You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

It also has shown us that a lot of players STILL require the meta or min/max mentality even though the content can be completed by a group of naked raiders.

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So let me get this straight, you and others are going to decline/ kick people because of their choice in covenants because that was their choice??

Do you also decline/ kick people because of what race, class, spec, and talents they decided on?

World of Warcraft is all about choice when it comes to the player being able to pick what they want. If Blizzard did not people to have choice then there would only be one race, class,spec, and no talent, etc choice.

People that decline / kick due to choice should not be playing a game where players have choice because you will have to play with people that choice is important to them.

I won’t decline people I just won’t pick them if I start up a key right now over 15 I will get 20 plus applicants in 30 seconds. Why wouldn’t I pick the best options available?

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LOL, you guys keep using that “Optimize the fun out of the game”, is the real WOOSH.

YOU COMPLETELY missed the point of that video lol.

All this shows is that there is a small segment of the population that, regardless of what blizzard adds, will be overly and needlessly selective about who they play with and that they shouldn’t dictate the design of the game because if it were up to them we’d be playing a boring, homogeneous, pseudo fps.

You have ZERO PVP acheivements. Please do not speak about things you know nothing about.

All Classes DO Not succeed in PVP, and Defiantly not all specs. Rated PVP is extremely Meta based, and you pretty much have to fall in line.

Random Battlegrounds =/= Rated PVP


You will only get declined by elitists and narcissists. You don’t want to be in their groups anyway.


No, you just assume everyone that doesn’t like the system thinks that way. This system is way worse for average players who want to play multiple roles or forms of content and do their best.


You’re also ignoring the question of why is Blizz locking everyone out of all the other covenants stuff to do once you pick one? The only way to enjoy most of the work they put into this expac is to play 4 characters so you can see all of it.

Meh. I think this is the usual GD over reaction to minimal information. Is this exclusion going to be because of the Basic Covenant ability or the Class specific ability or the players Soul Bind choice? That’s a lot of variance to try to filter.

2/4 cause declines regularly already. Now you’re adding another reason to that group.

If being a DK in the Necrolords is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

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I dislike how people think things that massively affect the “1%” somehow won’t impact them more.

Echo/Limit work with the same rules of the game we do, anyone who actually plays the current content instead of flopping around old raids will feel the problems fairly quickly.


You’ll be fine. You have 3 Soulbind trees that you can swap between for each Covenant. Unless you’re doing bleeding edge level stuff across multiple types of content and need multiple roles you can find a build that’s solid.

I’ll be more than surprised if that actually works out.

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Don’t worry, it won’t.


Replay value.

Why can’t you see the Horde stuff when you’re Alliance and vice versa? Replay value.

I understand that for some people, “the game only starts at max level”, but some people enjoy the leveling experience on some level and Covenants give you an actual reason to replay it.

That makes two of us. I do like the vanthir but I can’t see not going with the necrolords

One of the things I dislike the most is that I can’t even unlock the only horde race I’d be interested in since I don’t have a max level one now. But instead of the time I’d spend on that toon, I’m logged off doing something else.

Right now the best blood dk cov by a substantial margin power wise appears to be night fae and it likely will be overall since smeld will still enable skips.