Ion just said you will not be able to switch your covenant without weeks of grinding.
I will welcome all covenants and specs/playstyles into my groups, if I even get into Shadowlands that is, I am not sure how much time I am going to invest into it and find a nice laid back guild again. Final Fantasy XIV is far superior right now, I guess I will see if the expansion is worth it even though I already bought it when it releases. Until then I will be playing my white mage/red mage.
What if you go back to your old covenant? Will any prior grinding be retained?
Pathfinder has not bled Subs. Subs were high in Legion.
I like Pathfinder, so we will not agree there, a large part of the community wants flying removed completely. Kind of a different thing.
Well I take that back, I dont really like Pathfinder, rather I wish they would have stuck to the OG guns of removing flying completely.
So you never pug?
And his crusade to remove flying in the first place tanked WOD subs.
Not at all, Flying has been requested to be removed by a large portion of the community since its inception. Flying has been a terrible addition to this game from the start.
WODs issues, had nothing to do with Flying. Again as evidenced by Legion, where Pathfinder worked very well, as everyone got their cake. the non flying crowd got their no Flying for half the Expac and a Zone with No flying for the rest of it.
PF and a no fly zone which BFA lacks is the perfect compromise.
In the SLs, I would be fine with Pathfinder removed as long as there is NO Flying in the Maw.
Another option to solve the issue for most, would be to increase the Warmode Bonuses and disable flying in Warmode, that would fix my gripe with flying. Give people the choice.
You do know that being casual does not preclude one from wanting to push themself from wanting to be better and pushing ones self to wanting to maximize their game play potential . I’m a random battle ground LfR hero and I push myself to have the best abilities and gear I can get. I have fun doing it.
Thing is people that want to keep things like covenant class abilities locked want to control how others play the game then those that want to unlock them .
Locked group nope you have to stick with your pick and deal with it.
Unlocked group hey have fun experiment and see what class ability works best with your chosen covenant. Maybe the venthyr class ability works cool with let’s say you pick Kyrian and it’s soul binds.
What they don’t get is this so called mythical 1% are already organized groups and it is going to be other casuals rejecting other casuals.
Ion’s commentary on this in the discussion with Preach was hilarious, it made no sense at all.
“People get denied because they have choices that they can make but don’t, which makes them get perceived as being bad at the game. But if we make the choices permanent, they won’t get denied on that grounds because people won’t view them as bad anymore”.
Uh, no. If the covenants are unbalanced (which is a near sure-bet in the context recent expansions), and you pick one that makes you perform measurably worse, you will absolutely get denied based on that decision by people who are judging you based only on the information that they have available to them.
In every case where an unchangeable facet of a character has been impactful enough to affect their performance, that facet has acted as a vector of filtering all the same. It happened with legiondaries, and it happens all the time with classes and their variable strengths.
Advantage is advantage. Choosing to go without an advantage you have access to means you put your enjoyment of the game above other people’s time.
It is an absolutely terrible system for anyone who doesn’t focus heavily on a singular aspect of their character, and it will absolutely be used to filter people based on the choice. If you think otherwise you simply haven’t played enough WoW outside of a guild that doesn’t care about performance.
Why does it feel like the ones who use the term try hards are the ones that never lost at anything and used that lost to improve themselves.
Try hards is sounds like something a I got a participation trophy because I was jut there generation would say.
No it won’t and you will have to start over .
This is why people want things like the class abilities untied from covenants.
reporting the troll post, because it is. Nothing you said was even remotely true.
Like it’s been since pugs existed? … combating pug behavior will never end with the intended result. Sure his comment was not correct but groups didn’t filter others for their azerite traits, essences, corruptions… and they won’t with covenants… except the real elitists which if that’s the case… that’s not a group I’d want to join.
All 3 absolutely were and are used to filter players all the time. The information wasn’t easily accessible or well understood early on in azerite armor, where you were unlikely to know the BIS traits for other classes early on without spending time on blood mallet and garnering the information about all applicants gear was convoluted, but even then many groups knew what to look for for many classes that made a huge impact to performance.
Essences and corruptions were and are definitely used all the time to filter players. First and foremost indirectly, because people without top tier essences or corruptions won’t have the same io as those that don’t, on average, but also directly as well once it became “common knowledge” which ones perform well compared to others.
Furthermore, since essences are “earn and forget” abilities, very few people queueing for content didn’t already have all the essences in question early on anyway.
No such thing is wrong here only people reaching instead here.
For higher end, perhaps, I’ve yet to see people of groups set a filter-requirement on azerites, essences, corruptions etc…
The pug world is a selfish one, and they set what they set to get things done. So ultimately like I said, t here will be groups that look at the covenant but it’s always going to be something.
Blizz changes A, people of groups will use B to screen
Rinse and repeat.
There is no changing human nature.
Which covenants will be denied at the moment? I want some examples, not just paranoid speculation.
Uh no there I have to disagree with you the portion asking to remove flying is about the same size as the portion that wants covenants locked. Most people really like flying the ones who hate it are a minority.