"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

Except it does have to do with the game. It has to adpat to grow again or it can just keep dying off.

Do you have an example post handy that you feel needs to be pushed back upon?


Leave it to die off then. I’d rather ride it into the sunset, than have some little billy manbun come along with his lazy, self absorbed, entitled mentality and expect the game to remove all diffuclty so he can prance around elwynn forest in mythic raiding gear. Gtfo.

i demand extreme mythic gear for logging. I DEMAND!

Who cares? I don’t want it too.

That is sad really.

No you!

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So you just want to push out the players you don’t like.

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You could get to max level without grouping.

Grouping is pushed as the be all or nothing for this game but it isn’t the sum of its parts.

Which is why the game is in decline
Blizzard of today only consider group play as its total.


Oh please. Show me

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nvm i read what you said wrong. Well then not a problem for you guys then. You wont need any gear after all :wink:

The issue is that other parts of the games parts should be promoted or made more accessible for more alternative playstyles.

Not just group play at endgame.

I want actual diverse builds. I want a talent in the resto druid tree that just turns off my HoTs and increases my direct healing with a cast time by like 500% or whatever. I want a talent that replaces Regrowth with a channeled heal that heals 5 people, actually, turn off whatever you need for that.

You can’t do anything as resto druid, no matter what you build you have to stack 5000000 HoTs and keep a circle in the ground that is outdated and literally no one stands in, ever. It’s dumb. It’s like having Affliction Warlock as a healer.

really have your 19 ilvl but then it’s back to complaining because you’ve reached the end of the gear path.

Actually even if there were no difference vs best items in the game, people will complain because they’ve run out of content, and the only thing sustaining that content was gear, not challenge or anything engaging.

@Eucalypt Try not playing a resto druid.

I could keep arguing w/ you Ard. But because of the week I had I’d rather talk to a chimpanzee

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Then this is the last place you should bring an attitude.

Why wouldn’t they need gear? Continuously improving your character through gear is basically the core of the game. And the benefits of it go far beyond current group content. It allows you to complete open world objectives faster, and solo older content that might be impossible otherwise.


Honestly so much of this. Throw in a companion feature with some rep bar like in MoP Halfhill and you learn more about their stories, personalities etc
 like actually put the RPG in mmoRPG instead of MMOLadder



I did already start up a disc priest. Resto druid isn’t bad, but the amount of button presses is over the top for me. I will just keep switching until I find the most comfortable healer at this point.

Id rather just solo the dungeon than have an npc. In all honestly just makes more sense, people that demand a npc following them saying how perfect they are or what amazing story they have are prone to being catfished by scammers lmao.
You already got quests with npcs and even instanced quests with them.

And even then why the f would i want solo dungeon for a dungeon in an endgame content designed around group activity lol.

Its not really our job to police every opinion we dont agree with.

Like right now there is talk happening about solo dungeons. But i dont want them.
Because either they will be rewarding, thus hard and not fun. And probably take away from rewards out in the world.
Or super easy and reward nothing, in which case just queue for a normal dungeon. Theyre not exactly hard and there is nothing wrong with interacting with other people on occasion.

But i dont feel the need to reply to everyone who thinks its a good idea.