"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

Housing is a complete waste of dev resources and would need to be maintained for the rest of the existence of the game, additionally, it’s likely it would cause people to abandon the shared spaces in this game. Massive L of a system.

As mentioned above, all housing-related stuff should just be ignored. As far as the other aspects of this profession, other professions make these items already. Let’s avoid another archeology profession.

Mission tables are gone from this expac for a reason. They are terrible. No amount of revision will make people like them.

It’s an MMO, be social.

Hard agree.

I’m not saying this won’t work, but whenever the open world is made difficult, it is always changed because people will complain ad nauseam even if it’s optional.

The laggy open world content is actually so embarrassing. This needs to be addressed.

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I’m sorry but what’s the worst that can happen in a normal?

But Dan needs a reciprocating saw.

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Milwaukee or bust

I like the mission table.
They just needed to stop trying to make it more than it was.
It was just something to to send your followers off on from the mobile app for a bit of rep (or ap when that was a thing).

It shouldnt have been a questing road block or need tactical positioning.


It’s tough…

The game has always been about quests, raids, dungeons, and pvp.

So when someone comes along and says they don’t enjoy ANY of that…

It does make you wonder what they are doing here.

It’s like picking up a dark souls game and saying they don’t like fighting or dying. Uh… that’s the main selling point of the game.

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mission table is tedious. Please don’t let it return.

Turn WOW into an idle game and have things show up in your mailbox just for existing then.

This game desperately needs more soloable content.

It has proven over several expansions that the group content fails utterly and completely to keep many players around past the first season of any given expansion. Maybe more solo content would do a better job.

After the first season of an xpac, a lot of people who might want to stick around and play a bit are left in place to find new people to do group content with, PUG, or a lack of any other content to do as many players leave during the first season and don’t come back until the next expansion. Pugging kind of sucks in modern WoW and finding a new group to play with isn’t really what a lot of people are after either.

Some people are against having much solo content in an MMO, but a lot of players solo a decent amount of the time and do group content occasionally. It’s not an all or nothing kind of thing.

More queueable group content at a wider variety of difficulty levels might be nice as well.


Pretty much the same that can happen in a M20+

But worse because you have randoms with unknown levels of gear/ experience.

Lets take a new tank or an unprepared healer or an impatient DPS… all 3 in fact just for lols

Tank pulls room (because apparently thats how the youtubes tell us to play on normal) but cant survive because of green quest gear… Heals is doing something (Probably still reading quest dialouge), takes too long to heal, and is stuck trying to catchup on heals… DPS derps and butt-pulls a roaming pack.
Chaos ensues, heals dies tank dies, dps die.

Then the fun begins. the name calling, the insulting, the epeen waving. folks get kicked or leave and the run falls apart.


I dont see how its tedious.
Its just one of those things that if you dont like, you just ignore right?
(At least when they dont put manditory missions on it)

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aren’t you asking for free epics via tables again?

I would love to see M+ gear be cosmetic only. If you want real gear, mythic raid is for you. I wonder how popular m+ would become.
The real answer is to make M+ and mythic raid gear normalize down in open world. You dont need that gear for that content, you shouldnt be able to faceroll it.

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Player housing and wood working are both things this game could add to expand its solo player experience.

But when it comes to gear it’s hard to find a balance of gear progression with solo and group. I’m sure most of us have noticed the trend. Tip players feel forced to do content they don’t enjoy to pump out a little more power when solo sources are just as good or better than group sources.

As for me I don’t raid anymore. And I play casually now now. Mostly when a new patch drops then I slow down, or just stop playing, a lot right after.

So with that said said. Casual players really don’t need to up grade their gear past a certain point. But a lot of players clearly still want too. We can see that in how unpopular solo content becomes if there is no power attached to it. Once you get you pet, mount, toy, noone plays the content anymore. But they’ll come back for gear even if they don’t need it.

But that’s why I think this game needs more “evergreen” content and hidden puzzles to figure out. Player housing would be amazing and crafting could be that for players. This game really could use more sandbox elements.

The new crafting system is a good start but it’ll never be good enough because it competes with group content for the best gear. So it really should be used for world stuff and gear for solo players. The raid level crafts should stay but raid recipes have to go. Crafters shouldn’t have to raid to learn all their recipes.

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Quite obviously i am not :expressionless:

I play mostly solo. I rarely group up, rarely do dg’s, bg’s, etc… because rng just isn’t fun & I almost never get anything in terms of upgrades so I don’t bother as it’s not worth the performance anxiety I get.

That said, I really like the way they’ve done gearing in DF. For players like me, who are mostly solo, there’s wq’s, world events that you can group up in & there’s little to no pressure/performance anxiety, and while there’s rng you still have a chance to get something besides, it’s fun.

I love the mass grouping in outdoor/world content as it has a spontaneous feel to it, it’s welcoming and I get the sense that there’s others there like me who just want to have some fun.
If we get some good gear, that’s just the cherry on the cake so to speak.

So how they’ve done DF is great to me. I do remember titanforging (I think that’s what it was called). I liked the titan drops we could get in BfA but I also think that due to the heavy rng factor it drove some of the min/maxers a bit crazy as they felt compelled to do it so they could compete.

If Blizzard made solo dg’s/dg’s with npc backup a thing where you could get gear, then those same min/maxers would have the same reaction to them that they did with titanforging, they’d freak out.

From what I hear, dg’s as they are now in LFD are good enough with the gear they give with the only problem being rng.
Some people are just unlucky and I think I’m one of them so it’d be cool if they did more wq’s where they give you some dg’s to run on heroic & you’re guaranteed gear if you complete the quest.

There’s one of those up now. So that kind of fixes the rng thing a bit.

As for player housing, it Should Not be instanced. At all. If they instance player housing then it’d be like the garrisons, very lonely.
So I don’t think that’d work. But I do think player housing could be very cool for almost everyone if they not only had it be an open world kinda deal but also enable it for flagging for wpvp.

Just my 2 cents. I don’t really have any more ideas to share for now.
Ty for asking though, OP.


ya I want decent gear as a casual , I pay a sub fee like anyone else.


Diablo 4 has all the gear, and you don’t even need a sub.

It’s also by Blizzard.

lol, diablo 4 has the worst end game treadmill blizzard has ever introduced


Muh numbers get better whether in d3 and d4. What is lacking exactly? For me? timed rifts.

I love those rifts. Just love them and Fyrrak, too. Those, to me, are just a blast.

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