"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

Oh dear. I see this topic has been flagged. Not sure why since it’s just a place for casuals to give feedback about what types of content they like, and what type of gear they are looking for from it.

Surprised that so many raiders say that even if we don’t want mythic gear for logging in, apparantly we can’t have casual gear for casual content either… but even so! Don’t understand the flag… its just a topic about WoW stuff on WoW forums.

I don’t personally think there is any shame getting help from others sometimes. It’s just grouping IRL. :slightly_smiling_face:

Giving feedback such as, “Hey I like what you did here. Can we have more of that?” Is not trying to take over a game. Come on, lol.

I believe thats what’s called a slippery slope fallacy. Just because some one gets an inch, doesn’t automatically mean they will get a mile.

But this is also why I think there should be different gear sets for different types of content. A world/explorers set wouldn’t work in raids the way raid drops do… and a raid set wouldn’t work in pvp the way pvp sets do. Everything fair. Everybody happy.

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Just stop. “There had been a lot of discussion lately about if the game is raid or die…” ( if I mess up the OPs quote it’s close enough)

It’s not a new topic hasn’t been a new topic since the first expansion.

It’s never going to resolve anything it just fires up the same pointless debate.

Its just a couple of very vocal people.
Most of them i wont even give the time of day to because theyre either trolls, or just not very nice people.
One of them i have my suspicions that theyre alt posting as well on 2 characters.

If someone isnt willing to engage in good faith, its best just to ignore them.


Well… leveling, gearing up, working on profs, reps, achievements, collections, titles… virtually everything in this game is a grind depending how you look at it. Some are just a lot more fun than others!

However what I liked about artifact power was not the grind, so much as, a tangible sense of progression from open world content. World quests felt more impact and useful for a lot longer back then.

I do remember that! Feeling like a limp noodle for a little while… I agree… a spec should “work” right out of the gate, and only get better with time. It definitely should not start off broken or janky. That type of progression is not fun at all!

Guild drama!

Also, a lot of people did raid for years. It was fun for them, they got some good memories in there, but eventually they just sort of feel bored of it. It can lose the thrill with time…

Don’t be silly. That’s just an assumption. Lots of old raid vets that could school the new younger recruits but would rather just chill and go fishing.

Thing is, once you prove to yourself you can roll with the best of them, you don’t really care what other people think about you anymore.

Also you find really awesome people and total buttheads in every demographic. The solo players and avid raiders are no different.

Edit: Sorry for the super long post! I was away for a while and when I woke up this morning, there was a ton of stuff to reply to!

I agree! They should not give the same awards at all! And I didn’t mean to imply they would. Sorry for any confusion.

I see solo dungeons more as a fun side game where you have to collect, level and gear up your NPC followers… drops a unique transmog, but item level is just on par with world content. Also a place to see the full story and complete main story questlines too. That’s all. :upside_down_face:

That’s why I think callings should come back. I doubt they will give up the WQ model and go back to daily quest hubs, so I would at least like to see callings again.

Of course they do have some daily stuff now with the whelps daycare and Everywhere Inn (or whatever its called) which I do appreciate.

I never said it was a new topic. I just saw what seemed to me to be a lot more threads than usual about it. That’s all I meant.

Also, I don’t think its pointless for casual players to give feedback. They are part of this community too.

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So basically you want FFXIV

Not at all! Eorzea is just not Azeroth! There were a couple of things I liked about that game but WoW overall is so mucn better and feels like home.

Also last time I played FFXIV someone followed me around, asking to touch my feet. That place is scary sometimes! :fearful:

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That is the problem. Casuals.

You already get casual gear.

No, but you give an inch, and they will complain for the mile.

Ooh! Thats me!

Its a fact from experience.

So many? It’s mostly 2 guys that won’t even post on their mains.

Most Mythic raiders are too busy playing the game to slum around on GD.

Why are casuals a problem? They help keep the lights on, the servers live and the dev team staffed… that means they also help to keep the raid tiers coming!

Whoops! You left out the “for casual content” part… I and many others would like to see more casual content, but certain people seem to think asking for anything other than more raids is sacrilege!

