"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

You just full of conundrums… the barrier is too high, yet its shut off the brain and run on the wheel. Lol. Quit trolling.

After your first comment, I highly doubt you want to debate the topic other than to be condescending. :v:


Well if it’s fun I’d like to meet the people who think it is…cause it isn’t.



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I mean you ARE a hunter… so theres that. Theres really no debate, we got people that want to beat challenges and conquer milestones. And people that wanna have tea time and play make believe mojo dojo casa house at the expense of the raiders.

Talkin to him. Its a great time raiding.

Rofl thanks for confirming my hypothesis. :+1:

I ‘main’ a deathknight. Mostly run keys on my hunter, but I also play a rogue, lock, priest, mage, demon hunter…

I think you get the point. My forum avatar says nothing about my playstyle nor my personality. But you keep on with that super judgmental thought process fam.

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Whats your lock wanna check the logs against mine =].

Iyameternal is my current, but I have 4 other locks. I was going to post on her for effect, but forums are borked.
Ordaine is my dk and oldest character.
Rahkinshi is my current rogue, but I have 3 others.
Dayamei is my current war, I have 5 others.

Tbh I don’t feel like listing the rest out xD But I usually have 3-4 of each class at all times. Except evoker, due to server limits.

The shortage doesn’t exist in raids though. Organized teams usually have a waiting list of tanks ready to go and pigs full those two spots super fast.

The only place there’s a wait on tanks is pug 5 man content and the reason given by almost every tank player you ask is that they don’t need to play with randos who may or may not be jerks, so they don’t.

The existence of LFR and PuG groups tells a different story, which likely outnumbers the organized groups.

All those indicate is that some people prefer going unguilded or doing raids at random times with whoever they can find. Neither is indicative of the difficulty of raid tanking.

I disagree.

This thread has become really dumb but also really fun.

Vulpera: civil war
One vulpera hates casual gameplay with a passion and wants it all to burn down.
The other vulpera hates hardcore content and wants it all to burn down.

Neither is willing to budge or be reasoned with.

Who needs tv when you can just read the forums XD

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You forgot the part where I am right and the warrior just talks in circles. Zug Zug!

Keep disagreeing with something that almost everyone who’s done both tanking and either DPS or heals in a raid will confirm. Just makes you look out of touch with reality. :person_shrugging:

Nobody would ever see or hear from me again in the real world if I had that :rofl:. I get lost in solo content sometimes and I’d also have my group content omg it would be amazing!

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If you don’t appeal to newcomers then they won’t play.

Tell me you dont have any idea about tanking w/o telling me you’re clueless about raid tanking. But I guess you have no personal experience so what do you know :wink:

Those requirements only apply when you take it seriously.

You can go in blind but your chances of getting booted without knowing what you’re doing even on LFR are high.

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