This. Soooooooo much this.
This prince in my email will definitely send me the millions this time!
But seriously, the point of giving the feedback is so that they might not do it again. Blizz can change the history by starting to put out things that aren’t broken. It’s not about being pessimistic, it’s about trying to make it better.
Yes. I am planning to be a raider come SL along with arena.
As for removing other’s choices that is the thing I am arguing against. The meta enforcers want their way or you don’t get to play end game content. To them it doesn’t matter if it is still a viable choice. If it isn’t the optimal choice you are barred.
You don’t have to listen to them.
and I don’t plan to. However there is no denying they do control a large amount of pug groups and guilds.
It will make it difficult for people to join some groups during certain times of the day. People can always make their own and I plan to do just that however many don’t want to lead a group.
If they’re a minority in the community, then people just ignoring them solves that problem while actually preserving more choices.
Sorry gang, some of you guys tried to mass flag my post but Blizzard saw it okay to be restored.
Uh oh !
Even if Blizzard bent the knee, the ‘elite’ number crunchers would just find something else to tribalize.
Seriously, why are you beating the drum so hard when you’re just going to be as prejudiced as if Covenant abilities didn’t even exist?
This post is false. Everyone will do absolutely fine in mythics and raids regardless of their covenant. Please do not rally behind OPs unsubstantiated crying.
It’s just really bizarre that Elitists would suddenly change in personality if the abilities were talented and they wouldn’t be biased anymore.
Classes would still get rejected for ‘X’ reason. That’s how ‘Top Players’ operate.
If a boss is not dying in a pug and the raid wipes multiple times the raid leader will make a decision of which people to kick. If the de facto worst covenant is pulling less damage than all others it doesn’t matter what you think.
Whoever is lower in the numbers will be the first to get kicked. And arguing “but my covenant is not X is the only reason I am 10% less effective than others” will not help. That person will still get kicked.
On occasion I do, if my friends aren’t around and I need to knock something out before reset.
Is this just the one covenant then? If so, easy choice! No need to open things up. Just pick that one. Its a no-brainer. Everyone should roll it if you want to play the ladder game. Everyone IS going to roll it. Sorry about the other three covenants, but at least RPrs and uber casuals can mark themselves out.
Orrrr… and much more likely, is this across the entire range of options. That means… your class spec and covenant and soulbind may in fact have a 5% modifier (woohoo! rogue!), then a 5% debuff (youre playing sin versus outlaw?), then a 5% modifier (you picked the only covenant choice that you functionally can (maldraxxus), then a 5% debuff (but maybe those soulbinds arent quite as useful as the kyrian ones… ruhroh).
And what about those legendaries on top of that? And what about your skill level as a player shuffling and maintaining all your dots whilst maximising your burst windows using the tools available to you… i mean… as preach, (everyones new lord and savior) once said… that teleport… ‘if you arent going venthyr im going to assume youre trolling…[and] its so hard to put a numerical value on a utility power like that.’
So, things are not just a list of benefits. Well i mean, they could be… but there’s going to be (and by design) things you dont have and cant access that would create precisely that 40% differential (optimum everything). And thats why players will end up straightjacketed into this if its a massive free for all. There’s no way around it. You have 40% power differential available to you with all these systems… and youre not taking it? Why on earth should anyone at any level with control over their groups demand anything less than that loadout?
It’s 4 kind of crappy and/or boring abilities that separates the Covenants. It’s not game breaking at all.
If they’re going to untie powers to covenants let’s just get rid of the powers all together. That way it’s only a flavor choice and there’s no worrying about balance. If I’m going to pledge myself in the afterlife to the kyrian but slip a vampy boi a 20 so I can use his mirror in an m+ that’s just cringy.
I think people being rejected based on cov choice is being a bit exaggerated.
What’s more concerning is that people think hard to switch covs will somehow make their DPS more likely to be invited because they won’t have to switch.
The reality is that DPS will always be facing an uphill battle when pugging.
We've also integrated your Covenant choice into some of our dungeon experiences. There's actually elements of dungeons that only you can interact with as part of a specific Covenant.
This honestly just goes back to being a community problem, not a bad design philosophy problem. These abilities likely aren’t as bad as so many seem to think they are without even having access to testing them. If someone is going to decline me that is fine, but that is a community created issue and isn’t really my problem if someone will not invite me over my choice of play.
I’m personally not sure how much declining will happen because of covenants. But I am 100% sure if you have a wipe the first thing pugs will look at is your covenant and if you don’t have the meta you will be first kicked.
The failure you have is to think that they can actually balance around the benefits and negatives to allow for players to have equitable gain or loss to specific styles of play or differing choices.
They have not and cannot balance talents around benefits and negatives much less azerite. It’s idiotic to think that somehow covenants, soulbinds, and conduits would be any different.
Either you open it up to where players can easily choose the best options, or you screw over a bunch of people. People who are going to be very upset that their covenant choices only help them on 1 fight and are only actually marginally better than the better choice on that fight.