Everyone eventually runs the same thing over and over again. There’s only a finite amount of content available.
I really miss the MoP scenarios! More content like that, especially for solo as opposed to 3 players, would be welcomed by a lot of players!
Its important that all player types have character progression. But the item level you end at isnt all that important so long as you do grow and the world is tuned for you.
As it stands right now, a world solo player grew the same amount as a mythic raider did between 10.0 and 10.1, being around 30 item levels.
But those doing mythic+ and raiding do go in to more challenging content which requires better gear than a solo player needs, and they have people counting on them. So that means that they will want to do the content that helps them perform as good as possible.
Which is why its not ideal for there to be too many routes to power up too high.
As dragonflight has shown us, push back against “manditory” content does have consequences on what content is given in the world sadly.
So mythic+ and organised raiding should give better gear than what solo content provides.
But if you meant gear equal to lfr gear when you say epic gear, then that should totally be on the table for discussion.
But transmog is more important than item level anyway as that sticks around forever. Item levels just last a patch.
Id much rather some chill solo content to work towards a nice mog, than a gruelling challenge to get item level 450 gear
Primates screech too much lol.
That is all they do is screech.
I would rather run a normal with. bunch of low dps folk who enjoy the run than run with some super dps god who constantly complains and insults everyone else.
Id take 20 min of fun over 5 min of hatred.
usually people are silent.
True. But if given a choice…
5 min of hatred.
if people are doing 5min dungeon I doubt they have time to actually type anything as they’re consistently pulling things
why do people always assume lower skilled players are nice anyway? They can both lack skill and be insufferable.
Still better than a toxic group.
But those types of dungeons are the worst.
One time i did a heroic dungeon, and the tank literally would only stop moving at the bosses. It was insane and not in the fun way.
After playing augmentation for a bit it occurs to me that everyone having mythic gear for logging in would be a direct increase to my own performance, improving my logs and therefore should happen.
One time i did a heroic dungeon, and the tank literally would only stop moving at the bosses. It was insane and not in the fun way.
Sounds like a blast actually.
sounds like you just need to gitgud then. It’s not the tank problem because clearly he can halndle the pull. It’s a you problem coz you can’t keep up.
Also it’s toxic because the tank pulled everything. I’ve seen alot of definition of toxic in GD but man you’re really reaching aren’t you
It was not a good experience at all.
But on the plus side, it got the weekly done a bit faster!
It was not a good experience at all.
what’s not a good experience for you doesnt necessary means it’s not for someone else. But hey that’s “toxic” right
20 min of fun over 5 min of hatred.
You mean 4 hours of mindless pulling and failing to kill the boss, over 1 hour of competent gameplay.
Well if you are consistently running normals at 1-4 hours…
Something needs to be looked at.
I avoid dungeons so Iʻm not up to speed as to what is the average time to clear a normal for DF but, 1 hour? …
I assumed you were being sarcastic before, but now im wondering if youre being serious
Incase you misunderstood, i said that a group that took 5 minutes to clear a dungeon because they were constatly pulling and never stopped, is better than being in a group with toxic people.
I never said a fast group is made of toxic people.
Honestly, why should a raider care if I get incremental increases in power? Are you people somehow diminished that my ilvl is 19 lower than yours instead of 20?
If they would just give mythic/m+ the same rewards that Torghast got, you would see how popular they are.
I think this could be done with crafting, but Blizzard won’t let this happen because the hardcore players would either abuse it or complain about it.
They would abuse it AND complain about it.