This is silly. The game is World of Warcraft, not Raids of Warcraft. It’s not a moba or lobby game.

People are going to complain no matter what. Can’t make decisions around that!

If you only do group content, how would you know how solo players play? :thinking:

Do you think so? I haven’t really been paying attention to names and profiles much but I remember a few blood elves, a human mage, a stabby fox, a female orc and a few others.

I would be inteterested to know if GD raider opinions trend differently than non-GD raider opinions… but I guess there is no way to ever really know. :confused:

Casuals that progress? Nothing. Casuals that try to sissify the game and dumb it down to console level thought process? Everything.

Sure we can.

Because I am forced to do that content to get to endgame content.

But raids are the culmination of your beloved story… so it kinda is.

Lol, come on. You can’t be serious. No one is advocating to make raids easier or anything like that! They are asking for more of a type of optional side content that’s already in the game…

And it is just a silly game. None of it makes any of us tough or “sissy” or anything else like that regardless of how we like to play it… it’s just fun, a hobby.

Doesn’t your crowd like to spam dungeons to level? Regardless… you cannot tell someone’s skill level just by running past them in the open world.

Raids are part of the world and story. They belong there. The other parts belong too!

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Not claiming this. Talking about world oriented content or expecting me to just automatically be nice. And, technically putting better quality gear on thr map that is solo obtaonable, will make raiding easier.

Warlock using a blueberry is either new or bad.

As a means to an end.

I agree with this so much. They really did the events, level & gear balancing very well in DF.

The reality is most raiders don’t care if they add more solo content, as long as it doesn’t take away resources from creating raids, and as long as the rewards aren’t powerful enough to require raiders to do that solo content as well.

Boreghast left a very bad taste in a lot of raider’s mouths. Blizzard has a tendency to make any content they design mandatory for everyone.

Raiding is already time consuming as it is, so having to do a bunch of chores outside of it is no bueno.


Pretty much this. And like you said 424 ilvl this tier and world content only effects like set bonuses don’t affect us at all.

Honestly I think if time rift set had a set bonus and wasn’t just catalyst fodder for 424 tier the actual gear ecosystem in 10.1.5 would be fine. The issue is the quality of the stuff you’ve got to do to obtain it.

Few years back when I heard Nestle wants to copyright water and doesn’t think it should be free, the first thing I said was “Nestle sounds like wow community.”

What is “sissy” about world content? It can be made challenging. I can also be chill. It’s not really just any one thing.

I wouldn’t expect you or anyone else to automatically be nice, but I do believe it’s a good idea. Kindness is not weakness, my friend, it’s a super power!

This is I understand, but once again, I think there should be world gear sets that are separate from raid sets. This eliminates that.

Or bored. Or just trying something out. Or not giving a poop!

For some people the journey is more important than the destination. That’s okay. We’re all having fun here. Let’s just live, and let live.

See, that sounds totally reasonable and fair to me. I wouldn’t want them to make less raids either. I just want WoW to have lots of awesome content for everyone.

Yeah… dungeons to gear up for pvp, battlegrounds for legendary quests, raids for crafting. We’ve seen it all over the years. It’s silly. The developers cannot force people to like a type of content by shoving them into it, or locking things behind it. You just can’t push a square peg thru a round hole. They should just let people be themselves! :upside_down_face:

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Im really hoping that they use 10.1.5 as a template going forwards.

Its small scale (as its a minor patch), but ticks all the boxes for good world content, while not upsetting high end players.

Its lame, generally just rollable.

Its not a weakness, but it’s also not a strength. Naive kindness can get you taken advantage of. I am thoroughly capable of kindness. To those proving deserving.

Regardless its sub optimal. And shouldn’t be done.

No … … It should be fully functional epic items. You want better items than everyone because you run the same exact thing over and over again ? Why should that make you have anything better ? How about M+ only drops cosmetics? That seems like a better idea. Then you can have your flaming glowing sword that is no more powerful than anyone else can get… But you could still have your epeen. which is really what this is about isn’t it?

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