You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

Did you not finish your thought? That changes nothing, not all mythic+ dungeons are the same. The Hypocritical nature of the reply and pure hubriss, is the the assumption that they are going to in the position to decline bad covenants when their covenant will most certainly not be the “good” covenant.

No, it’s an issue for everyone that plays more than one role or type of content with any regularity.


Right. You don’t want any variation in wow. You want everyone to be exactly the same and if they don’t do what you want then you won’t play with them. I get it. It’s just that most people don’t care how others play and it’s not really an issue outside of competitive play. Competitive play which happens on a tournament realm has everything opened up. That’s what you want a game where only warriors can tank, only monks can heal, and only hunters and dk are allowed to dps.

There needs to be variety and covenants gives us that variety. If you don’t want variety then go play on the tournament realm where everything is min maxed to the extreme and only a few people get to participate.


He talks like that because he is in a difficult position to not turn a discussion into a tantrum filled argument. He doesn’t have just his reputation to worry about, but a whole damn company. You would have no idea what it’s like to have every word you said extremely scrutinized, analyzed and twisted to suit a narrative.

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Which has no impact on your choices. You can play with people of similar interests. Meanwhile your preference removes the ability for people who want to play the way they find fun to do so.

I will never be declined for my choice of covenant, mainly because I don’t play with tryhard a-holes.

People have the option To min max on the tournament realm where they can switch everything on a whim. Everything is handed to you, you don’t have to work for anything. You just go buy whatever you want from a vendor. That sounds like what people here want.

ofc you will.
just like ppl get declined due to their IO all the time.

goes without saying.

*there’ll always be a few hipsters that wont mind tho.

Except that it’s not at all, but you don’t seem to want to listen to what people actually are saying.

Yada yada yada, you lost me with stupid comment #1.

So lets give you an Example, I am mainly a PVP player. I have a Demon Hunter, your posting on a Demon Hunter.

I take XXX Covenant, it does 10% less damage than YYY Covenant, We are both with in 5 ilvls, and very similar gear. We are of equal skill, more or less, and Experience. We get in a mirror match 2s and kill each others healers, and its 1v1.

You win. 100% of the time, you WIN. With 10% more damage and the same skill, there is NO Way you will not win, its mathematically impossible.

Now you think I am on my other toon, and you want to do Arena with me on your DH with the wrong covenant I am going to take you? When I already know full well you lose to your better mirror? No I am going to take your better.

Its not rocket science here bud.


Well said. It will most likely be the "try hards that bring this game down to it’s knees.

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You don’t even have to think. Just roll whatever class and spec that Preach rolls and do whatever he does. lol

That’s a pretty narrow argument that x does more damage so y is automatically a nerf. That’s not the case y will have its own usefulness and trade off.

Sometimes I feel like I’m playing a completely different game than some of these people. I have never had anyone decline me for anything because of my choice of corruptions or azerite traits or essences. lol.

To be honest, I don’t even pay attention to what corruptions or traits I have, and I do quite well for myself. More often than not, I tend to out-dps many of these people that keep a page open to Icy Veins so they can have everything ‘optimized’.

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Actually I know alot more than you think, and have a psych background.

I have stated the reality, you can mental gymnastics all you want but the truth stands. The easiest to see, is in all of WOW there has never been a discussion like that. The writing is on the wall, that is a PR move from a Dev that is afraid. He is trying to make a case and rationalize a bad move, the very nature of the interview spews fear. Preach is not going to Argue with him, as he is a professional, that was never going to happen.

If you watch other interviews, and the way Ion speaks, with confidence and strong tone. In that one he did not, you can tell by the way he says things and the tone of his voice his confidence was low in that debate.

That’s not how pvp is won. 10% dmg is nothing, compared to utility, CC breaks and stuns. If you really pvp’ed you would know this. If you looked at the soul binds, you would know that they offer that difference. Not %10 static increase in your winning chance.

Like you said, other interviews aren’t a discussion like this one. Of course it spews fear, like I said… he has a whole company that he has to be the face for in a discussion. You too would be sweating balls if you had to have a debate under those circumstances.
If you’re such a psych guy, then you would have noticed at the end of Ion’s stream he was emotional and off. It’s easy to see that he is going through a difficult time that we don’t know anything about. You make a lot of assumptions.

For 1, it was a VERY rough, example to get the point across.

For 2, I didn’t factor in Covenant Util, which as you mention breaks stuff even more. I didnt do that, as it was a very rough example.

For 3, I stated a couple of times, MIRROR MATCH, Same Skill. This assumes that both parties, will be on point with all Kicks, and Utils, and at the right times places.

If you think that 10% damage difference doesn’t matter in PVP, or increase your winning chance against a Mirrored Match, with the same Skill Level, YOU MUST NOT PVP.

Once again, this game is Math with pretty pixels, nothing more, that includes PVP. Your right though, it doesn’t increase chance by 10% it downright guarantees your win.

Again, for the final time to hammer this in. SAME SKILL LEVEL. Put 2 Bots, with the same coding vs each other, they both kick the same spells, they both stun at similar intervals, ect ect. The one with 10% damage increase, wins 100% of the time, not 10% 100%. You are bringing up, skill divides, which I stated plainly MATCHED SKILL.

If I have him, wanting to Arena, and I have Johnny DH, Johnny does 10% damage and their skill is the exact same, I will win more with Johhny always. This is why WOW PVP is not an Esport and is a joke to the competitive PVP world, MMO PVP is gear dependent and Damage DOES matter. Dota and LOL, where there is no gear, is where true Skill and Skill alone shines.

I didn’t bring up skill… at all… You’re not reading slow enough. I didn’t even talk about players being equal or kicking… I’m talking about the soul bind’s toolkits. Each soulbind is different enough that it’s not about a 10% dmg increase, it depends if the soulbind talents that you choose have utility and cc breaks vs the other opponents soulbinds. You keep thinking that even with all that scrubbed, that one covenant of the similar soulbind is going to have 10% more chance of winning than the other. THAT IS NOT THE CASE. Read the soulbinds and give me an actual reference.

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Of course he is going through a difficult time. BFA has BLED players, and this idea, which I am sure was not his is scary. If it fails and bleeds more players, his job will be on the line most likely. I would be scared to death too, Activison only cares about Subs, and Ions track record isnt doing too hot, this is likely been told to him Last Chance.