"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

Im certainly no collector, and i do care about my item level. (Item level relative to the content i do)
But it is also fun to try and work towards cosmetics.

Like right now my item level is 428 so gearwise, im completely set. But im still doing the time rifts because i want the rep and the cosmetics. (And because theyre fun).

What i dont like is hard/challenging content.
I play because its fun to just chill out, relax, and work towards something over time.

So cosmetic or gear, i wouldnt do solo content it if it was hard :stuck_out_tongue:

I obviously dont speak for all solo world players, but in my opinion at least, that type of content would only be done by group content players who like a challenge.
Which kinda defeats the point.


why? To what benefit is there?

I’m very happy with Dragonflight. This is the first expansion that has managed the “open world max level gap”, when quest gear stops being meaningful in the open world (which continues to increase as patches roll out). That’s just not a problem in DF, I am able to participate on at least some level in current content, which is super cool. Having solo options to get up to 420ish works really well, and there’s nothing I do that requires more than that. My experience is they balanced this very well without requiring group content (and you really don’t want bad players like me in your groups, so we’re all winners here!) :laughing:


This comment harkens back to all the discussions of whether mob scaling was actually a good thing for the game. Without getting into all that, however, I put in the work. I far surpass open-world content. And, I think part of the reward is that I don’t need to strugglebus and waste time when I’m farming open-world quests, reagent drops, rares, mogs, etc.

I also enjoy being able to carry friends. Skill only takes a carry so far. Normalized open-world power would simply inhibit our ability to actually carry, to feel powerful, to feel like we’ve accomplished something, to feel like we’ve progressed. The normalization path, much like mob scaling, is one that leads to this game feeling even more like a hamster wheel.


Personally I wouldn’t want to see solo dg’s. I did like the old way of doing it, before the scaling, when we could go in to older content by ourselves and just slam them down for the old gear for cosmetics and gold but I think that’s changed.

Either way, I don’t play an MMO to not have people around. I like having lots of people around, it’s why I’m on Area 52 and the open world events are perfect for me because not only can you get something through a quest to do them so rng isn’t an issue, you also have a blast.

It’s like a huge brawl. I just love them. I still do the soup one even though sometimes there’s hardly anyone there.

Garrisons where a quest hub that included daily chores, a mission table, and for a lot of people, even an auction house.

As long as player housing is not used a quest hub and does not have an auction house, then people will still populate the cities.

I mean, dungeons, battlegrounds and raids are all instances too and they don’t empty out the open world.

Also games that have player housing like swtor, ffxiv, eso, etc
 their world population is fine. I promise it would be okay. :slightly_smiling_face:

I guess I’m just thinking of myself and what I’d like to see. I wouldn’t bother with player housing unless I could have it flagged for wpvp as I think that’d be both exciting and hilarious to have it razed to the ground.

Not sure what that says about me but that’s the only way I personally would bother with player housing.

We got “player housing” in WoD. It’s a Garrison. Customizable components, including building, guards, decorations, music. Adventure tables and solo invasions. Fishing, pet battles, AH, bank, void storage, transmog, and guild bank all in one place.

I still use my garrison to this day, particularly when I need to organize gear and bags or post auctions.


Which has been basically never.

That’s probably a fair criticism. I wasn’t sure what else to call it. :thinking:

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i would like to see way more puzzle quests that make you think , quests that take time to complete and no hand holding by Blizzard, and new ones every season, don’t even care about the reward, just want more open world entertainment.


I feel like if WoW’s engine could support player housing to a similar level of other MMORPGs, they would have added it a long time ago.

Well, the devs never said it was impossible (not like they did with an expanded back pack or classic servers mind you!) and in fact they have many times over the years said it something they would like to do at some point. :upside_down_face:

If it weren’t instanced, wouldn’t you need space for every character, every player and every alt to have their own unique housing location? That’s a lot of real estate. And, how would you deal with cross-server interactions? Would all the servers cross at the continent-sized city limits of Megablizzardopolis?

Personally, I like instancing. I like my garrison. I don’t want zombies on my lawn.

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There is zero gatekeeping in this game. Gatekeeping is literally an excuse players that don’t put any effort into it use to validate their lack of success.

And yes solo players are trying to invalidate harder content by getting the same rewards as top end players.

Descriptions are not subjective.

If you’re a solo player you refuse to do group content hence the word solo.

And no people’s feelings don’t change definitins.

There are quite a few, some massively time-consuming, “secrets” already in the game. Check out the Hivemind, for one. Or, open your adventure guide until you find one. With 10.1.5, Blizzard introduced the Scholomance and Naxxramas “secrets,” which would likely be rather challenging and take some exploration without a guide. Also coming in August is a new event, entitled “Secrets of Azeroth.”

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What I mean by one playstyle trying to gatekeep another, would be for example, a raider saying there shouldn’t be player housing because they don’t personally like it, or would not personally use it.

I think its better that all playstyles support there being lots of content for everyone so the population stays healthy.

Of course descriptions can be subjective. “Beautiful” is a description and as we all know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Also, how do you explain the concept of a “solo queue” ? Should we rename it to “grouping alone” ? It really doesn’t matter what you call it in the end. Nitpicking word choices doesn’t really advance the conversation about the thing they are meant to refer to.


solo queue is group content.

Rated solo shuffle will not function without other players, just like battlegrounds.

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I think some kind of side progression system would be nice. Like Torghast with perks and unlocks, or Withered training. Something that’s not going to help in raid, but you can still work on on your own time. Something where you can see changes visually, like in Suramar in Legion. Something that is expansion long, and not just one tier long, so that you don’t feel like not doing it, because there’s new system coming next season.

There are only 2 circumstances in which this would ever happen:

  1. The raider is forced to participate in the content because it is excessively rewarding.
  2. The old meme of sacrificing a raid tier to implement it.
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