You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

Same way we deal with every other nerf?

Screaming and kicking at the sky?

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I would not count on them giving up on the system until 9.3. If they still do not have it in a good spot by then I would think they would just unlock covenants and let people switch (which is their last resort). That said, 9.3 will not be until between 66-75% of the expansions life so I would not count on that as the hope of Shadowlands.

I’m not dodging. I can’t have an opinion on something I haven’t played yet, and I’m not taking ones opinions as fact, especially when the entire system is still incomplete and not fully implemented.

I don’t mean giving up on Covenants, I mean changing the way that players access the Covenant abilities.

My guild will not decline me no matter what covenant I choose.

Yea, those precious numbers aren’t going to fondle themselves, until they’re changed, and then you cry some more. Like everyone did when they nerfed Corruptions, because people be too deep in the number stroking to realize it was getting nerfed.

No, one means all and one means majority.

We only have what Ion has said so far to go on but the way he worded it in that interview was they would unlock abilities as a last resort. They are very bad at giving up and everyone knows 9.3 would be the patch they ‘give up’ in if they still struggle.

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If you can’t have an opinion why are you arguing with players that do have one?

It actually is now, as far as player powers are concerned (which is what matters), everything is there and ready to use at its full potential.


To be honest, if people decline me for “being in a wrong covenant”.

9 times out of 10. They’ll find some other excuse to decline me. You don’t really want to waste your time with those soulless husk of a people anyway.

So I am aware OP. I will be declined for ridiculous excuses. I’ve gotten used to it with RIO in M+ which is the reason why I don’t really group up with strangers to begin with.

Make friends first, THEN make a group, guild, whatever.


Op I’ve been kicked because of my race, of course I’ll be kicked for my covenant.

The amount of hate and despise from players like these two is quite disheartening to read.

Making a fool of myself for expecting to have a conversation in 2020! :laughing:

Lazy player who doesn’t raid mythic talking about mythic raiders. More news at 9.

Keep getting the same 0/12 LFR casuals responding too it’s great.

“You will be get declined.”

That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.
Guild groups.

Covenants as a whole won’t change, because they just can’t. What we are advocating for is changing the player powers, untying them from the decision or making them more accessible or whatever.

Now those powers, which is where we actually want to see changes, have seen several iterations already. So why are you so dedicated in trying to making other’s opinions not matter? This is a really bad mindset. I think any opinion that shows no intent in making the experience worse for players does matter.

Proving my point. Moving on…

I disagree. As long as there is content that requires well-formed groups for completion, people will have no choice but to optimize.

If they really wanted to make the meta less impactful on the largest number of players as possible, there would be less emphasis on player-formed groups and more content for casuals that doesn’t require them to join groups that are pushing hard content, ie, groups formed by LFD and LFR-type systems as opposed to LFG.

I do see this as some sort of social engineering attempt on their part, though. Like all social engineering attempts, it will fail. You can’t change people.

For someone who spends so much time in our threads you sure missed the point on a lot of them hey?

Hey it’s me, the lazy mythic raider who wants everything the easiest possible way posting on my second shaman!

Hey it’s me, the lazy mythic raider who wants everything the easiest possible way posting on my third shaman!

Thanks Blizzard for making such a great system!