to say that. The true reason that I will be getting declined from groups is because I am a terrible player who will cause everybody to die.
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BlizZard is going to use the justification that borrowed power has been in the game so long which implies it is successful!
They are trying to beat down the player base to accept something that isn’t working with shadowlands by front loading all of these bloated systems.
But it will backfire and I have my popcorn ready.
Sure seems that way. Instead of changing course when people tell them they’re driving straight into the side of a cliff, Blizzard is strapping a rocket to their car to prove everyone wrong.
I’m torn between awe and horror over their conviction.