"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

No doubt, they all get carried like you.

Honestly no, because i know that its only bridging content. Im only doing it to get to endgame.

Your right to an extent. I think the bigger problem is the animosity toward raidingā€¦ why would you not want to kill a boss with 400m health with reasonably engaging mechanics (in higher difficulty).

Absolutely my guy. I hold the 4th tile forward, 2nd tile to the left down on zskarn. Thats MY tile. Donā€™t touch it.

Time commitments and expectations being placed upon you by other players. At the end of the day in world content whether you use group finder to trivialize it or take on these hypothetically doable challenges solo, the only person you are held accountable to is yourself.

Is this some sort of world 500 strat notation Iā€™m not particularly aware of or are you making some kind of joke?

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I want it to return but in a completely different form.

I think it would be cool to get something like honor but for completing world quests.
Each one you do slowly fills up a bar, and at different checkpoints you gets things like trasmog, pets, or mounts.

So you still have the feeling of everything being worth doing like you did with AP, but now its completely optional, and has no impact on player power.


Isnā€™t this justā€¦ renown but good?

All things aside, time i get. Iā€™m prolly taking an extended break while i go back and get my MBA due to full time work schedule. But expectations should be mutual between yourself and other players.

And individuals that solo or advocate for solo typically donā€™t hold themselves accountable.

Big joke. Holding down the floor. Just picked a random super specific tile.

At least until you get a rez.

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Nah, I wait until after everyone dies and just respawn before the boss despawns just to die again.

Basically yeah
But with longer stretch goals and not tied to specific reps

Ive maxed out my reps so there is no real incentive to keep doing world quests any more.
I know you get the bag of goodies for getting an extra 7500 rep. But something about bandages for your pets just isnt really doing it for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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the enchanted wyrm crest from loamm 20 was pretty nice. get another 437 alongside the one from the campaign.

This is exactly one example of the end of world content and it being a bridging content that i was talking about.

No, doubt. You should probably quit group content since your are holding the rest back.

Yeah they were certainly helpful in getting geared up. Even got myself a third one when the vault had nothing i wanted :smiley:

No way, i gotta keep our spirit alive since yall quit going. Someones gota get yeeted from the group for being an idiot. Peep the name.

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The only actual competitive PvE is RWF and MDI/Great Push.

People can do all the levels of raid and as much of m+ as they want without it being competitive.

So, I want to understand. You donā€™t actually enjoy group content for the experience, but rather the reward structure, which only feels better to you because nobody else can have it without adhering to your playstyle. Is that what youā€™re saying?

I get that on some level. I play for a path of progression as well and I also donā€™t enjoy group content as a primary focus. Itā€™s one reason I donā€™t participate in M+. I loathe M+ and its inception is why I donā€™t raid anymore.

I also donā€™t like running the same thing over and over again. Raid was pushing it. If they offered solo dungeons and it was just like M+ but for me as an individual, Iā€™d never use them outside of the ā€œnewā€ experiences.

I liked the concept of Torghast. I liked that it could be done by myself or I could run it with an unspecified amount of people (up to a limit) with no role requirements. If that continuously got more challenging, while providing gear progression, while also being dynamic (as it was initially intended to be), itā€™d be the best content WoW ever put out IMO.

But a lot of people would replay the heck out of those solo dungeons. Itā€™s a big feature in a lot of RPGs and many MMOs.

Some say this game isnā€™t a solo player game. Theyā€™re wrong, but they continuously say it. Because to them, it isnā€™t, and they canā€™t imagine anyone enjoying this game any other way than the way they enjoy it. The game should never be designed around those people.


The people who say ā€œyou want mythic gear for logging inā€ are the ones who want that. What is so hard about clowning on keys with meta comps? They are playing the easy efficient way. The game should give loot for playing. To me farming boring dungeons in meta comps is the opposite of playing. That should get you leaderboard positions and competitive titles, not character stat sheet gains.

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Until they get the boot for garbage dps. Dps has permanent competition. Ther can only be 1 top dps.

With what logic, iā€™ve literally been arguing that i love the process.

Its called raiding. M+ is trash.

But raids should.