"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

If you really need a reason check out Lilyeet above. I have started a few LFR’s and left because I chose to not deal with the sub level jerks that has the same mindset as that one. Had one in a Najatar LFR that jumped my case about a pet and losing aggro because of it, I was on my fury warrior. If you think you are that special that you need to make excuses for your sorry tanking skills, i do not need to associate with you. It is thise that think they are something special, even when they arent that are destroying this fantastic game.


When streamers pick over what’s left, they’ll point to comments like yours and say you contributed to its downfall.


Yes it is dumb that world content / casual players have to deal with sorry excuses for engaging content like time suffusion camps and Researchers events.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I promise that over the past 18 1/2 years, where at one time i had 39 max level toons. I have accumulated time equal too or greater than the max level raiders of today.

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Well dont know about most, but i dont. I would a raid for the experience of the content, not real worried about the rewards. Be careful lumping all casuals into the same group because it absolutely does not emcompass all. If it ever comez down spamming 1 button. Im done, that would be a satisfying as watching paint dry.

I muted that one long ago and still can’t figure out why people keep replying to him.

In game, yeah you will run across a jerk now and then. In LFR it’s just as easy to ignore the chat altogether. Personally, if I don’t want to deal with people I just switch over to a single player game where everything will actually be good for solo play, something wow has always sucked at.

I’m down for another secondary profession now that first aid was removed. Maybe some sort of carpenter/woodworking can fill that slot if/when player housing comes out.


I’d like some mythic gear for just logging in.


Honestly I think herbing and mining should be in the 2nd profession slot

Fundamentally, WoW was a game for players who wanted to group, as well as players who wanted to fly solo. It said so on the back of the vanilla box.

The exact quote being:

“Play solo or elist fellow heroes to join forces with you as you negotiate the vast, battlescarred landscape of a world at war.”

There are also other gems talking about exploring the seamless beauty of the world (that would be the non-instanced parts of course), unraveling the continuing story of the world, and enjoying the ever changing world which will, they say, always have new adventures to undertake and new lands to explore.

Source: Vanilla box. It’s google-able. I can’t post pictures.

Clearly open world solo content is a fundamental aspect of the original games design… they talked more about that than anything else when trying to sell it. And boy was that iteration ever successful relative to the more “hardcore” mmorpg counterparts on the market.

Ultimately, no one is asking for WoW to change. We are asking it to stick to its roots.

What “casual contempt” for time investment?

Do you think people who only do pet battles don’t read guides and learn all about it? It’s a huge time investment collecting and leveling them all.

What about mount collectors. That’s an incredibly tedious grind that also requires a lot of knowledge but some people like it. Becauase it’s casual. Because no one os breathing down your neck while you do it.

There are others like me… I don’t play much of any content type. I just don’t have a lot of time. I’m a busy mother and wife. And that’s okay. I like my life. But the point is its not contempt for the time cost of content that keeps me playing so little.

If you think people are opting out of group content because of laziness, you would be mistaken. Lazy personality types still do group content when they feel like it. I think we’ve all had bad experiances grouping with them… but really, lazy and casual are not the same thing. One has nothing to do with the other.

Nah. Life is awesome. We are all lucky to have it!!!

It’s a game, not a mensa meeting. You don’t have to be proving your worth 24/7.

That’s a really interesting suggestion. I was thinking primary, but you’re right, paired with player housing it might be cool of everyone could do their own woodworking for their homes… it extends the activity even further.

I’d love to make an armor rack that I can choose which set to display!

I always liked this suggestion. Might knock down the price of certain gatherables somewhat but nothing is stopping people from double gathering right now anyway.


I logged in last night, and no mythic gear popped up ¯\(ツ)

False advertising


Well all the stuff you could do solo then is still available, so… mission accomplished?

Unfortunately this isn’t really true. The world in Vanilla WoW was a lot more vast with a lot more to keep you busy than in the world of DF.

I am sure most people would not like to see the return of leveling weapon skills, or purchasing skills from a trainer or things like that (although personally I would, I know I am a minority though) but I would like to see more profession and class quests, daily quests, a challenging open world, the holidays redone so they are new again… and of course player housing, which was originally supposed to be part of vanilla, but they ran out of time and decided to add it later.

WoW was always meant to have a vast, explorable world that was consistantly updated. The old devs used to refer to the world itself as one of the main characters. I would like to see this tradition continue rather than whither on the vine…


To each their own but there’s still profession quests, WQs instead of dailies, challenging outdoor areas, and they have been changing a bit with holidays. Pretty hard to make an argument that the stuff you could do then isn’t available and offering better progression.

I understand what you are saying and I do agree to some extent. There is already a lot of that, it just needs tweaking.

I think WQs as a replacement to daily hubs works better when there are callings. Without them the system flatlines pretty quickly.

As for challenging world content, it’s all group events on a timer… I would like to either see popup solo events in the mix, or something else entirely. I also think popup events on a timer, because they are on a timer, should never be the main attraction.

And as for progression, I think world content should have its own set with world based bonuses, like movement speed, rep bonus, etc. I think it should have its own unique tmog appearance as well, instead of being a recolour.

I think it feels pretty good to complete a set thats specifically for the content you do.


That makes two of us. Go play house on moonguard.

For a normal dungeon run? Absolutely!
Who the heck needs high quality players to help them run a normal?
Now if we are talking much harder stuff, then it would make a world of difference

You are right. No one NEEDS them, but they make it way faster. And we smoother. I don’t NEED them, but exclusively take them because i couldn’t be bothered to be stuck in a raid with bads for hours on end.