"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

I don’t invite anyone from ragnaros or QT for that reason. They just do poor dps, or compleyely fail at mechanics. I was basically alluding to you preferring polite players over quality players. That significantly increases the time to clear content. Most of the time I wont take anyone that hasn’t cleared 3/4 of the raid before. Any less and they usually end up being a waste of space.

If you feel that way, why do you disagree with the people who ask for more challenging world content?

I think you may be confusing kindness for trust. I am kind to everyone, but trust no one.

You think people should never do “sub-optimal” things, even when just messing around in the open world? Lol. That doesn’t sound very fun.

Perfectionism is not everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s a good thing! It takes all kinds to make the world for round and humanity would never have gotten this far without it’s weird, out-of-the-box, radical thinkers.

And just in case you are about to say it, no I am not saying people should mess around in group content, that’s different, that involves other people’s time.

Much agreed! I love it when any quest phases me into a scenario type thingy too. It’s fun!

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If TG actually had challenge like m+, it’d have had better rewards.

The pursuit of perfection is indeed fun.

Apples to oranges. Theres a difference between creative innovation, and simply choosing tonuse something that is proven sub optimal. Simulations exist for a reason.

Ultimately, soloers that NEVER cross into grouo content I have no issue with, but far too often do they end up crossing over into group content, at the detriment of yhe group they join.

Lets be honest, how many M+ runs actually fail? for something other than rage quitting? how many solo torghast runs failed? a lot. If it had actually given rewards a lot more people would have done them.

I am predominantly a solo player. I spend the majority of my time running battlegrounds and the remainder grinding reputation mogs/pets/toys (never really got into mounts). I am quite happy with what I do in-game, and only really have one major suggestion.

The Kharazan chess event is a PITA, I hate it, I’m terrible at soloing it. Give me a dialogue option with Medivh that lets me skip it and forfeit the loot. “I don’t feel like playing chess with you today” would suffice.


you would be suprised at what ppl type before they quit at the last boss and requeue for another dungeon for absolutely no reason just because someone else may have typed ‘hey wait up!’

its abusive behavior. if you don’t want to play with a group, you can always go into the herioc instance by yourself you don’t have to join players who may or may not want or have the capability to run the content like you happen to be in the mood to that morning

the problem is blizzard rewards these players and puts out a weekly 5 dungeon quest instead of just making the herioc dungeons rewarding and scaling every players ilvl to herioc ilvl +5 and making the herioc dungeon actually tuned to be somewhat challenging

and blizzard needs to nerf tanks hardcore, i do not care if it takes 6 hours to queue for a dungeon, tanks should not be this strong compared to dps/ and heals in squishyness factor except for tank buster mechanics and stuff like that

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For some people. Not everyone though. We are all different and that’s okay.

My husband for example is a perfectionist. Like’s everything in mint condition and set up in a very semetrical way. He won’t even peel the protective plastic film off of certain electronics and keeps the packaging for everything he ever bought stored in the loft above his workshop “just in case”… it’s all stacked neatly together in a way that would put most tetris masters to shame… and when he does work around the house, it’s the most incredibly meticulous stuff I’ve ever seen!

And then there is me… you see, he married a creative type, the poor guy, and let’s just say I have a much more relaxed way of doing things. I still keep a nice, clean house mind you… but I don’t mind dog-earring books, I hate using coasters, sometimes I leave my harp in weird places, and there’s coffee in my keyboard.

Ultimately we learned to live together in peace and it works just fine. We even runbed off on eachother a little.

I think in WoW there is room for the min/maxers and their spreedsheets, and the free spirits that just want to take their blueberry pet sight seeing sometimes (so he doesn’t feel like out)! It doesn’t have to be either or. Having both (and content for both) makes the world more vibrant, interesting and real.

Also, more casual content might mean keeping some of those people you find silly so busy that they stay out of your raids! :upside_down_face:

Sub-optimal for group DPS roles maybe, but who knows what the heck he was actually doing. Maybe it was just optimal for his fun in that moment. That’s okay. It’s a game, not a job!

Maybe that wouldn’t be the case though if there was player housing, and more solo content with its own gear sets to keep them busy and/or satisfied.

