You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

Is it funny to anyone else that the OP plays a shaman. A class that “no one wants” in a group anyway?

Nah, everyone thinks that their 24th thread on the topic will surely be the one that tips the scales where the 50923 other threads could not!


The great lie is that these hardcore people like the op would have ever accepted you in the first place. They will always find a way to exclude us peasants, whether through gear score, raider io, covenants or whatever else. Don’t fall for this line that the only thing keeping you from being included with them is letting them switch covenants at will. They are only saying it to serve themselves, not you.


Months later, and you’re still crying about this…


So 20s are casual content, because I’ve been pugging into them all season…

I mean, unless you come up with a completely stupid build, any combination of covenant and talents that have synergy will bring strengths and weakness that your group can work with.


Mythic Nzoth Stats:

Sub rogue logs: 27 (Average DPS: 73k)
Survival Hunter: 34 (Average DPS: 81k)
Arcane Mage: 52 (Average DPS: 79k)

Outlaw Rogue: 1647 (Average DPS: 82k)
Assassination Rogue: 1752(Average DPS: 75k)
BM Hunter: 7746 (Average DPS: 93k)
Fire Mage: 8343 (Average DPS: 95k)

If you think 20% is a reasonable number I just don’t know what to say, I’m speecless.


Oh, sweet innocent soul… You really don’t know do you…


What covenant are the players going to choose who do serious end game stuffs ??

Post that 1 more time, it feels good to finally be fotm…


Oh great, another doomsaying thread about this. Not like we’re oversaturated or anything.

I mean, keystones take 0 skill. Its the same scripted content but with higher numbers. You will always need higher dps to a point where its all that matters. But bear in mind, you are the one asking for it. Rewards cap at 15 for a reason.

Yea, you can do 20s after playing for like a month tops?

I sincerely hope covenants bring more than a 20% dps difference between different activites in the game. Thats what is required for this system to actually work.

I fear it wont happen tho, they will cater to people like you and its gonna be a mess.

People who will do so are likely people who do not have an appropriate grasp on their own class and spec anyway, so not something anyone should be concerned with.
Play to the best of your ability and you will succeed.

Do your best to make friends along the way, and you will do even better.

If you are unsure, try doing some content with zero corruption on now.
See how many people decline you, and keep a mental log of their reactions.
Then make your own group and see how many people comment.

It might be more than I think, but I would be curious to see.
Realistically, that power difference would be HUGELY higher than anything that might exist between two covenants, so you can run this experiment ahead of time to prepare your self.


Don’t assume your one +15 per week experience is how it is for the entire playerbase, it’s quite rude and silly.

When discussing these issues you need to open your mind to the fact that this game has a big variety of players who tackle all kinds of content at different levels.


Exactly! Which is why min/maxing is something that only concerns the top minority. And well, to put it simple, if you wanna be in that top minority you gonna have to grind ALOT, because that is NOT the objective of a RPG.

Its like playing a FPS like Counter Strike but only using the knife. The game was made thinking you’d use guns too, if you don’t want to, you will have a harder time performing well. You cant blame the devs for YOUR choice.

What isn’t the objective of an RPG? Grinding? Getting better at the game?

I hate to be that guy, your highest timed key is a 16.

My alt shaman timed a 18 two weeks after hitting 120.

Blizzard has provided higher keys for people to push their character. They give us the option to do it and people will do it. Nobody is asking for it.

I don’t do m+ more than a weekly key and the people who do very high keys are exceptionally skilled.


Building your character. Exploring, engaging content, having agency over your choices.

Of course my best timed was a 16, and I wished it was a 15. There is 0 reason to run anything above that if you are a healthy person.


Peoples content roof can be LFR or a +10 and still be allowed to min/max, they want to be the best version of themselves.

If casuals didn’t want this Icyveins and wowhead would be out of business.

Ok we’re done here, you’re just an angry troll.


I mean, its not being taken away from them, lol. If you wanna min max and still perform worse than a guy that created a fun and unique build with the non optimal covenant, you are free to do so.

It doesn’t only concern the top minority. Once again being silly and shows despise against the true category of players that cares about min/maxing: anyone that cares about making their characters as strong as it can be.

It seems you do not understand how Covenants work, as you are locked into one, with the swap mechanic being designed to be a one time thing as long as it’s toward a new covenant, where going back to a previous one might take a month or more.

We sure can. They built this hill for bad arbitrary reasons, and are willing to die on it for even worse reasons. This choice is a thing purely because of their awful, theoritical idealistic reasoning, when games should be developed with a more pragmatic approach that takes how the players play the game into account.