People get declined for all sorts of reasons that have more to do with personal prejudice than practicality. If you want people to never get declined by anyone for anything other than their own ability then you’re going to need a game with 1 class, 1 race, and no other options.
So yes, some people will decline people based on covenants. Some people will continue to decline people based on:
raider io score
and a myriad of other reasons.
Players have the tools to do content and enjoy the game despite any of this currently and they will continue to do just that when covenants are added to the list.
Ironically I’m of the latter variety, but I want an uncoupling of in-game advantages. I don’t want my performance to be tied to my choice in Avatar expression.
That said, I’d love for Blizzard to create systems that foster community to off-set the reasonable need for systems that provide a queuing service. However, they seem content at the moment to hold their head in their hands and cry “we don’t want a harsh community” while doing everything they can to encourage others to remain isolated.
Imagine a game where the systems designers take the fluff mini games for each content and allow those covenant members to invite others to join them there, and in their sanctum? But no, let us moan about the lack of community while designing hubs that they intend for you to be invested in, but are solo by design.
That’s the reality of every game and nerd fandom. A bunch of non-fans come in and normie the place up with their competitiveness and generally unintelligent behavior that “misses the point.”
The best solution is to laugh at them for their inability to get it and then have fun.
That incendiary wording didn’t speak highly of him to me. I do agree, however, especially on less stringent content, the drive to enforce a meta is horribly misguided.
What I’d like to see is Blizzard launching a player informational channel that discusses this, and for high-end streamers/guilds to do a “worst comp run ever” that is linked to by Blizzard. Nothing like actual proof that, yes, yes you, can bring a Monk to a 10 key. Go wild and bring an SPriest while you’re at it. It’s fine. You may need to make some adjustments, and that sparks a conversation that educates as well.
It’s not enough for Mr. Hazzikostas to say “the margins at that level of content are generous enough that it doesn’t matter”. People need to see it, talk about it, and understand why in a way that goes beyond numbers.
Honestly I want the whole system to fail, as this raiderio obsession needs to be end. The nerds saying you cannot get rid of it are lying. Most of the game had no raiderio and we all did just fine.
I hope covenants stay as is, and I hope it exposes the trash elitism that has crept into this game. and I hope it kills it and causes all those crybabies to go play DOTA where they belong.
Yup, I hope they punish players for picking a covenant, that is what the community does best. Gate keep players. It will show Blizzard that this community has a big problem that they need to fix. and no that it is not covenants getting nerf. It is group finder.
I don’t even care. As a casual, no one is going to kick out of a PUG cuz I picked the “wrong” endgame covenant.
Plus, hardcore types will have already pre-researched this in advance,
and will have their min-maxing plans ready to initiate the moment they hit SL, so no biggie
My dude, the onle problem is that a right choice now can receive a nerf hammer and become poor, but once you’re tied with it you’ll have to accept your fate.
I don’t give a crap what the meta is, I’m picking what I think looks cool. Any nerd that declines me can kiss my behind. I probably wouldn’t want to play with you anyways.
I disagree. The meta will be constantly changing since there is no doubt in anyones mind that these covenant abilities will be tweaked over and over patch after patch. What was the best will now not be the best. This is IMO their attempt at attacking the meta and forcing people to start accepting that optimal is not a requirement and can not be pursued in all forms of content.
I really wonder. If I take Necrolord Warrior and then they butcher Necrolord Warrior it becomes substantially weaker than the other Covenants for my Fury spec, would I then start all over again with another Covenant? That seems like a really bad gameplay loop that people will have serious complaints about. Losing weeks of progress because of a patch change is not fun.