I’m asking you Ard since you seem to be very knowledgeable on all things blizzard from their sub numbers to how they work. I dont. I’m just play john doe who plays this game
Newcomers can learn to tank while leveling and be ready for LFR as soon as they hit the minimum ilevel. No research even required.
No they’re not lol. You’re writing a full on fiction novel at this point.
Don’t need any of those. Threat meter?? Is this 2008??
How many times you wanna move the goalposts?
I know it’s Sunday and all but c’mon.
I hear you saying you feel everyone cares about ilvl, whether they admit it or not, and I do think that number gets very important to a lot of people. They’re chasing dopamine.
But right now, I’m not even chasing max level. All I’m really playing are very low level alts (all sub level 20, I think the highest might be 14). I’m running around and exploring the old world. Seeing how questing zones have changed, which ones are the same, etc. I think I currently have three druids on the same server, none of which are anywhere near max level. I never would have done that in expansions gone past. ilvl isn’t even remotely on my radar.
Even when I was raiding in the expansions of yesteryear, it was always more about the achievements and story for me. Realizing I had a high ilvl when others insisted on an ahem measuring competion was more of a bonus.
Anything I could pour into your cup, would not remove the rage and spite that already overflows it.
Not even my question Ard. Have you consider answering it rather than dodging it like a fool?
“He who angers you conquers you”
Wait you think I’m mad? Not even close Ard. I told you think before I see you as a free entertainment. I need to laugh once in a while otherwise I’d be bored on my daily job. But hey keep dodging the question
“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret”
I think I broken Ard >.>
Edit: anyone here knows how to repair a troll?
The conversation took a hilarious turn.
I really should be careful w/ my toys. I keep breaking it
So I personally 100% agree with you. For a long time (from vanilla all the way to legion) i was a serious raider, not PvP (yuck) and by WOTLK I was running 2 raiding guilds, 1 alliance and 1 horde and i had some toons in other raiding guilds also. By the time Legion rolled around I realized I was spending so much time on WOW it was sad. I even got my son an account to spend time with him rather than actually spending real time with him in the real world. That being said, now all the elite players cant say that i suck, or that i dont know the game, yada, yada, yada. I have not done any raids since legion, no mythics, and not a single dungeon in shadowlands or dragonflight. Would i like too YES, but not not with elite socialites out there that want judge you based on an Ilvl. I am all for the OP ideas because I am a purely casual, BY CHOICE. I love this game always have, I just nolonger care about top level gear or elite play style. If you elite players cannot understand then get over your pretensiousness. Honestly I dont even know what the current top Ilvl is and I dont care. Some have said that solo dungeon scaling cant be done, problem is it can be and has been done at times thruout the history of thia game. They scale players back for timewalking dungeons exact same concept for solo dungeons/raids, scale the NPC’s back. Some have said only reward cosmetic gear. WHY, casual players are not asking for top tier mythic gear as rewards, give me gear high enough to keep me relative in the casual play style that I want to do. We get tired of being forced into doing group content with a bunch of elite jerks where the alternative is “ok dont do the content”. I do not want to compete with elite players anymore, i have a real life and i should not be forced to skip half the content of this game because i chose to not worry about the competitive elite status quo. There are raids out there I would love to experience for the story and visuals, but I have to wait until the raid is 2 expansions old so that I can run it solo and even then there are some you cannot do alone. They have NPC’s that will allow you to que for old content alone, why not use the same concept for new content for the casual players.
This is good.
Why can’t you run LFR and normal/heroic dungeons to see the content you said you’d like to see and get the power levels you would like to have?
This just means that you don’t want to obtain an easy metric…which probably means you will hold the group back…
Nah, don’t think I will.
You already have that.
Lfr is there… and good, you have a social life. So do I, anf it’s unaffected by my raiding because i clear in like 1.5 hours.
Not really.
If you don’t appeal to new players then the game gets less interest and less people playing.
It won’t be much of an mmorpg eventually.
Youre describing the whole reason lfr and heroic dungeons exist.
I honestly suggest trying them before you knock them because they are not toxic for the most part.
Sure you might on occasion come across a jerk, but not once in dragonflight have i had an issue.
Normal/heroic dungeons and lfr are the only way i see that content anymore myself. And honestly, its fine.
While we have those, we dont need solo dungeons.
All good things must come to an end.
I mean the extra lil dopamine hit when you get a good upgrade in your vault is definitely nice, but at least for me and others I’d wager it’s mostly about the even bigger dopamine hit when a M boss gets downed after prog.
Yes, of course, but we are talking about catagorical qualifications. How would catagorize that type of activity?
I think everyone from poor Plato to even poorer Nietzsche would disagree that the question of life is simple. Others would also disagree its ever “over” too. But that’s definitely another debate for another time.
I suppose my original point stands, you can use games to escape the tedium of life… ergo, for some people they wouldn’t want their game of choice to reflect the tedium they are trying to take a break from, and that’s certainly okay.
Some people find competitive games the best escape for them, and their unique personality, and that’s also okay. Thankfully WoW has always had content for both types of people, and should continue to do so.
But your comment that they don’t need it was in direct reply to my comment about just that.
You don’t think the devs could tone it down and do it differently? Change up how it all plays out? Every version of the mission table was different than the one before it. I think they actually like changing things around.
It seemed fairly clear to me. I don’t think it was out of context at all.