"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

I haven’t been wrong on anything.

On a side note. Hope everything’s going well for you been a minute since I have seen you post.


They’ve got like half a dozen houses in Skyrim.

Why not have more in WoW? People want em.

Garrsions still haven’t scratched that home owners itch.

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Snoz, you a smart guy. We gotta keep these baddies in check. Preserve the game. Prevent it from getring any worse.

Hey, thanks hope everything is going well for you too.

So go play Skyrim.

Waste of dev time. Not a priority for the majority logistic issues.

Go buy a house in real life.

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Play skyrim.

Cuz its literally the dumbest idea ive heard here.

Because there isn’t one.

It’s good. Just moved into a new house on the first. Still unpacking.

Moving is the worst.

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Survivorship bias.

Ppl only do the rewarding content and farm the great vault do to entrainment and necessity.

It doesn’t mean they really enjoy it or those activities are actually healthy or fun for the community anymore!

Pro tip they used to not be the primary thing ppl did when the game was growing population ppl did herioc dungeons that where harder than M+ and spent like 6 months just leveling and still being in greens with a few blues.


Congrats on the new house!

You ain’t kidding about moving being terrible.


Oh I know there are bigger issues. Just not the 1 you’re constantly fearmongering about sweetypie.

We should go back to this to shut yall up.

Citation needed.

Which means the majority aren’t solo players because solo players ignore that.

Just because you don’t enjoy the game doesn’t mean the majority don’t enjoy the game.

Raiding has always been the primary pillar of the game.

Nothing in classic was harder. The game was super easy. People were just really bad.

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Yes I agree lol.

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Its literally the culmination of the story. You’d think these antisocial soloers would get that.

good thing classic is here. Oh wait even that didnt took 6months to level a toon

Thanks. It’s got a huge front porch with gates our dog is absolutely loving it.

Yeah my daughters room is still a mess. Granted she’s 3 and keeps playing with toys which doesn’t help lol


Also weren’t those raids cleared in hours after release too?

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Always interesting to see people derailing a thread

Glad to hear it and hope the move goes smoothly for you.