You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

That’s a tuning issue, half of which is faction-specific and race-related, not a covenant restriction issue.

Uh no lol? Night Fae has speed boost plus shadowmeld via conduits. Venth has a tp skip. Necro has a trash shield and Kyrian has a steward which literally only has use on necro weeks. These aren’t remotely balanced and they can’t be balanced because they are just too different and only two of them enable skips.

I’m talking about the night fae smeld which everyone will have access to not the racial one.

It’s situational just like racial abilities. If you want to change all the time then go play on a tournament realm. For 99% of people this is a nonissue

Again, tuning issues that are subject to change. No one is saying the current iteration is perfect. “Skip” abilities are useful for Mythics: what about all the other content out there?

What other puggable content is it that you think people would worry about getting locked out of? M+ and decent level pvp is the only content that has any difficulty in the realm of pugs it’s not like heroic is remotely hard especially after a few weeks of gear has bolstered the ilvl of the average pug. M+ though is much more likely to exclude people.


Again if they are going to exclude based on covenant choice than will exclude for any other trivial reasons. To the vast majority it’s not going to be a big deal.

Racials are very very small bonuses. So not, its not remotely in the same planet.

Again skips and character power are not trivial reasons


He apparently will never understand that.

He likely thinks RIO is a trivial Reason, because no one is being declined for Hair color or Gender.

Remember when people were like “we dont like Azerite armour”

And Blizzard were like “K”, then took them off the beta and reintroduced them back like a week before it went live with zero changes.

In Raids, Venthyr ability is even better than it is for M+.

It’s basically a free Warlock gateway. And that ability is so powerful that people quite frequently design their comps and fight strategies around it (hi G’huun!).

I understand that you are worried that if you don’t have the absolute best that you will be excluded from content. However the situations where the absolute best is required is only on the very high end of competitive play. In competitive play people play on tournament realms. These tournament realms have everything opened via vendors. This sounds like it’s more your thing. If you want everything handed to you then go play on a tournament realm. For the rest of the players on live servers it really won’t matter.

You know there is this crazy concept. Some people like to be the best their character can be without others forcing them to. it’s fun for them. I don’t actually need someone to push me to want to play optimally. At the same time why would I want to play with people who aren’t playing optimally when I do pug?

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That’s your choice. You want to control how other people play the game. If they don’t play it your way then you don’t play with them. People shouldn’t have to control the way someone else specs based on their perceived optimization.

I know a panderan who is against this concept :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

I literally don’t though? I just want the option to pick my 55 and 60 talents instead of them being built into a system that defines my gameplay loop xmog mount etc.


Easy solution: pick the right covenant.

“If you’re not picking x covenant for y content then I won’t play with you”. That’s what you are saying

There is nothing Perceived about it.

This game is Math with fancy pixels covering it up. Nothing more, there is going to be a mathematically superior loadout, which will allow Content to be easier and coverup the risks of pugging, this will never change.

Its not this mythical 1% that deny groups, on not having the right stuff, more like 30%+ you live in a fantasy world, along with Ion, where being Denied for Incorrect Legiondaries, Traits, Low Neck Level, Wrong Essences, Wrong Corruptions, dont get you denied. That world doesnt exist and this is going to be 10x worse.

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If enough people continue to min/max and decline people who don’t, it may warrant a change in design by Blizzard.

I support this.

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Oh there will be a change, After WOW bleeds another million players due to poor systems, bad tuning and terrible ideas.

Lets be honest here, listen to the Preach interview, FIRST of its kind in 15 years BTW, Listen to the way Ion talks, listen to his Tone. He is scared stupid, he is terrified because he knows full well this is going to fail, he straight up says that. He is likely just praying he doesnt lose his job over it.

If they thought this was going to work, and well, he wouldnt say it will have issues for sure, and he wouldnt have done a FIRST of its kind, Talk about it. The fact they did that “Interview/Debate” shows they are terrified, they know they jacked up, big time but its too late.