You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

Legit people don’t want to admit that shadowlands may repeat BFA mistakes so they defend the current status quo with covenants. :thinking:


I know WoW will always be around, but I’m worried about the damage a BFA 2.0 would do to the community.

When a game stinks and people quit, guilds die.

When guilds die, a big portion of the community lose their reason to play the game.

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No, you most likely won’t.

Covenants are garbage, and I really don’t like anything about them at all, nor soulbinds nor conduits, pretty much the only thing in Betalands that has me moderately looking forwards too is the level/stat squish (which will be inflated to hell by the first patch), and the new dungeons/raids.

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wait a min, were you not in another thread saying Venthyre is the right choice and mobility is king? So that 40% raid healing surely doesn’t change your mind…

I mean, Tjphess and i have always shouted that balance wouldn’t be obtainable. If this is what you need to stoop to for an argument I don’t know what to say.


If the movement effectively removes a mechanic that would do lots of damage then yes movement is better.
Imagine the blink on nzoth for example. It would entirely negate the linking mechanic so people would take so much less dtps. Hps is a meaningless statistic

Ya, they been fickle with the stance from the start. I even called them out on how the venthyr spell can have be strong in certain elements, and they was like no you wrong! Even when i proved the point.

No amount of logic or reason will help them.

So you give up some healing power in exchange for that power.

working as intended?

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If you think good game design is everyone giving up the cool stuff they like because one ability is over powered then I think we should honour separate ways because we will never see eye to eye so no point arguing it.


Obviously not. :upside_down_face:

Try using logic and reason first.


no… you definitely said Venthyr with the teleport would trump all the other covenants. People tried to tell you otherwise, using logic but you were very adamant about having a teleport or not will get you declined from raid. Now it looks like necro will be 40% of your healing. You could just admit that you are wrong. That like classes, 1 teleport ability isn’t going to make or break you getting into the raid.

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Some of these abilities are really out there to… The druid one with a deadly downside, I mean what? why? Then you have super duper niche ones like the shaman/priest night fae ones.

I’m not a min/maxer and I hate this. There is no way these abilities are going to be balanced because they’re so different from one another. It just adds unnecessary confusion, and I can’t see the benefit to this.

Venthyr is very likely going to trump all other covenants for a lot of classes and specs because of the power it brings in its utility ability. In original data mining my thread was about Venthyr having cheat death and door of shadows being horribly busted.

Using logic, haha LOL

How many mythic bosses have you killed?


Just as many as you have. you think only cutting edge players kill mythic? plz…

I can’t see any mythic bosses killed this expansion, what gives?


Imagine picking a covenant other than Maldraxxus. SMH.

Anyways, nah. The buffs won’t amount to much and the difference between covenants wont be enough to really matter unless you want to split hairs.

It’s going to affect them anyway. The only ones who it won’t affect are the people who legit don’t care what their abilities do and run with a group of people who also don’t care.

You must have missed the part where disc healing between covenants is already at 40% and no tuning has happened since raid testing has begun yet.

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You’ll get declined for many reasons, this is just another one in the pile. But let’s be real, not only will you be declined but if you make the group I’m sure you’ll be declining other people. It’s a very vicious circle.

I don’t care if people decline me for a group as long as I look smexier than them.

You’re looking in the wrong place.