"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

how many raid tiers did we sacrifice for these new buttons?

That’s bit even what gate keeping means.

And it would be a waste of dev time

What is beautiful can be subjective. The meaning of the word beautiful is not subjective. The word beautiful has a definition that’s set and doesn’t change.

Are you 12?

Solo Que should be removed from the game.

Zskarn paid for our extra buttons sins.

I definitely would not support that. As much as I’d like player housing, I don’t want other players who are into other things to be impacted by it.

I think that boils down to blizz though being willing to invest in expanding their team on the bet that it will increase player retention and pay off that way.

A lot of games make a lot of money off of player housing items in the cash shop. They can also be hugely popular features that increase time played metrics by a large margin. I don’t think it would be a waste of dev time.

Yes but you said descriptions are not subjective. You did not say the meaning of the words used in descriptions are not subjective. That’s why I replied as I did.

Also, no need to be insulting. It’s okay to have a difference of opinion. It’s not personal, my friend.

I think that would be a huge mistake. Unfortunately there is no putting the egg back in that shell.

I understand your thoughts though. Sometimes I miss forming groups in town and then heading out to the dungeon together… especially before CRZ when you got to know people on your server.

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Player housing is something the dev team cant commit to. They have to support it for all time and they do not support most things past 1 expansion.

Mission tables are dead and gone thankfully, they should NEVER come back. Remain a memory.

Solo dungeons is basically playing wow as a single player game with alol the multiplayer rewards. NO.

No solo version of anything, even main quests.

Less solo content, more MMORPG content. Stop trying to make wow skyrim 2.0.

I understand a lot of people didn’t like them. I think for that reason they shouldn’t be mandatory, but still there for the people who do like it.

I really hated the shadowlands version of them though… like so much. Like, I couldn’t walk past the table I hated it so much! WoD table was pretty fun though! Even without the mint missions. At least for me.

But who said the rewards would be equivalent to that of regular dungeons? It’s not what I would advocate for!

Come on now, lol. This is just silly. The original vanilla box even said the game has solo content right on the back, like it was a selling point. And it did! Lot’s of story content!

Thing is, just because you like solo content doesn’t mean you never group up. Also, just because you like group content, doesn’t mean you can never go chill in a solo activity… like professions, or WQs if that’s fun for you. Both can coexist peacefully. Having solo content does not mean in any way that group content will no longer be a thing. It’s simply more options!

As I mentioned above, I think solo content is part of the bigger sphere of MMORPG content. Also, I’m not trying to make skyrim 2.0. If I were, I would be advocating to take raids, mythic+ and battlegrounds away, and I would never ever do that. I want options for everyone!

Question: what’s the point of this thread?
I know what you wrote but … the vast majority of the things you talked about already exists:

Make use of your garrison hearthstone

Inscription, Engineering, Enchanting, Leatherworking - all of these have elements of what you are asking for

From Warlords of Draenor to Shadowlands - pick your expansion’s table

For the past few expansions when a ‘main’ (this is a undefined by you as well since none of the campaign quests go into dungeons but even when this is the case for non-campaign quests I’ll go into later) quest has involved a dungeon or raid it has included a phased questing area of that dungeon or raid

They add new events every so often already

They add this every so often as well, not as many or distinctive as the mage tower but they appear every so often (unless you are talking about actual open world stuff then no, that’s just doing elite quests and rares on your own)

Technical limitations largely prevents the first part, and the second part is just what happens with outdated events - unless you’d want to expansions to remove continents every time they are released or to essentially only have group based dungeon, raid, or PvP instances this ain’t what you are actually asking for (so specify either what it is what you are asking for or how it is something else that I’m just not getting)

Already exists - when the pool of available items that are too powerful to be ignored with smaller timing windows to get it they added it; otherwise its about the underlying activity so you can do it again, or wait for it to appear in the vault
Unless you are talking about world bosses since this is at least supposedly about a “solo”-player (not casual, I know what you said but conflating these two at all is a showcase of extreme levels of ignorance - I don’t believe you are being ignorant mind you as you did point out that these are different but I don’t think you realize quite how different they actually are)

The open world set-bonus has all of this, yes one can argue for it to be continued but very few people outside of bots seemed to ever care about it and just wanted tier pieces instead and outdoor content doesn’t require tier - maybe you are one of the ones who actually utilized the outdoor set but the vast majority of people making this claim just equates it to “I want tier pieces”

I left some points you brought up out of it because honestly, it just sounds like you want WoW to be less of a MMO (ergo the dungeon part; if a quest goes into a dungeon or raid you form a group for that dungeon/raid and you do it - queue for normal/heroic, share the quest you have in question and then go and do it as a group; all of this is part of the MMO regardless of whether you play it alone, part of a smaller group (guild or not), or a big guild, or heck you even play the game as part of a community whether in-game or outside of it) and more of an open world singleplayer sandbox where NPCs are people rather than AI:s
Can you explain what the larger point you are trying to make here considering your clickbait title and either tired talkingpoints that have been tried or are actually in-play and in-place today in the game?
Because honestly … nothing of what you wrote here puts the whole “you want mythic gear for doing nothing ” to rest, because it doesn’t seem to have much to do with it and bring it up makes you just sound like you actually want it in the context of what you have said?

