You Want to Know Why I'm Quitting?

Darth Raven???

Do you mean Darth Revan?

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Why do people keep thinking we care why they’re leaving? If you want to leave then go ahead, if you’re simply bored and want to find something new great, good luck and I genuinely hope you find something to stimulate you again. If you want to be pretentious and talk about sub-rates and how the game is falling apart then by all means don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Either way, I don’t care.

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If someone has spent X amount of years in a gaming community, the very act of creating the ubiquitous “I quit” post may be largely cathartic. They made do it as a kind of cry for help, too, just as many folks who feel disenfranchised from an activity or a “thing” may do.

In the end, it may be worthwhile to hear someone else’s perspective. Though I do grant you I, too, have seen folks return from the digital-nether of “the nothing,” post “I quit.”

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Eve, you write well and I agree with many of your points but wanted to highlight this one. I rarely see it mentioned, but the whole mission-table-and-Training-your-champions-thing is so lackluster this expansion. Incredibly flat, one-dimensional characters to me that don’t appear to drive any narrative forward. Other than my alliance champions being alliance characters, I feel zero connection to them. Keeshan and Steelspark? I only knew them as minor characters added relatively late in WoWs inception. Umbric is new, obviously. But where are the epic characters we had in Legion?

Also: This is a major alliance versus horde expansion and most of the combat is told via mission table and the individual mission assignments. I wish I could go and see those engagements!


Uf. Less a single screen’s length of text is a TL;DR?

Ooh, buddy… I dunno what to tell ya.

Not trying to be snarky with my reply but
I’m aware everyone knows how the game is
I don’t see a reason why people have to post long stories about why they are leaving. If you’re not happy just go. I don’t think anyone really cares to be honest.
Again not trying to be snarky at all, Just curious as to why there are alot of these same posts?

This. This whenever I see a “I’m leaving let me make a scene on the forums” post

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The only reason there is to quit is because you are no longer having fun. No one gives a crap otherwise.

And lol trying to be some sort of leader.

Dont need to tell me, WoW is garbage, been playing other games since 3 weeks into BFA and ive played wow since launch. I actually felt ripped off by Blizzard for this product.


Because it’s HARD and who else would understand but us?I don’t care so much where it could affect my life but I do feel some kind of way when someone quits,or says they want to. If players cared a lot less there wouldn’t be many forums. See?I cared enough to type this drivel.

The problem is they have been going this direction for the last three expansions. Even after the player base has spoken up against it. Their response has been We know how you want to play the game, and you do not. I do not see it getting better.


Re: The title.

No, because I’ve read it before. Nine million times.


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no i do not want to hear. i did not read, i do not care.

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You only have 500 characters to type in that suggestion box. Hardly enough to give in depth feed back (OP’s post is nearly quadruple that limit).


Another thread that shows that the majority of toxicity comes from Blizzard white knights.


Op I don’t think the game is garbage. It’s not. But I do agree that

1 - danger has been removed from the world and made child safe and bubble wrapped. Even the starter areas are embarrassingly simple. 3 player quests can be soloed. Folks can ride through camps with no consequence. There are no hero/elite mobs that can really put the pain down on anyone that gets to big for their britches. People run dungeons solo.

2 - yup classes have become to far simplified in some cases, almost in preparation of being played on an Xbox, or mobile device. like many others I like that classes have specific abilities that only they can do. And I do hate when it appears that they all have been merged in some common way. I can almost see the code and the base class / subclassing going on.

3 - gear and rewards, I love variety though, rng can be harsh. You don’t need legs but get leg gear 5 times in a row.

4 - dungeons , group make up, this area needs work and enhancements. This needs to evolve imo.

With that said

The ambiance , and Music is fantastic. The zones are beautiful. Dungeons are beautiful( vortex pinnacle still blows me away), The questing is fantastic.

Wow is not a bad game just needs some love and guidance. And I get why folks are leaving. Burn out, don’t agree with game direction, etc are all valid reasons. Heck I’m waiting for ‘rise of the fallen’ and ‘ Camelot unchained’, myself.

Your quitting for the same reason millions of others have…bfa is trash.


All that tells us is that some people, like the OP, are unhappy and say they are quitting. No one knows how many that might be or if the suggestions the OP thinks are so great would actually result in even more people being unhappy and leaving.

You Want to Know Why I’m Quitting?

I’d imagine because you don’t like the game?

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All your gold belong to us?
