You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

Driving away half your fans and hoping they come back later is a pretty poor model


I assume you have at least read the difference between those 2 abilities, one is a large aoe heal followed by a heal on attack for all members for 15 seconds every 1 min.

The other is a damage skill that does a 5 second debuff that could heal allies or hurt the enemy depending on what he casts in the next 5 sec and it has a cap.

They are very different skills with different expected outcomes. However that healing number is irrelevant of the type of priest, technically you could run 4 necro shadow priests and apparently they will heal like 1.8 disc priests for the cost of 1 gcd each per min. I would assume a min max guild will run fewer healers and necrolord shadow priests for the big heal uptime

EDIT: The above skill is an example of AOE healing throughput being the focus of that covenant, single target healing over that 15 seconds would be much lower (without knowing the number of raiders or the amount of overhealing done by the healers it is very hard to rate an ability just on it did X% of my healing or dps).

I don’t agree at all.

40 percent for aoe is ok? Because if you already strong at aoe healing, making it even stronger won’t matter as much.

But being able to make certain boss encounters much easier with a skill would make up for not having that extra 40 percent.

Wow community has a simple understand of balance. They think bigger numbers are always better, when they don’t look at the whole picture.

You say that it heals for x amount more but guess what? How much more does it heal in single target? Or better yet, if vel skill can cancel out big hits from bosses. That in itself is a huge boon.

We shall see.

Easy way to finally kill the game yeah

Hey look, a boomer-x whatever said the thing!

And he’s playing a fox thing marketed towards millenials!

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It isn’t though. I remember getting declined on guild applications back in MoP because my rogue was a bloodelf and not a troll. Back when berzerking was a 10% boost in dps.

That is a community problem unfortunately

Yeah my Arcane Mage was Undead and not Troll or Goblin back in Cata, it was a massive loss in damage that my heroic progressing at the time really hated me for. It wasn’t like I was bad, I was usually top 3 on DPS but could have easily have been top one consistently if I were kind of difference. Haste was really nice for Arcane and only got better with Shard of Woe giving you so much more casts in the burst window. This was also before you got that random damage proc one (racial for undead now and WOTF which was useless mostly and not a damage increase) in MoP too.

  1. What is this trust based on? Is a 10% differential acceptable to you? Did you account for the fact that not every difference is numerical…for instance not every covenant gets a pseudo-shroud/skip effect in mythic+.

  2. This is true if we were to unlock covenants too.

  3. This doesn’t sell me on covenants. So my covenant will be nerfed if it’s not “bad” in enough of the content, even if it’s not “op” in any of it? Not knowing the fine print on what determines whether or not covenants will be nerfed is quite terrifying when the freedom to switch is restricted.



EDIT: In case if you don’t get the point, I’ll say this. If they do decline me and optimize the fun out of the game for picking the wrong covenant, that’s their discretion.

Chances are, they’ll quit the game before I do. Besides, I don’t want to waste my time with those clowns anyway. If the majority of the people still decline me, I can move on to another game.

So, I’ll be fine. Thanks for pointing the obvious downside of covenants.

TBH all I’m seeing is the people who want to have everything super challenging so they can pretend to be cool by being good at a video game being the real problem here. Content for you is content that’s bad for everybody else, and you demand that the game revolve around your extremities, but you act like you’re the majority rather than a tiny but vocal minority.

That said though do we really have any confidence at all that Blizzard will balance this stuff? Cuz I sure as hell don’t and I have zero interest in the extreme high end stuff anyways. Blizzard is going to mess this up more than anyone else.

Please explain how locking off 3/4ths of the max level casual game loop is good for casuals or basically anyone except those who want to punish the hardcore.


Make your own group and you can choose who to invite


I mean… I just don’t see why everything needs to have progressive challenges so you have your “regular” people and then your people who want to do things at max difficulty so they can feel superior.

If Classic has shown anything IMHO it’s that the content doesn’t need to be super hard to be enjoyable. So having these multiple levels, where the highest either is what everything is designed for and toned down or where everything gets turned up to compensate, doesn’t make any sense.

People keep spouting this, and yet it doesn’t make the answer any more of an actual solution. Just a bandaid to eschew responsibility.

What does that have to do with unlocking covenants?

You realize classic is basically a wasteland now right? Like people log on for raid clear it in an hour and log off.

The reason for multiple levels is we aren’t as trash at games on the computer as we were in vanilla.

Because if you can clear with a “suboptimal” covenant, it brings up why have so much gatekeeping? Assuming the content is designed so that you don’t need the meta covenant to clear (which it should do), what’s the reason? Just to make it easier? And that’s reason enough to exclude people when you know that you don’t need to be completely optimal to win?

That’s why this game is an MMO. You have to join a guild and do things with your guild. Yeah it will be nice to pug things every now and then, but if you are with your guild they won’t or shouldn’t be denying you because of the covenant you chose.

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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? We want to be able to change our covenants for multiple types of content we want to be able to use our entire level 60 talent row not just one.

Trust me anyone who isn’t worried about that isn’t going to be doing the content level that would end up in them getting declined.


If content is designed to be cleared without the meta covenants, then having the meta covenants will allow people to clear it even faster. In the case of M+ they’ll be able to push further. In PvP it’ll just be “do you have the meta setup or do you lose?”

Let’s set aside guild/friend groups who don’t care about composition for the moment, because those are by and large irrelevant if they’re going to pick whatever and not care about it.

Any other group is not going to purposely make things more challenging for themselves. They’re going to pick whatever they think gives them the greatest chance of success if at all possible.


The argument against covenants being unique is the same argument against classes being unique.

Some people are gonna FOTM whatever is the ‘best’ given the seasonal affixes and current patch balance, but most players won’t. I expect all covenants, like all classes and specs, will be able to clear content from PvP to Mythic +15 to Mythic raids.

Like classes and specs, once you start pushing into Mythic +30 you might see a certain covenant emerge as the best for that type of content. But that’s not a reason to disallow impactful, meaningful choices in an RPG for 98% of the playerbase. The game isn’t even out yet and people are already fretting about meta.

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