"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

There is no I in team. Get good or get out.

Not a problem if you bother to find people with a similar mindset to play with.

Or you get better and get invited to groups. Thats an option too.

Nobody doing keys past 20 is getting anything in terms of ilvl gains.

I think it would be cool to have something like this and then increasing this worldwide reputation gets you additional titles and also additional dialogue options for the main character with the reputation but also the alts.
New options wouldn’t change the story but could just be fun different options to the same end.
I would personally never see all the unlocks because it’s not my thing, but I think it would be neat.

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I see you’re trying to be all edgy and cool, but none of your internet tough talk changes the fact that nobody needs to be competitive to do any PvE content in wow outside of a few very specific events.

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If Blizzard was anything like Snozy, the game would’ve gone out of business years ago.

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I think most people who say this accept that the designers have never made solo content that competes hand-in-hand with group content, and there’s no indication they ever will. I accept that the best progressive rewards (i.e. gear that makes you feel powerful) come from group content, and I have no expectation that will change.

Not because I can’t comprehend a WoW that would be like that, but because 18+ years of this game has never shown me that WoW will go that way. Is it possible they change course and start designing content that way? Anything is possible, but history has shown me it’s not probable in this game.

If Blizz was like you it would have bankrupt years ago.

“You want mythic gear for logging in!”


I dunno…I think trying to shove “facts” into peoples faces would cause a business to go out of action quicker, no matter how good the product.

better than fearmongering people :wink:

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I’d think the people would side with someone willing to hear them out than to someone who tries talking down to them or to attempt discrediting someone to make gatekeeping seem like a natural process of a friendly gaming environment.

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There is no gatekeeping in this game. It’s literally just an excuse

Then you’re just ignoring the issue that exists between the committed and non-committed player.

There isn’t an issue. If you want to do the content you have to put some basic effort in.

Like the amount of entitlement some solo players show really makes me question how they function in the real world.

That is not the case. As evident by topics like this.

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You got a heart from me mr.

It’s telling that you’ve been flagged.

I’d like to do all this without being forced into M+ or raids or forced to do content with people who don’t respect me (441 people in herioc pugs for the weekly who don’t want to be there).

And I would like the content to be interesting and challenging in a way that isn’t artificially tedious (world mobs spamming stuns and deafening roar constantly that melees can pretty much ignore).

Not just trivial or forced to be carried and treated like a second class citizen. I don’t care if the only way to achieve this is scaling world content and heriocs and m0 and disabling tier outside of raids. Ilvl capping people. Or ilvl anf special tier that only works in world content.

Raiders and M+ need to get over themselves. They aren’t the core game that matters or should matter. These things where always afterthoughts that became progressively more prominent later on. Raiding from WotLk onward. M+ from WoD onward. And meant to prop up a dying game.

Return to the journey. Not the subcreation or metabuild at the end of the journey simmed and played for you by weak aueas.

G-d bless you all.


Just because people have a perceived grievance doesn’t mean it’s valid.

You can’t tell people what they can or can’t want.