"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

A hobby.

Then play a game under that umbrella. WoW isn’t it.

Doesn’t change the fact they don’t need it.

No, leave 100% damage output based on player execution. If you suck, you get punished. Easy as that. Not every one gets, or should get, a trophy.

Yay. More chores.

Thats because it was twisted into your context. The actual article link is above. The justification “clause” clearly states it was to put raiding at the forefront justifying more resources to that kind of content. As it should be.

Oh dear. You are going to be disappointed. They certainly didn’t bring back blizzcon this year just to not announce anything new for one of their biggest franchises…

You know you love us! :hugs::two_hearts:

Did you watch that Netflix documentary about flat-earthers where they accidentally proved themself wrong at the end? It was amazing! :sweat_smile:

I would love a cute little suburb in Stormwind! Not sure all the hordies would appreciate an orc themed home though. I still feel bad about their garrisons… Maybe all the capitols could have the option and you get to pick one?

Might alleviate some peoples worries that housing would mean no one ever in the cities too…

Hey, you have your leet deeps, just let us have our little vegetable garden and fireplace for a few pets to curl up in front of!

Fun! :partying_face::tada::house_with_garden:

You think I am the one talking in circles? At least I quote full sentences, buddy!!!

Thanks for the support! And I understand exactlty what you mean about just not giving a fluff anymore. Once you know you can do it, and do it well, the rest is just monotony in a sea of stressed out, angry people.

Good for who, though?

Video games can be hobbies too, but are still games.

I hate to sound like shnozy or whatever his name is, but lets see what the dictionary says under “game”…

A game is an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chance, in which you follow fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle.

First dictionary definition that came up on google (Collins English) and not gunna lie, they had us in the first half… but lo and behold! Did they say “puzzle” ? :yum:

Questing, crafting, gathering, collecting, random battlegrounds, normal dungeons, LFR, RP, transmog and traders post are all “it.”

WoW caters to both types of gamers! Why else would people like me be here? I’m neither stubborn nor dumb! (Please resist the urge to disagee.)

If the need is “content,” then, yes they do!

Ehhhh… I would WoW has never had “100% damage output based on player execution.”

Sometimes certain specs are super imbalanced to a advantage and certain mechanics punish some classes more than others. You can maximise what you got in any given situation, but your level of control ends there.

Only if its mandatory.

Yes, but why would they need to justify the resources? You are leaving that part out.

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His comment here was aimed at ardmccloud who, unlike you, considers there to be little to no value to content he doesn’t or can’t engage with.

Im fine either way, just stating it wouldn’t implode my world if the game ended.

Like a hemmroid.



Figured i would just short cut like all the casuals…

You mean fluff, as in player housing? Thats as fluff as it gets.

That means Dps, tank, or heals. Not what ever that dumb stuff they do on moonguard. Thats some weird stuff.

Really, REALLY trying.

It’s additional gear. They don’t need it.

Regardless, it should be as much in the players hands as possible.

Why wouldn’t it be with history as our expectation.

To double down on that being the center of their game over things like “world content” and “player housing”. The goal was to introduce raiding to the players that wanted those frivilous things, so that they could double down and make raiding the center pillar of this game.

My bad! Thank you for clarifying!

You know, I never equated “hoping for” with “wouldn’t implode.” For what it’s worth though, I wouldn’t implode either. It’s just a fun, little time-waster for me. Do have a lot of happy memories here, but that’s okay.

Like a puppy you claimed not to want!

For some, yes. For others, no. The subjectively cannot be overstated in matters of play.

How is it fun for those who like it? Because it engages their mind in such a manner that the passing time is joined with the pleasurable sensations of relaxation paired with the emotionally cathartic effects of creativity.

A preference for evergreen content types is the exact opposite of a preference for shortcuts. We like a never ending story!

You say “fluff” as if people don’t like pillows, puppies and dandelion seeds.

