You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

It’s more like 5-10%, and when you get a boss wipe at that % or can’t get through a phase it does feel really bad. Especially if you know that with a slightly different group setup you’d have it.

Also, I said

People know they’re not the best. I’m not, you certainly aren’t, and most other people aren’t either. They also generally have an idea of what’s missing to make up for their average skills, and when that thing isn’t “get more gear” it does suck.

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You don’t understand that making covenants difficult to change frees people up to choose what they like, and not feel pressured to go a certain way.

I understand how to say no to peer pressure, so it’s not a problem.

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Feelings do matter though. It’s not just a mathematical equation of how impactful it actually is. What matters is how does it feel?

For me, it won’t bother me much since I just look and see how there’s always been things that effect throughput out of our control.

But for many the idea of being stuck in the wrong one feels very bad.


You do know that it won’t be the so called elites of the .01% that will be rejecting people based on covenants . Those people have their set m+ and mythic raid groups.

The rejection is going to come from casuals rejecting other casual because they feel a wrong choice is a waste of there time.


If you enjoy swapping gear every pull you’re probably the problem.

All kinds of people play this game. Old people, young people, strong people, weak people, disabled people. Blizzard has to craft their game for the masses. Some people do feel pressured to read a guide and follow it step by step.

Now that I think won’t happen because what truly matters is dps and covenant abilities are only a small part of that. Gear and definitely spec matter more.

You’re not taking a fresh 60 with the best covenant over someone in full normal mode raid gear with the worst if the damage difference from the covenant ability is 5%

I hope you are right. If we get 30-45% differences across covenants (VERY UNLIKELY JUDGING BY THE CURRENT NUMBERS) then this xpac will be in the right direction.

I’m convinced you are trolling by now.,…

Blizzard wants them to be balanced, it’s just no one expects them to be able to do it, or tweak things so they are balanced.


Already addressed this. But you refuse to read I guess.

And if it worked with free swapping all of those people would be able to do whatever they want, from swapping every pull to staying the whole expansion and everything in between. That’s as accessable as they could make it.

That’s a choice they make then. Have a little accountability and play the way you want to without taking away from others options.

For me, my guilds not going to care about covenants, so it’s not a thing. But I’m able to also want the extreme folks to have their fun too. In no way does that impact me unless I let it.


It will all factor in . The point is people are going the small .01% of highend players are going to be the ones rejecting players is not true .

Like I said those people have their set groups and usually don’t deviate.

The rejections are going to come from random casual pug groups.

So apparently certain factions will activate special things in their specific dungeons so the bad covenants will get at least 1 or 2 dungeons that they’re actually okay in.

That is why I gave the example of normal mode raider vs fresh 60.

If the best covenant ability is worth 10% of your dps and worst is worth 5%, it is a big difference but it’s not going to be enough to outweigh IO score and most certainly not spec which will have a far greater impact on your damage than covenant abilities.

It’s not any different from having the best Azerite gear, corruption, or trinkets on live in practice.

My my, you’re a charming one, so why are you not posting on your main?

All your points are valid, but you fail to recognize that not all guilds are like yours. People are definitely told how to play, or focus exclusively in the DM or their parses. Blizzard says they want to get away from that. I try to do as much dps as I possibly can, but I can also accept that my AoE may get a boost, while another guys ST gets a little boost. I also salute pvpers who can take the best abilities, and use them to match up with higher geared raiders who won’t have those abilities.

What Blizzard wants with this system is specialization. Someone better at aoe and someone better at ST.

Many people don’t like that though since it’s out of their control and always will be.

No I don’t. In fact I explicitly state that I want the guilds that aren’t like mine to be able to have their fun too.

A choice they make to stay where they’re told to do something they don’t want to. That’s on them to decide. If they choose to stay in a bad situation the rest of the playerbase shouldn’t be punished for their poor choices.


Are you being asked to swap talents and other swappable things nowadays?

  1. Blizzard will get them balanced within 10%. That’s good enough.

I really hope so. I’ll pick whatever I want anyways, but I hope they’re all within 10%. I really do.

  1. Blizzard will make it so that the covenant that’s best for one dungeon will be sub-optimal for another. The covenant that’s optimal for one boss will not be for the next. The covenant that works great this raid tier will not be so great in the next.

I understand why people might find this concept unappealing or bad, but frankly I disagree with them on that. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to make a choice and have it be better for certain things, and pretty much useless for others. Each person essentially chooses their strengths and weaknesses when they pick their Covenant, and I’m all for that. I’ll be bummed for a bit if they open up Covenants, but either way I think I’ll overall like the system. That’s just me though.

If you want to lock yourself out of 75% of the content and players just to be edgy, then knock yourself out. At least the jerks will be outing themselves now.

I hate this narrative of “If you want to pick players and classes that are better for the content you’re doing, you’re a jerk.” I find it just as obnoxious as everyone constantly making new threads about why they still want a separate High Elf allied race. Face it, people will pick whoever they want to pick, for whatever reasons they might have. If someone who created a PUG group for a raid wanted people who would provide the most optimal setup for the run, they should be allowed to do that without getting called a jerk for it. It sucks getting declined from groups, sure, but you really just need to suck it up and keep going until you find one. Or join a guild that won’t care what you play and you’ll always have a good chance at joining groups.

If your guild is working progression on a boss that you’re the worst covenant for, and wiping by a few %. The right thing to do as a teammate would be to sub out for someone with a better choice for the encounter. That feels pretty bad.

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