"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

I think that would take a LOT of resources for the game to make work smoothly.
Imagine each of the thousands of players have unique houses with unique items in their respective house.
And has to be available to every one of those thousands of players to see each and every one of those thousands of random things added into the world… at all times. yoiks



But why is fun lacking? All the gear is there!

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Yeah, that’s why I’m not sure it’d be a smart thing to do but I don’t work at Blizzard and I’m not in charge (lucky for everyone) so that wouldn’t be my decision.

But if it’s instanced then it just becomes a lonely thing like the garrisons and that’d essentially be a waste of time and resources.

So it may never happen. Idk.

I don’t think collectors care a ton about iLvl in most cases. For example, most of my 25+ alts are below 400 iLvl, and none of my characters are above 420.

However, one of the few places iLvl becomes an issue is when old/legacy content requires better and better gear to solo. This became a huge issue after the pre-SL squishes. You used to be able to roll into an instance completely naked one-shotting everything so long as you were 11 or so levels above the content. That isn’t the case anymore, so now gear does start to matter again to collectors.

Also, world rares have been getting harder and harder, which necessitates better gear. The solo player is not having a good time right now with the way mob health is scaling for open-world rares.

Blizzard has made iLvl an issue for those who otherwise once considered it a non-issue.


Yeah, I for the most part don’t, but I rarely see other collectors actually posting here.

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Agreed, i would love it but iʻm not sure how they could make it happen.

Do any games have non instanced housing?
ESO, FFXIV and even LotRO had instanced housing.

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There is a duality here. Both sides make good points

Why would you need the gear if Difficult content is not something you wish to partake in? We do not have lots of difficult solo content. Those kinds of suggestions would be purely hypothetical right now. We just don’t have it. So why do you need the gear?

The same reason the opposite side is saying no. Because that is fueling your motivation to progress. Whether people want to admit it or not, most would not do mythic + or raid without it. Yes, you have those who love a challenge. And yes, you will have those who want mounts and get gold carrying others. I would bet money they are not the majority, not by a long shot.

Blizzard knows this too. They are not going to give away gear for people to just do solo content. They would need to create an entire solo leveling progression system that stood the test of time. They’ve dabbled but failed to capture solo players time in long run. Kennie is right. It’s all about the level, not the progression in gear

Long story short, it’s not gonna work on either side if they did that. Both would be unmotivated to play vs solo only unmotivated

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I think the biggest hurdle to a more expansive solo progression path is that some classes and specs are innately better for solo than others. How do you make challenging solo content that’s an equal challenge across all specs? I doubt Blizzard would want to tune a solo dungeon on the individual spec level due to sheer time investment to nitpick through each spec’s version of that content.


I think as long as feedback is constructive, and one playstyle is not trying to gatekeep another, then there is nothing entitled about making a request.

Of course I do, silly, but Webster & Oxford aren’t going to include a special section under “casual” with reference to how WoW players apply it. They couldn’t even if they wanted to since everyone uses it a little bit differently. Being casual in terms of how you play a video game is a subjective description. And that’s okay. It’s easy enough to clarify if someone asks you to specify.


visions of N’zoth could’ve been extended.

Idk why they replaced it with Torghast (which was universally hated) then just killed it.

I am concerned the title of this thread negates any chance of a constructive dialogue.

(I am currently quite content with the buffet the game is presenting me - I’m not eating everything but I’m stuffing myself nonetheless)

Player housing is a dream in a minefield. I would certainly enjoy some sort of account-level space of my own but I’m not convinced any vision of mine would be (1) widely embraced (2) technically realistic

Adding whole new professions is tricky because it would mean either replacing a profession I’ve spend years building up on some character or finding every character with an extra profession slot to fill (or starting a new character when I don’t really have time to fully play the characters I have). Not unsolvable problems, but potentially painful.

WQs are essentially the mission tables in the world. I don’t feel the experience has really been improved in the past by having followers tagging along. That said, I do think there is a potential niche for a pet class that uses NPC humanoids as the pets (bard? noble? prophet? tourist?).

I’m not sold on the idea of solo dungeons being a good use of resources. Yes, I sometimes am a person who grumbles because I’m a diehard soloist who gets locked out of a feature here or there. But I’m not someone who wants everything while its current. Solo dungeons would allow the devs more freedom to put more/richer content in dungeons like they did in Legion without worrying so much about how it impacts players such as myself. But I also worry that something might be lost because dungeons have always been the quintessential entry point to group activity in WoW and I don’t want to be the cause of something being lost.

Static questlines like the blue dragon arc are great moments once, but I find they don’t have great replay value on alts and yet when I run them only once, I sometimes completely forget about them (recently happened to me with the human heritage questline). I like games that keep track of lore on characters/stories that you can review after the fact or when you encounter and NPC again later to jog my memory of who they are. Alas, that’s a huge proposition to retrofit into WoW, probably far too huge.

Holiday events - sure, although it bugs me that I haven’t made time to visit the microholidays lately, so I feel I’m not making the most of what I’m already being offered.

Solo challenges … I’m not a challenge-seeker personally, so I’ll let others champion that.

DF has had some hits and misses on big group events. I think the key takeaway so far (from my perspective) is that non-instanced events in the world need some basic solo activity in them just in case the big crowds don’t show up.


That doesn’t address the concern though. Some classes are just innately better at solo than others, so how to you make the content equally difficult across all specs without a massive time investment to individually tune each spec’s version?

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There’s nothing wrong in asking,but very wrong to demand.

Sorry, it took long to response ,I went to heat proof my home.

It doesn’t have to be equal - just like the mage tower wasn’t equal. It’s just something equal in difficulty on a design level with equal rewards.

Like how Blizzard equates M+20 with mythic raiding.

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I can’t speak for everyone of course, but I think most solo players really like story quests. I know I sure do!

I think it may be raid loggers and hardcore pvpers who’d rather not bother, but that’s okay. There should be room for everyone!

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The conspiracy theory that SL never happened jives with this idea.

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Torghast is not an extension. Torghast doesn’t give gear.

shrink the item level gap between casual and m+ gear .

I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t implemented a form of the Trust system from XIV yet. The system is far from perfect over there (does take longer and relies on shaky AI), but it allows people to experience the content at their own pace and, more importantly, removes queue issues.

If you want to do something like LFR VoI right now I wish you the best of luck because you’re looking at over hour long queues per wing.