It’s not just weird. It’s scary. :cold_sweat:

Well I thank you for your restraint, lol.

But gear IS content. And people need content. So… people need gear.

I’m not really sure how to answer this. I feel like there are so many variables already in play it’s virtually impossible to adequately address.

Well, that’s what feedback is for, I suppose. I understand you don’t think anyone should give feedback as you’ve made it very clear that you think it’s arrogant, entitled and wrong to ask for changes to a game, and should instead just play something else… but I disagree. In any relationship communication is important, and strangely enough game developers and their player base is a type of relationship…

The thing is though… unlike subscription counts, we do have access to information about how many players actually complete the higher end raids. The truth is, the vast majority of players do not. If we are being honest here, it doesn’t make much sense to pour the majority of your development budget into something only a minor fraction of your players will engage with. Things like LFR specifically addresses this issue.

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Not for garbage time content.

Yeah, producer consumer. Thats it. Nothing more.

Alt accounts, bots, etc. All play into that number. What about played hours? The higest consuming players should be best represented. Which are raiders.

Read several of the comments, casual players can say this all they want, but they want mythic gear for doing little to no content, even if they claim not to.
They also think any and all solo content should be able to snooze at the keyboard spam button 1 and kill anything in sight.

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Full casual here, i agree with casual is a metric of time. Guardian druid IL 426, perfectly fair for the amount of effort i exert into the game. At this present time its “Ride or Die” summers with my 600r on the road or trail with my raptor. I expect nothing more than what i put in, I can easily solo much of what i want to accomplish as well as completing normal lvl material. If you want better gear make time to put effort into the content you want, if not then you don’t deserve better gear and should probably find a different game. Just my take on the subject.

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why does this matter ?

is the future tied to older, bad gameplay ?

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you’re not a nice person…

100%, OP.

I don’t need my gear to be the best, I just need it to be better each time we get more new content.

And… I want the best gear to come from Pet Battles. Just once, for the wailing and gnashing of teeth.


Did you ever see the scene in Chevy Chase’s National Lampoons European Vacation where he pulls into a huge roundabout in Paris (or somewhere like it) and cannot for the life of him get into the right lane and out again? So they are stuck going around and around and around with no way out?

I feel like that’s how this particular part of the discussion is going too. :sweat_smile:

Cosmetic gear or low end gear for low end is fine and necessary!

Companies spend a lot of money doing marketing research and trying to incentivise people into doing their tedious surveys for a reason. Feedback is important for both parties.

Hmmm. I’m not sure /played as a metric to determine player importance would actually work out in favour of the raiding community given the amount of raid loggers and their disdain for “chores” and world content.

I really don’t, lol! But you are of course entitled to your own beliefs about this and that. I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you though… even if people specifically asked for that (no one anywhere is, but say they were) Blizz would never do it anyway 'cause that would be crazy. :woman_shrugging:

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“You want mythic gear for logging in!”

Yes, BIS please. And I should get to choose from the available colors.
1 set will be fine, I’m not greedy.
I’ll cover the costs of gemming and enchanting them.
Now that I have that out of the way, I can go play the game.

I have almost 350 DAYS /played across all my toons. 345d 2h 41min to be exact at this time. I’m a “casual” so lots of players will make my /played time look part time at best.
But it should be enough to cover it.

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And already exists.

To a degree, not the fundamentals of the product being offered.

Which is probably still more than casuals and their contempt for the current time investment.


And the person in question has already said the amount and acquisition rates for gear of that type is fine / good. It’s the content that you actually have to do to get it that sucks.

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Well guess what. Life sucks.

Your position is really that low end content cannot be fun or enjoyable to the people who do it because you don’t feel it deserves to be, likely because it’s too easy?

Because if it is then Christ you’re bitter.

Its dumb. Thats all.

Have no idea what you are referring to when you say metric and holding the group. Oh and i dont care. Sounds like stats that i care nothing about. And goody you can clear in 1.5 hours, dont care does not impress me.