Well since we’re not above profile shaming, you have 14k achievement points. So I’d say quite a lot, actually.
Probably right about the cash shop approach, how about selling stuff at an in-game vendor for gold? Would drive token sales so would make cash that way.
I make 3D assets as a hobby, so I’ve got a little bit of experience in this part.
Older assets can be leveraged. and new stuff that doesn’t need to be rigged wouldn’t take as long as one might think. A good content creator could crank out 3-4 pieces a week solo. Static objects that have no moving parts are very much easier to make.
First time sale of the “land plots” by Blizzard for in-game gold would be a good gold sink and also generate a few token sales. Once player “owned” the player could sell their plot with or without improvements for gold to other players thru an in-game title/deed company.
Crafting can have things added like crafted furniture, wall art paintings, metal works type art (display sword sets made by blacksmiths)
I can envision many ways to monetize player housing that aren’t overt cash grabs that would finance it and maybe even bring in extra cash. Extras from cash shop and tokens.
Just brain storming here and obviously getting way off topic, but I think it would be doable.
Not everybody has been playing for 19 years and not everybody consumes content at breakneck speeds.
However, you may have accidentally just proved my point for me by pointing out there is not much new to explore in DF. For people who like to explore and do story and/or casual content in the open world, there should be more than these laggy group events!
Just some side stuff, not mandatory or anything like that… they can also do quests that send us back to older zones. That’s always fun too. It really doesn’t affects raiders in any way so it’s a bit silly for them to be wary of it.
Its not really difficult to get through the content…
Beyond leveling this literally cannot exist outside of raid/pvp. Raid is the culmination of the story. Perhaps DND may be a better option for players like that.
Do you have an inkling of an idea of what the man power for that kind of scalable gameplay would be? They already have devs jumping ship. We are concerned about it because it would take away from endgame content.
Lol, what purpose does this serve?
Definitely way off topic. Not really relevent in any facet
Shame is only shame if you let it be. Not sure what your point is here, nor do i care. Theres really only 2-4 achieves that i really care about or mean anything per expansion. The rest is just “pretend-time gobligook”.
What matters at endgame is peak personal performance in whatever instanced content you so choose.
USA fertility rate 1.6
China fertility rate 1.3
Canada fertility rate 1.4
2.1 is replacement.
its masked by increasing population density as most jobs are in the cities.
we’re overcrowded and fading away.
some Chinese cities have a rate of .7 or less.
my local schools are down nearly 20 % in the last 3 years.
markets are literally dying.
Well, based on the latest earnings report, M+ isn’t doing much to keep people playing. Blizzard lost 1 million MAUs this quarter, and that is with D4 numbers in the mix.
It is painfully obvious that modern WoW isn’t holding people’s attention anymore.
I’m glad With the impending climate change challenges, less people is going to make things easier.
People can’t see the damage the Augmenter supplied because it doesn’t show on their character.
Oh boy…here’s what the point is:
- You said “I’m not sure what’s left to explore lmao”
- “You don’t have many achievement points, meaning you haven’t explored much”
- “What’s your point”
D4 is probably the problem. Blizzard is cannibalizing their own, and not giving other players who hate M+, and are also probably very handsome, charming, and intelligent, something to do in-game.
I am actually fine with this. Why would i want to rob augmentation evokers of their contribution?
Exploring is lame. Theres no competition!
Wasn’t aware this actually mattered.
I cannot tell you how, as an altoholic, how much better this would make WoW for me.
They’re arguing that they’re not getting counted.
Competition is only there if you let it be.
Nothing in this game matters.
It is just a fun little idea I’m glad people liked it so much! Maybe they can put it in. Hoping every alt fan can enjoy it.
Please… its cyclical…
Ok, I thought you were a serious person who was getting a degree in science. I feel like you’re not being truthful.
On logs augs are getting there damage reallocated. Not sure you understand the logs…
I can obtain the achieves if i wished to do so. Not everyone can produce healing or dps equally. Theres a difference. People in raids have a heirarchial system, best to worst. Competition is vying for that top spot.
Damage matters, in a game oriented context. But you are right! Its all just pixels.
Google “Augs not counted on damage meters” and see the hits.
Whats your view on gender? Or is this going to get me reported?
Prolly gonna get me reported.
Who cares…
Logs are what matter. They are the true meter. Details is only so accurate in game.
Again, no they don’t.
What does this have to do with climate?