"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

There are plenty of posts in this thread that suggest otherwise. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: To be more specific, a lot of people don’t want more ilvl, they are fine with current ilvl, what they want is more content in which to obtain it
 as well as more evergreen, cosmetic activities too.

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idk man right now I just want the game to stop freezing on me when I’m trying to do ICC.


SWTOR has two person instances and some of the flashpoints could be done by two with their companion. It make a lot more content availale.

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why not just go play that then?

I bought SWTOR when it released, pre-ordered actually. then it went FTP and tanked
 meanwhile WoW still doing fine.

Let’s face it this game’s decline is due to forced group content.


There is no decline. You are still here.

There is nothing at all I want less than player housing. People always reference FFXIV’s housing, but completely neglect that FFXIV’s housing is an all-encompassing non-stop every server 24/7 spam about some ERP/18+ “night club” with “live dancers” and other goofy degen stuff. “WE HAVE A LIVE DJ ON TWITCH!” (3 viewers) “NUDE/LEWD MOD ENCOURAGED!”

An endless army of level 1 alts with spam gibberish names server-hopping around spamming every major city all day long.

It is the single most “No thank you.” that I have to the entire FFXIV community. I absolutely hate it, and wish beyond anything they would blanket ban all of it.

I hope that online gaming as a whole comes to a screeching halt before any other game has to deal with that.

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I will be as long as my wife continues to play or it shuts down.

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Incorrect. If I want to do the content I want too I am forced to do it.

It’s all the erp guys that want it too

I did notice that there and admit its a bit strange though I try to mind my own business.

I never saw anything like it in swtor, eso, or uo though
 I’m not sure why, but I don’t think its player housing so much as that game in particular which attracts that crowd for some reason.

Yes! Legion/BfA open world content was far superior in terms of design because of the daily emissary system and the fact that most open world content was completely soloable. The assaults had a capstone objective that required 3 players but could be queued for.

AP is gone. Titanforging is gone. Renown rewards are meaningless. If you already do hardcore content for gear, you don’t have to clear everything on the map just because it’s there!

Two issues here:

You can’t usually get away with AFKing during LFR. I see people get kicked every week for going AFK during fights, porting out during trash pulls, playing a DPS spec despite signing up as heals, or messing up mechanics as a tank.

LFR is tuned leniently this patch, but the playerbase is quick to initiate a vote kick if you stand out in any way, and many players click “yes” without investigating whether it is warranted or not.

World content and solo players complained about the issues with world content and the lack of solo content in 10.1. They weren’t complaining about LFR being rewarding enough (although the Group Loot system is slowing down gearing).

LFR is the most rewarding it has been since perhaps Cata/MoP, but it is not world content and not solo content.

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I disagree I want ilevel for solo stuff and small group stuff corresponding to the difficulty. I like the idea of solo dungeons but those are essentially scenarios anyway. I would like to see up to heroic raid quality loot from difficult solo content like mastering the twisting corridors or whatever in time.

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I do miss emmissaries! Was a nice little bit of daily, solo content. And I agree, AP made WQs feel more rewarding in the long term.


It’s clearly a factor.

Shadowlands broke box sale records, with its promise of Torghast as a new game mode for solo players. But then the active player count quickly dwindled once players realized that there would be no progression for them at max level unless they grouped up for the three pillars. No Great Vault for solo players.

Dragonflight’s main feature is the lack of daily content and content for solo players. So of course it sold fewer copies.

Solo sells. Look at Diablo 4 being Blizzard’s best selling game of all time, because it respects solo players. You can’t blame the Blizzard name for DF’s lack of sales.


Just stop messing with raid loot and make raid gear scale higher in raids so everyone can be happy.

This is a good idea.
Just like PvP gear can have Raid/M+ gear that scales for instances.
I like it.

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and the time rifts aren’t enough? What do they want specifically then?

Lets take loot out of raids then.

See how the game holds up.

Finished campaign, did a few nightmare dungeons. Quit, waiting on season, and might play for a few days and quit again.

WOW is supposed to somehow entertain people for months, when Diablo 4 can’t even manage two weeks.