Not as bad as the high elf spammed and this is actually an important topic.
You haven’t played this season then.
Every pug doing a 10 or higher clears up to 76%ish before the first boss and then chain skips to bosses.
I have not, although isn’t that because of the new affix rather than any special skills?
The new affix opens up the ability to do more skips since you aren’t waiting on a 6 minute shroud CD.
Just like the venthir port.
Venthir port will make m+ like The Awakened affix but easier, unless someone in your group isn’t venthir.
So 1 cov has an easy mode button for M+.
It’s certainly possible it could make a difference, although that does depend - I’ve heard there’s less trash in the SL dungeons, after all.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am pretty sure the affix for this season is much more powerful in terms of distance than one 35 yard teleport.
So, it will matter MORE in SL than it does right now in BFA.
BFA is basically, throw a bunch of easy trash at players with 1 or 2 nasty pulls.
SL is basically less trash, but it’s 5-6 nasty pulls.
If you could hop past 1 or 2 of those nastier pulls in favor of some of the weaker trash for %, you could shave off a minute or two.
Take KR for example, there’s very little trash in it. However, skipping the bridge golem with purification beam is a massive time save.
That’s much more in line with how SL dungeons are designed and if you can skip the, essentially, minibosses with port and pick up % off something else? You’re going to have a much better chance to time.
Not necessarily. From what I’m seeing, the value of a skip depends on whether one of two things occurs: 1) you can substitute a hard pack for an easier one or 2) you can skip trash entirely.
Right now, we can (and need to) use skips to avoid a bunch of trash entirely, but in Shadowlands it sounds like it won’t be the case, so that removes 2.
Not to say that 1 can’t make a big difference by itself, especially if you go high up, but that also depends on context. What if Kyrians for example can cheese one of the hard pulls through their special mechanic?
I’m not saying you’re definitely wrong on the value of a skip, but outside of situations like BFA dungeons where you have to skip to avoid over pulling, it’s not as simple as ‘skip equals broken’.
We’ll see.
I will say this much, as someone who does M+ with friends, I feel like I am forced to pick venthir right now because of the sig ability and because of the soul binds.
Not because I “have to have it be competitive” but because I don’t want to ruin runs for my friends because I wanted to see different quest lines and stories.
This someone who leveled every class in swtor on both light and darkside choices. 16 level 50s.
I do not like feeling forced to pick a story based on M+.
It does the opposite
Why does everyone act like only other people can generate keys?
Like, you can run a Mythic 0.
Get a key. And then, gasp, DO THAT KEY!?
If you really like a covenant and it’s not meta only you are preventing yourself from doing content that you want to do. Especially when Blizzard has uniquely gifted you with the ability to make your own key groups.
I guess people just don’t like doing things themselves. If a person is making a key group it is their right to pick and choose whoever fills whatever meta they looking for.
If it ain’t you – well it ain’t you. Go make your own.
These posts are getting ridiculous and are showing so much entitlement that it is actually disgusting after a while.
If you play with my toy you play with my rules. If I play with your toy I play with your rules even if I don’t like or agree with them.
I do not think he is really trying to get rid of the meta. I think he just wants there to be less importance on following it to a tee. If he wanted to get rid of the meta it would not be hard, first you remove the armory and second you lock down the api so no add-ons work (basically damage would be 100% hidden). Can’t exactly have a meta if you can not figure out where what falls.
Basically. Something Kevin Jordan refers to as “meta slaves”. The ones who just follow the very top (the actual innovators) and say “this is now the only way that works”.
Because you can switch back to your legion artifact weapon or another class and pick up where you left off without having to do some questline/ time gate.
If it worked like either of those, there wouldn’t be this issue.
People could work and earn the power they wanted, and they could swap freely without being punished and pick up right where they left off.
The problem with the restrictions is that they enforce a meta.
If anyone ever plans on doing challenging content at some point, they’ll feel forced to pick the optimal covenant rather than choosing what they like best.
If they could be freely swapped, people would feel safe deviating from the meta for fun.
Of course people will be declined because of Covenant choice. It’s clear that a percentage of the community has whipped themselves into a frenzy about this for some strange reason and I have no doubt that those people will decline players because of Covenant choice whether it makes any sense or not.
Then, having been the people doing the declining, they will come to the forums and yell at Blizzard saying “see, players are being declined because of Covenant choice!”
Personally, I’m pretty upset that other classes have talents that I think are cool. I don’t know why I’ve been locked into this “class” choice thing. I should be able to get any talent I want from any class easily. And do you know, that players are being declined invites because of class choice? Crazy huh. How long will Blizzard continue with the ridiculous “class” thing?
Directed by who? Not Blizzard. A 3rd party website that you are free to ignore?
I think there’s a villain behind the scenes of your story and it isn’t the Jailer.
So the raider IO will show covenants thread just got deleted. This one is likely next.
We are not allowed to talk about Covenants it would seem.
How can I give this more than one like?
So your comparing the option to CHOOSE which ever corruption you want or don’t want, NOT being LOCKED into one choice vs being locked into one choice the whole expansion ?
Not only that players can mix and match corruption. Currently i have 4 different set of corruption gear. One for all haste , all crit , a mixture of haste/crit and finally Twisted Appendage.
Never, of course. Have you met this playerbase? It’s always someone else’s fault. Ion makes a great target.
Not if they make the force requirements a non-joke. If every pack you skip you have to go out of your way to pull a different pack, then the difference will be small in most key levels, almost certainly not worth waiting for a venthyr tank and venthyr healer. And that’s assuming the stone-holder is venthyr themselves, pretty obvious not everyone will be, even if the most hardcore M+ focused people are. A non-venthyr would have no reason to prefer venthyr for the other group members (unlike a class or spec based meta).
It might be an issue at the MDI, like shadowmeld was in some seasons. But you didn’t see “LF2M NE ONLY” in most group descriptions. The Horde had no access to shadowmeld whatsoever and they still managed to succeed at plenty of M+ runs.
I don’t think you understood his argument then. People do get declined for being a disliked class. But that doesn’t make it a wrong class – because you can get CE, KSM, or whatever milestone you care to name in any class. You just have to find (or create) less prejudiced groups. The system isn’t the one creating wrong choices.
If that holds just as true for covenants – that you can achieve any progression milestone in any covenant – then what difference does it make if some people exclude covenant X arbitrarily from content that in fact covenant X can complete if they know their spec and the fight? And what sense does it make to blame Blizzard for that situation if it does happen?