You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

Oh, and on the subject of priests - it’s actually even rougher for them because priests complete lack of mobility really gives some value to Venthyr. Venthyr brings Mindgames, which really doesn’t feel great. Meanwhile Unholy Nova is absolutely outstanding for Disc, Boon of the Ascended is strong for the healing specs, and Fae Blessings might end up being a utility powerhouse (even if it feels bad to just sit around giving utility to other people).

This is an unacceptable state of balance regardless of what you’re fine with honestly

Being straight up 30-40% better only off of one spell you locked yourself into than someone who made a different choice is simply not ok

It should be anywhere between 1-5%, which would still be a big issue, but not completely out of line like it currently is


Btw why can all the covenants lend us their powers when we level but not when we want to do end game content? Cant be that mad at each other

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Same as when min/maxers go hysterical about their precious numbers and being completely unable to handle a single choice.

MuH NumBeR FonDLeS.

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Not liking the system =/= not being able to handle it. We’ll still min/max it and you still won’t get into our groups.


Have you played on Beta?

It does not feel meaningful at all honestly

You just pick a faction, and then go on with your day doing end game stuff. That’s it.

Then you do some group content and either you’re absurdly stronger or absurdly weaker than the players of the same spec/class as you who made different choices.

There is currently 0 way of knowing who is a part of what covenant until they cast their signature spells, which are quite underused so far, so the identity part of it is very very lackluster.


I can’t get into your groups anyway, go pound sand about your Covenant.

I will. Just as a huge number of casuals will. And many people in between will too. Don’t delude yourself into thinking this is just a min/maxer thing, and don’t delude youself into thinking the restrictions won’t get changed exactly like they got changed for Legendaries, Azerite, Essences, and Corruptions.

Now, let me go find some sand.


And don’t delude yourself thinking that you’ll suddenly become less biased now that one thing changed. And don’t delude yourself into thinking that just because of some sham poll by Asmongold instantly means that all casuals think like you do.

Never said it would, but it WOULD increase the player pool I get to pick from if there is a big delta between the covenants for each clasa

If there isn’t, great!

That’s why I said

Never used “all.”

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Really? Semantics? Are you going to say the huge doesn’t mean a majority now?

Not sure what your first language is but there’s a pretty significant difference between huge and all.

Example: all players support opening up covenants vs huge amount of players are for it. See how in one example I didn’t point out there are people like you who want to keep them locked to do pet battling or whatever.

How on earth is that a semantic?

Majority doesn’t mean “all” either and I didn’t say majority

You said I said all. I said huge amount.

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no dodge bro


Yeah I push my one covenant ability every 45s sometimes SOOOOOO IMMERSED SOOO MEANINGFUL

Of course she hasn’t played beta, she hasn’t even played retail bfa. She spends a huge amount of her time on the forums discussing things outside her pay grade.

Both are indicative of a majority. I would spell this out in numbers, since that’s the only thing you can understand, but I’d just be wasting time.

And what do those people do after 9.1 or some other random nerf that Blizzard decides to apply? It is not IF but WHEN the ‘best’ choice is turned into the ‘worst’ choice via a patch or nerf.

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People (not just Mythic raiders) will complain a lot, which will probably cause a backlash and force Blizzard to alter this system and make it more accessible to players.

That’s my prediction, anyway.