Out of curiousity, how do you think the issue of what you consider to be “bad players” should be solved? Do you think the game should be even harder? Or have more tutorials? Or do you really just want them all to quit and go away?


Right, and the objest of a game, is to win. Which is to apply ones self, and be the best one can be…

I highly doubt this, as many of the commenters on this and other threads have all said they want better quality gear… they claim they want “casual gear for casual content” but guess what… they already get casual gear for casual content. So the only other logical solution is raid & M+ quality gear, for casual content… which will drive them back into our lane.

The solution, is for people to understand that the game requires investment. Look at logs, look at guides but first and foremost, ASK FOR HELP AND ACCEPT HELP WHEN OFFERED. Too often I find people that are severely underperforming, and simply don’t know what Icy Veins or WowHead are. Now contrary as it may seem, I am actually very open to players that underperform and am willing to help them learn. I do it all the time for my guild as I am well versed in nearly all specs (Evoker is the only class I dont raid on). But what tends to happen, and provides the irritation I have is people expect to just log in, and be able to do 100k DPS. It doesn’t work that way. There is investment involved, and those who don’t invest in themselves, i see as lazy, and I have no time nor love lost for lazy players.

But what do you define as winning. How do you win at animal crossing for example?

Dont play the game so i can’t put it into context. However, winning can be advancement and however you would advance through the game.

Can’t believe you thought I woild even know what that game is about, considering the context of my posts.

Is advancement defined by the game or by the player though. In an MMORPG I’d say moreso than any of genre it’s defined by the player. If someone doesn’t need to optimise to achieve their goals within a game why’s it matter that they aren’t, as long as they aren’t impacting your own ability to achieve your goals.


Better improve that gray parse on Scalecommander Normal. You were barely above that Blood DK. I wouldn’t call that winning.

As a mostly solo player, I am actually happy with gearing in DF. I think the currency system their using is a smidge convoluted but because I can get the currency doing the content I normally like to do (Normal and Heroic Dungeons) has given me the feeling that if I want to get a higher gear score, it is easily within my reach.

For this character though, I feel the Ilvl he is currently at has me feeling powerful enough to where zipping around doing stuff feels great, but the world is also threatening enough if I get cocky or lazy.

In reality, I don’t care a whole lot about iLvl. I care about mogs more than anything, and this is something I think Blizz could do more on.

Things I’d like to see for my own wishlist

  1. Revisting the Garrison and adding more customizations (different racial themed building sets I think) and buildings. I’d prefer to see individual player housing but I feel like the Garrison could serve the same function with some tweaks and upgrades.
  2. Making Chromie time an optional toggle that automatically turns on and scales the mobs up/scales you down when you enter non-current expansion zones.
  3. I saw a WoW Quest Designer on TikTok talk about how she re-did the BfA zones so that the quests are seperated out in a way to where you can take them on and come back to them at a later time at your own pace. I think this was a great idea and should be extended to the other expansions.
  4. I’d like to revisit how we collect old armor sets and mounts from older expansions. The current method (rerunning the areas with everything scaled down and you annihilating everything in one hit) is really boring and uninteresting for me and I’d like to see them add in story-driven quests for the mounts and crafting recipes for the old armor sets. I saw on WoWHead that they’re doing something like this with the Naxx armor sets so I hope they’re planning on doing this for other old raids/dungeons as well

Basically what I would like is for expansions to add to the game rather than replace and become the entirety of the game.

I mean, I like the Dragon Isles as a location. But I love the rest of the Azeroth too and I’d love to see them breathe new life into it.


just checked my wotlk toon, turns out it was AV weekend, ending up logging out of retail and spent a few hours getting 2 pieces of honor gear.

game was a lot more fun and satisfying before it went casino…

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Gotta agree, the actual gear tracks at this point are pretty well paced and well weighted. The issue is more the quality of the content you have to do to acquire it, and a general lack of features that aren’t focused intently on character ilvl progression. There were some great additions in that respect this patch but there’s a lot more work to do.


Tangible advancement is defined by game metrics.

Unfortunately the do impact me.

Better check my warlock. Considering this isn’t my main. Should be easy to find if you look at my guild.roster.

Lemme know when you start raiding. I’ll actaully care then.

Definitely passable, did you guys not get a week 1 sark kill? You raid on too many chars it’s kinda hard to follow.