I agree, Pugs have been declining off raider io for a long time. This is why it won’t impact me but will hurt the casual playerbase.
Let’s get it lads
Raider IO will list what Covenant your in.
They had the rip cord last time but were too slow to pull it in BFA. Shadowlands needs to have the cord pulled at launch and not in the first patch. The first patch would be too late and the damage would be done…just like BFA.
It’s actually amazing. Blizzard have learned just enough from their mistakes in Legion and BFA to make Legendaries determinate and formulate a plan for fixing the disaster that Covenants inevitably turn out to be, but not enough to make removing the Covenant lock Plan A instead of Plan B.
I won’t be giving any money to blizzard until this happens. Sub is cancelled and has run out last week.
They deleted the #PullTheRipcord thread.
Not shocking, it seems Blizzard would rather delete our concerns that address them.
Wondered what happened to it.
Delete feedback - that’ll make people change their minds!
Wouldn’t be shocked if the thread was deleted because the mods were tired of dealing with the spam of false reports of posts that had the hashtag (as opposed to, you know, actually punishing people who spam false reports).
Whispers ever so delicately into your ear: #PullTheRipCord
I was thinking that as well, This topic as a whole has had me getting alot of false reports.
Ion’s psychiatrist: #pulltheripcord isn’t a real hashtag, it can’t hurt you.
#Pulltheripcord hashtag:
You’re gonna do it anyway, do it before release.
You’re gonna do it anyway, do it before release.
The thing that Mandarinorangeslice is forgetting is that Blizzard is setting raids up so that no one covenant will be ideal for the entire raid.
Ironically, and again because of balance expectations set by historic precedence, that just signals that playing my character for the next two years will be an overall unsatisfying experience.
Praise Elune I RP. #takingthecontentback
I really don’t like the system (in beta) as it stands.
3 specs. 4 covenants.
The way players perceive choices, there’s just too much opportunity for excluding more people.
12 choice partitions for pure dps. If they balance your spec during the middle of the game, you may have now locked yourself into a bad covenant choice. Gotta switch and give up progress on the cosmetics! Not fun.
4 choice partitions for each role for Hybrids (which may lock you into a good choice for one role and a bad choice for the other roles). Want to switch roles OR did your base spec get rebalanced? Gotta switch and give up progress on the cosmetics! Not fun.
This system already feels unrewarding and unnecessary. I love playing WoW but I hate how much the game has trended into disrespecting my time as a player. I’m still going to pay my sub and buy tokens and cosmetics even if I’m not forced to do these dumb regrinds. I’m just going to enjoy the time I spend in WoW even more because I’m not agitated with having to do things that aren’t rewarding.