"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

All all of them are either entitled children or trolls.

It’s the only way to look at it. Solo players pretend to be casual players because they want to strengthen their argument.

No it isn’t. The definition of solo is solo. Solo players do not do any group content.

No. Feelings don’t change words definitions.

Yes but someone brought up Runescape, so I was comparing one fantasy MMORPG to another. Apples to apples, if you will.

I totally agree though, not all games are comparable and/or should trade ideas. But for the ones that are comparable? Taking inspiration from them is an awesome practice. In fact, that’s actually where some of WoW’s coolest additions over the years have come from… others games like GW2, FFXIV, etc.

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Being able to run my alts through instances would be pretty awesome. If they could have banter back and forth it would be icing on the cake.


flashbacks to grand company AI from ff14

please god NOOOOOOOOO

I dont want wow to change exactly.
I want it to change back to what it was, not in to a different game.

10.1.5 is a great step in that direction.
It has daily content, a new rep, a repeatable event, lots to collect, and a nice way to gear your characters.

And as an added bonus, no one seems to be complaining that its ruining their experience with raiding and whatnot.

More content like 10.1.5 (and less like 10.1) and wow is on the right track! :smiley:


Then just don’t do it ez

it was more of along the lines of terrible AI than actually doing said content. if they use the AI from comp stomp, then theres gonna be issues.

Though i did here them say they did have a better AI they could use, but that is only speculation

I disagree. i think the OPs in those topics did their best to be fair and constructive. I think there were a lot of good replies as well.

I don’t think admitting you are a casual gives any argument you might make any sort of strength given the stigmas against “filthy casuals” in this community.

I consider myself a casual because I do not play much and I do not tackle higher tiers or content. I do not consider myself a casual because I think that consideration will get me something. I can’t speak for others but this is where I am at, so you are mistaken about me at least.

Again, I consider myself a solo player because I have no guild, all my friends have moved on and the only group content I do is via a solo queue so I don’t have to schedule around anyone else ever. It’s okay that we see it differently.

Come on, lol. There is no standard definition of these words, set in stone anywhere. And that’s okay. It doesn’t matter. We can still share ideas and discuss.


To be fair, I don’t mind if they’re bad. I pug regularly, sometimes the comp stomp bots are not much worse. As long as I can group up and get them some gear, that would be cute. If they had good AI that would be a bonus but not required for me to enjoy it


While ff14 does have better ai with the support system now. just thinking about the old GC AI makes me shudder. That was a nightmare.


Lol people arguing the title tend to be clueless, not saying that’s you at all OP. However the vocal whineority think gear should be some grandiose epic achievement that only the 1% can obtain which is silly. I love that after coming back from a two month hiatus I have a good track to use to get some mythic gear without having to stick to a raiding schedule. I still have to put in the work, but it lets me use keys as my avenue over raiding which the bulk of the whineority think it should be.


AI in games can be pretty funny at times.

I feel like almost every time a new MMO game trailer released in the last 15 years, they promised a uniquely interactive and dynamic environment like never before and/or super duper realistic AI enemies to create unpredictable challenges and it was always a big nothingburger in the end. I don’t understand why almost everyone tried to hype these things but could almost never deliver! :woman_shrugging:

Keys are free. If mythic gear came from +25, it would be far closer balance wise.

You must not have seen the 3 Eleusia whine threads about this very thing.

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To an extent I agree, however you still have to do several keys just one able to gain one piece of mythic level gear. Which I find to be comparable to raiding in a regard to amount of time put in equals amount of gear given out. As once you down the boss one to two times then you pretty much are guaranteed to speed clear it the next time you do the content, same concept with M+, just without the lockout.

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But you don’t need to spend weeks to learn about an M+ dungeon before it becomes farm.

You’re entitled to your opinion. However anyone who asks for the game to change and cater to their playstyle is entitled.

Ok let me explain this to you. Solo players claim to be casual to add more merit to their argument on the basis of a delusional “minority” that think solo players are casuals.

Do you know what a dictionary is?

It was only three this time?

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For the most part, it isn’t about the difficulty of the dungeon, its about the difficulty of dealing with unpleasant players.
While the typical dungeon on normal is just a bunch of silent folk doing what they do it can be stressful when things go bad.
In a solo dungeon you blame yourself and you own it because you are the only one there.
In a group folks point fingers and become nasty at times

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I know they took issue with the gear
Im just disagreeing with painting everyone with the same brush.
Im a self described solo world content player, and the level of the gear is perfect imo.

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