As most of what you want is already in the game but, it isn’t something you are “seeing” so… what is relevant gear to you if you don’t participate in any of the MMO-aspects of the game? Or maybe you do and I just couldn’t understand what your overall point of it actually was - like I said, I’m just confused and kinda need some pointers to understand what it is you are actually arguing for here

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Let’s make this simple. What iLvl (or upgrade track) do you think that gear should be (in the current patch context)?

The point of this thread is the opportunity to show that I (and any other solo/casual player who wants to weigh in on the matter) do not want mythic gear for doing nothing. It’s to talk about what we want instead of that. Some of the things we want may already exist.

I would not venture to guess. I would rather leave that to the developers to decide.

However, based on the current patch I think the gear that drops for solo/casual players is already very generous and more than sufficient. It certainly, for my preference at least, needn’t be any better than that, unless more difficult solo content was introduced that required better gear to complete.

Personally, I think the OP’s ideas are all good; I randomly move between solo and group content depending on time, how awake / alert I am, etc., but I spend a bit more time doing solo stuff so the idea of having more (fresh things) to do in a game I still pay a monthly fee for is absolutely welcome.

The garrison is as close to a player home as we currently have, but it is also very broken at present (Garrison Hearthstone not working, monuments unusable, Ogre Waygates only going out and not being able to return to the garrison, etc.). I do believe a little tweaking would make it “player housing-ish”, which would be wonderful as I use the garrison constantly anyway.

As for the backlash to this topic, I have to wonder why anyone would be against it. I mean, these proposed ideas have no effect on those who wouldn’t want to do them, nor (as some have stated) do they affect or threaten the gameplay of those who prefer group content only. I started WoW back just before BC came out, and after all times I’ve seen people denied a place in a run - whether it be raid, mythic, M+, whatever - due to “bad” gear or not being durable or DPS-heavy enough, the idea of closing that gap sounds like a globally beneficial idea.

“Waste of dev resources” in regards to something like the player housing concept or working on AI groups / solo dungeons? I don’t believe appealing to a larger player base (regardless of how much; I’m not saying solo-aligned players are a majority or any such thing) and making this long-running game even more accessible to anyone who wants to play it would be a waste at all… unless in this case opening avenues of more people paying to play - and therefore getting Blizzard more money - somehow qualifies as “waste”.

Additionally, I do agree with another poster in regards to having only the proverbial 1% get the good stuff. We all pay the same subscription fee every month, so I don’t agree with not having the same options / opportunities. I am in no way saying it should be handouts; I have no issues putting in the effort, but some of the OP’s solo-ish ideas can solve this. Again, no threat or imposition to group-focused players whatsoever, so I fail to see any grounds for controversy. If anything, it affords normally “lesser” geared solo players the ability to say “hey, I want in on this raid / M+, and I’ve a strong enough iLvl to do it”. In what way could that possibly be a bad thing? Besides, if instances already can do 10 - 30 player scaling, it’s not unreasonable to add 1-10 scaling since the framework is already in place.

FWIW, I have tried other games, but none feel like WoW. There is a certain… “flow and groove”, I guess… to gameplay and combat that other titles have tried to duplicate or supposedly improve upon, but none have come close. So I keep coming back, because of that and because WoW has gotten better in catering to solo players / sub-party sized groups over the years. Anything is better than the old days; paying your monthly sub fee just to sit around and hope 39 other people log in that wanna do what you wanna do since that’s all endgame was…

Just my $0.02, tho. All just perfectly reasonable suggestions that can only make the game a better experience to those who’d want them, and zero impact on those that have no interest. Win / win.

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Because there is an old stigma that elites in this game have that think that if someone has good gear compared to what they did to get theirs that they got from whatever bs they did its lowers the value. BS in the previous sentence is the key word here.


Alright. Then you’re not part of the “I want mythic gear for logging in” crew. The so called “solo players” aren’t an homogeneous group. Some do want mythic level gear for low difficulty content, some do not.

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I dunno, I guess I just don’t get it. I don’t think anyone is asking for “gear to show up in the mail box”. I think people are just asking for an alternative way of progressing their characters. If they can get decent gear I don’t see how that impacts me or the area of the game I choose to progress in. They state over and over they don’t like group content. Its not like they are all of a sudden going to be competing for your raid spot :slight_smile:

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Definitely there is a broad spectrum of belief systems here about loot, I’d certainly agree with that but I’m still not sure anyone out there wants phat bling for doing absolutely nothing. What would be the fun in that?

I think too when it comes to difficulty levels, a lot of people forget that solo does not necessarily mean easy and group does not necessarily mean hard. This is an important distinction.

But you dont NEED it, you shouldnt have it.(according to some on the forums. If some of the players run the wheel, all should.)

No one is forced to do content they dont want to do. If they want the rewards, then do it. No one forced you.

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Then why have zones, why have levels, why keep the old raids open, why keep the old expansions around, PvP, pet battles, professions, world events like the fashion show, trading post, BMAH, allied races, new class combos…on and on…

Sooner you get out of that narrow defile you call group content the sooner you can stop attempting to crusade everyone down it.

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They don’t want any conversations to happen, as it potentially threatens their vision of a perfect game.

Or if they do, it’s only to praise it for its current iteration.

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I have been listening. From what i’ve seen it’s usually “yeah… we had it but…”
It wasn’t good enough. Prod people enough and it comes down to level.

You were clearly not around when everyone was complaining incessantly about the Mage Tower being too hard, then.

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