You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

I’m looking at your achievements and not seeing anything.


Still looking in the wrong place…

people unsub when they’re not having fun. I stopped playing between 8.1 until recently and the only reason im subbed now is to level alts.

just make the game fun AND respect peoples time is what im saying. Their definition of fun is too artificial and mechanical.


what a trash take on what games are / meant to be.

Thats just awesinine

At no time in BfA were specs tuned within a 10% range. You’re delusional if you think this will happen.

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So, where are your mythic achievement kills? This is a weird exchange. Blizzard introduced achievements for a reason. Lol.


Well if you knew anything about Betas you would know tuning is one of the last things they do because tuning causes the community to overreact (as you are now) and think that a class or spec that receives buffs must be strong and a class or spec that receives nerfs must be weak.

Why would you even ask that, if he actually gave you an answer its going to be pants on head retarded like. I kill mythic bosses from previous expansions or Ive done lots of 5 man mythic dungeons.


You don’t get it. Ion SAID they would balance them. They have six gorillion knobs! Uh… What other buzzwords can I use…


There, now you understand why it will all work out.

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Bah gawd you got me, he’s got dozens of mythic dungeon boss kills.

I’ve been TRICKED. I’ll need to be more specific in future.

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I whole-heartedly support this. The covenants are going to create an economy of winners and losers, and a DK tank with the wrong covenant is going to be the subpar choice. I will always appreciate a player who takes the extra step, does the research for his class/spec, and chooses the correct build / stats / covenant.
It’s always frustrating seeing someone who knows well the gameplay of their class/spec but doesn’t take the time to learn which talents (or Essences or whatever) are going to bring them the most success.

Ultimately, it comes down to what you’re willing to do to help your PUG, help your guild, and help yourself as a player. The more viable you are, the less I have to worry about you.


Do you take the rogue with the substandard RNG dps ability, that can buff our party,


do we take the rogue the the higher single target dps ability,


do we take the rogue with the higher aoe ability.

None of these can be answered correctly until much much more testing and number crunching can be done, and none of the above statements take into account soulbinds and conduits or how each covenant ability is affected.

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The game system is design that I can’t make all the right choices. So if the pug wants me to make a choice in considering them. They are the problem.

I agree with this part. If your guild wants or requires you to do it. Should listen or leave said guild. A guild is a community, and you should play your part to help rise them up.

Fun is the only thing that matters, and not everyone picks the best dps skill that is fun. The system has players picking a pvp cov, or a tanking one. If I enjoy both. I’m going to pick the one that matters most to me. If the community wants to punish players for the game system that they can’t be understanding about, and expect players to pick the best choice always. Well I think the players should go to war over it.

Depends on the content but the first one is a ‘no’ everytime.

Well, thats this one - Rogue (Kyrian only)

No, I mean a group buff will most likely never trump straight damage. If it ever did, you have a case where one class is locked in for every single group.

And thats why these covenant abilities are a form of balance as it is.

Edit: Not all are equally balanced and i agree much work needs to be done to all of them, more than just numbers tuning.

No they aren’t, I literally just gave a scenario where it isn’t lol.

They’ll never be balanced. The covenant stuff by itself is bad because even if you could balance the damage stuff, the utility abilities will throw it out of whack every single time. Add on the soulbinds/conduits and things get even worse. Add in Legendaries and you might as well give up. Legendaries are so bad right now that there are certain specs that are being completely propped up based on what legendary they have lol.

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Imaginer a rogue can do 100 points of damage to a single target or 20 points of damage to 5 enemies or do an ability that does 33 damage on average but buffs 2 other party members to do 33 damage on average as well.

Your choices are the covenants.