You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

Unfortunately that super simple scenario isn’t how the game works lol.

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Well, enjoy your holiday see you in a week i guess. Kinda foolish to do such a blatant TOS breach when questioning my mental stability.

Bully? Like how i bullied them over Account bound essences, Azerite vendor and Corruption vendor? Those poor developers being bombarded by feedback attacks.

??? LOL.

Actually your profile only has Warlord, are you just addicted to lying? There is literally a paper trail of anything you say, why would you lie about something so silly?



That is incorrect. This game in all serious forms on content is reduced to a mathematical puzzle. There is a correct way to play anything and everything given any particular moment. No one is expected to play absolutely perfectly, but the game will always have optimal choices which help guarantee success. Anyone who believes the game to be free-form in terms of progression is not to be taken seriously, and exclusion is a viable way of helping guarantee your own success.

A PUG can’t assume you make choices according to their expectations, but they can vet you from the selection, which is effectively the same as assuming you have met their expectations. If you aren’t able to put in the minimum effort to learn what is best for your class, then you won’t be valued. You do not get to determine what others believe is the “minimum” effort.

It’s not the only thing, but I agree with the spirit of this.

I can’t speak for the community, but I will say this: The community isn’t punishing anyone. If you don’t care to invest enough into your player character to have a well-rounded and up-to-date knowledge of what is optimal for performance, then how can anyone take you seriously when you say you want to progress and do more difficult content? For example; If an Arms Warrior takes a dead talent instead of a viable one, then what use is gear progression for that warrior? The gear he receives, theoretically, is better served on a warrior who is willing to perform to the utmost of his ability and will itemize / customize his gameplay to an ever-optimal degree.

I don’t believe it is absurd or unreasonable (or even daunting) for a player to live with the mindset that no matter how they play, there is always a ‘better way’ to play and it’s never as far away or impossible as he might believe it is. Many players will interpret ‘a better way’ as being ‘optimal’ in order to mitigate loss and help ensure success; And they will seek other players with this mindset to work toward a mutual goal of success; And they will take steps to avoid players who do not share that goal, at least not until the goal has been sufficiently achieved.


How cute you think there won’t be one right answer.

This also affects the pug world much more than organized guilds. In organized play between friends it’s much more likely you’ll get a shot to try out the “suboptimal build I play better in so the net gain is more”. Or your friends will help you figure out what the optimal build is.

In a pug world, people don’t care. Pugs want to succeed (because failing is NOT fun) and as such, people running wrong covenants will be excluded. Jesus I joined a pug for a m+18 on my main where they kicked an Ele shaman because he was running too much vers over crit.


Bro I’m a Shaman, I get declined simply by sneezing the wrong way.

As a shaman we should be acutely aware of how a meta forms out of our control.


Still funny seeing others get the shaman treatment and then go into panic overload, it’s kind of cathartic TBH.

It’s not panic overload, I’m the one who started the thread.

Think of it as a warning to others of whats to come.

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I actually agree, we should send the ripcord to out of space.



20% is a massive difference. Even the more laid back raid guilds would be concerned with that.


Seriously this, mistweavers are barely behind other healers and have been the butt of all jokes the entire expansion when it comes to healer comp. Healer spots are tight, why would you bring one when there are so many options that does 20% less?

Healing comp has been very unbalanced the whole expac. Other than the mistweaver with broken corruption for a few weeks it was pointless to take one.

Infact I struggle to think of reasons to take anyone other than disc and hpal really lol. Yay free damage!

Exactly, let’s not forget Blizzard let Hpal essentially dominate since BoD for free. Where’s the balancing that everyone against opening up covenants is so sure will come? Lol


“don’t worry it will be only a few % so won’t matter. Nvm the fact that they have never achieved that before. This time will be different now that they have added many layers at once which creates more balancing issues not less”

lol Idk why anyone believes that. I wish I could too but I can’t


Don’t know why they are bothering with these covenant only features in dungeons, hopefully they axe these real quick. They are terrible.

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? nah it is here to stay now that they adding this. Your hopes for it getting changed before release. Gone now.

Not sure why you are even bothering to show your face in any of my threads after you lied about having the priest support on your opinion then dodged having a discussion with myself and a moderator.

Just leave, yo.


yep its legit nothing personal but i never take a sub-optimal class over a more optimal one. my group has two melee? need a range. my group has two of this covenent? better get one with this covenent. thats all its gonna be anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves

EDIT; and they better be right class and spec for that covenent or still declined