You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

I’ll just go tank or heals and pick the wrong and worst covenants and conduits there are than laugh when things fall apart.

I still highly doubt it’ll be an issue because there will be different best covenants for different content even at the super high end. Raiding, pvp, and M+ will have different best covenants for many classes. People will learn to accept that and just go by other measures of who is the best to bring, namely IO scores can gear, and achievements

Did you watch the World First? Limit and Method certainly found the right corruptions on the market, buuuuuuuuut…

So if the system fails at launch, they simply go to plan B. Currently, the game hasn’t even launched and Timbaslurp over there needs to make another fourteen threads about it.

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Sounds like the mythic raiders aren’t the ones being lazy.

Yes, they stacked a corruption that got nerfed by 50% after the RTWF was over.

What’s your point? That Ion has no clue? Agreeeeeeeeeeeeee

Like how Azerite failed at launch, and the time they fixed it the entire Horde OCE raiding scene was dead.

Huh, why’d we be fighting for an earlier change in future really boggles my mind.

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Honestly, I get quite a chuckle at the idea of mythic raiders leveling 4 of every class and gearing them just to try and get that edge lol. I’m not going vampire bois when I can be with the Swolekin faction, I’ll take the decline from the fancy boys.


Ding ding ding, the huge amount of people supporting restrictions share this mindset. They just want to see people punished.

Guess not huh?

Sweat rolling down Leannasi’s forehead reading the replies.


Is there a fair compromise or is this all or nothing?

Ive posted a tonne before (ippollite - i got sick of looking at the face mask and didnt wanna log in and mog it off).

Lets assume that blizz go ahead (and of course they will because its basically the defining feature of the expansion). You dont get to pick both the covenant ability from Venthyr and the class ability from Maldraxxus.

You also cant swap out with no consequence. But if the cost wasnt ‘weeks of grinding’ but rather a 30 minute or so fetch quest (lets say for example, you need to collect 10 items. They all have a guaranteed drop from any Lvl60 boss in game (torghast guardians, dungeons, world rares). Would this be a fair compromise? I ask to see if this is a ‘no changes’ issue, or an evolving and open discussion.

Of course, i appreciate this wouldnt be your final choice or hope. But it opens up both soulbinds and loadouts along with covenant abilities and legendaries (in a way its sort of like having multiple gear sets).

More to the point though its completely opt in rather than being the default game. This preserves some of the driving philosophy behind the expansion. It also lets players who want to just play on their main the means to do so.

Would this be a fair compromise? You get to plan your spec around the activities youre doing. You switch out. Do some renown grinding youd need to be doing anyway (to access higher tiers of progress), you run the first ten levels of Torghast, which youd be doing anyway for your legendary), and then youre in the spec you’d want to be in to progress your character however you want.

Would this work?

As much as I think power being tied to a story/aesthetic choice is idiotic and should be changed before launch if at all possible …

It’s frankly going to be rare to be kicked because of your choice.

To put it simply, people are too lazy to look at someone else’s setup in much more detail than the ilvl it lists on their application. Unless Blizzard adds their covenant choice (and class ability, tbh) to the application pane, most people won’t look.

People don’t look at Essences now.
People don’t look at Corruptions now.

They might notice partway through, but at that point it is too late. Either the Mythic+ is started and kicking is counterproductive, or it’s a Raid and the player has already proved they’re worth keeping (or not – which is grounds for kicking regardless of the choice they made)

When I was playing 8.3, I think I had -1- person point out anyone’s Essences (and nothing came of it) and 0 people point out Corruptions unless it was a case of “they have way too much and are dying to it”.

Covenants will be the same, even if the impact is significant, like Essences and Corruptions are.


I actually made a thread yesterday with a decent compromise I think is good. Essentially you can pick around and choose if you want, but the ones who want to stick to only one covenant also get a benefit.

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And I won’t be grouping with any players that are so bad at the game they need every possible variable in their favor to be competitive.

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Nothing is permanent. What difference does it make if it’s a borrowed power going or a talent?

Used to use World of Wargraphs, but they don’t really update anymore. But as ‘top raiders’ keep faction transferring from one side to another, many of them drop. Guilds get disbanded.

Even the world firsts get less and less entertaining. But again, watching Pleach blubber and cry, priceless.

I’ll pick the one I like. I don’t care about being bleeding edge. I’m sure there are plenty of competent like-minded people who will do the same.

Go ahead. Burn yourself out and be unhappy.


Yeah, but they’re like… bigger nerds.

I personally have no issues with covenants being like classes and races and being more difficult to change. In the end some people will be excluded from content but that is purely the choice of the people promoting the exclusion and not the system itself.

People who exclude others will take longer to form their groups but will probably spend less time in the content. Where as those who take anyone will take less time to form but time taken and completion percentage will suffer.

Between Ilvl, spec, class, race, covenant, soulbind, talents, legendary choice if you want to exclude someone I am sure you can do so.

I personally only started playing in December and honestly the game does not seem too hard (already completed all heroic bosses and 4/12 mythic). In the end success at the higher level raids will be more about getting a team that does not stand in the bad than the actual choices that player has made prior to the raid.

I think more mythic skip groups will use night fae shadowmeld than venthyr teleport as 35 yards is so much less skip distance than the shadowmeld will give you.

I do not see the point though of trying to sway people to your point of view with threads like this as everyone has already made up their mind on how they want to play.

Modern gaming culture tends to promote optimising the fun out of gaming, which creates the divide between people who just want to have fun and the people who want to win because to them winning is fun.

Winning being your only method of enjoying yourself does however make gaming a more stressful experience, as people making mistakes cause you to fail and can cause additional frustration in a game which is meant to be some light enjoyment after a day at work.


no i dont…im the group leader after all

Yep get a guild, so they can decline you too.

Go up and read how necro nova did 45% of the healing for the priest.

the difference between the right covenant and the wrong one, is having fully corrupted gear.

Guilds wont take you either. GL.

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Read up, 45% of the Priests healing was Necro Nova. Taking Venthyr was a 40% healing difference.

This is not 5 ilvl difference friends.

The people on beta are warning you, the difference between the right and wrong covenant, is MASSIVE. Listen and stop being silly.

When you roll for fotm, don’t be surprised when fotm gets hosed and you get caught in it.

Looks like another xpac I’ll be avoiding most of the endgame content. At least LFG is still a thing.

The only fotm I’ll roll is Hunter.