"You want mythic gear for logging in!"


Logs private but you get the idea.

It’s always an option for world content to just throw more people at it, but when you already require a group you’re significantly more incentivised to trivialise it with additional people because you’re already however much of the way there. Typically if something can be done solo, even if a group would make it easier, you’ll have people who will give it a go. Some will breeze it, some might fail and resort to a group, and some might surprise themselves. Then maybe a week later when they get a bit more ilvl the ones who couldn’t do it last time can do it now, or maybe the one that surprised themselves will find it easier. That type of progression feels good. Currently there is zero difference between doing time rifts or researchers event at 390 and 430 besides maybe some unavoidable AoE no longer 1 shots you because your contribution to is so small you’re pretty much along for the ride.


You learn to expect and accept this. It give clearity it times of trouble.

At what cost? My own self pride? My own dignity? No thanks. I’ll pass.

I always have. It’s not my game nor my story to try and define.

And all I am saying is when Normal raid isn’t enough it will progress until everyone gets the same gear no matter what. Thats where i have the problem.

How convenient.

Sounds like a balance and tuning problem, not an overarching content problem to me.

Are you a parrot? Can you say something else? Cmon the first 4 failed attempts haven’t given you the idea that i dont care about what your saying? Lol.

Did you even click the link…

As long as the content requires engaging with the LFG tool to attempt, the answer will always be throw more people at it so tuning is irrelevant.

The only way to make world content players can feel they meaningfully contribute to the success of is make engaging with group finder not a necessity to complete it in the first place.

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They did not.
The 1 by the link to show how many people opened it was me.
Super jealous of your title btw.
I was hoping i would find a guild advertising the kill in services chat, but no luck so far.
My void elf needs it so bad haha

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Thats my bad, didn’t even see it! Gratz! Thats quite the accomplishment. Hopefully my group (raid with a different group for mythic) gets a full clear next week.

But is meaningfully contributing to yourself truly meaningful? I mean i guess you kill the thing. But what motivates you to perfect your trade without others?

It’s currently still a significant number of gold caps in terms of raw gold cost so I don’t think you’ll see any CoC compliant sales yet. It needs to come down a lot before people will be offering it for gold.

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You are.

You can’t.

You do care with your made up stuff.

Whatever you say lol.

AAAAAAALright… ill play along…


Sure thing grey parser!

Ah thats a shame but does make sense.
With a bit of luck its not time exclusive. I dont think it will be but you never know.

Thanks for explaining it! :slight_smile:

Yep. I am definitely a grey parser. You got me. Right in the oof.

Firstly I’d say it can be yes, it’s fun to feel stronger and do something better / faster / more efficiently than you did the time before.

Secondly maybe someone at whatever ilvl can’t do it on their own. They’ve seen / know there’s a point at which they can do it on their own but for now they need a group, there’s others who feel the same so there’s groups in LFG and obviously some people will always just want to trivialise it. Then that person gets a bit more ilvl and decides to try it on their own, once again knowing it’s possible, and gets it. That’s a moment that feels good.

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Mythic kill titles haven’t been exclusive for a loooong time, the only exclusive title is the HoF one which is tied to the guild not the player. The player just has to have CE and be in a HoF guild.

I got HoF too (154?) but the title isn’t as cool.

I think there’s 411 guilds now?

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Your right, its a moment, that will end. When you are competing against other competent players and vying for top spot, thats where real meaningful and LASTING content comes from.

So why design all your world content to never have those moments to begin with?


Because they are so niche and infantesimal in the overarching concept of the game. When if you simply sit down with someone in your class, you can do those meaningful challenges much faster. I haven’t had a single world content problem since hitting 390 on ANY of my toons.

Do you not think it would have been more interesting if you did? Obviously if you come across something you can’t do there would always still be a group for it, but the act of gearing and progressing in that ilvl band would have some actual weight to it if the answer wasn’t to find a group for it by default.

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If you want something to grind for the sake of having something to grind, be my guest.

I would not like to go back to grinding out power like that just to unlock spec defining talents. The beginning of Legion was rough when you were working to unlock the stuff that made your spec work while at max lvl. The game is better off without things like artifact weapons

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