"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

I’m going to be honest here even if they gave players a piece of mythic gear in the mailbox once a week I still wouldn’t play the game. It doesn’t fix anything. The game will still be the same.

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The bar is fine where it is.

Sounds lots like Elder Scroll Online and honestly if WoW would take the game design with professions, gameplay but leave tap targeting combat it would be by far best MMO.

I love Elder Scroll Online and it respect your time like no other MMOs. Even if you miss something out there is a chance you will get it in their version of trading post. Like I said only negative thing about Elder Scroll Online is the combat. Only thing that makes me take a pause form that game.

Wow feels like chore every time I log in. There is always something you grind that will be taken away from you, or it’s insanely long to grind if it’s going to stay with you. I hoped for better professions but again it’s wow version of professions. Wanna good gear do hardest content to get mats for best gear. Elder Scroll online made professions perfect. Literally perfect. Wow worst thing I hate the most is reputations now renown. Slow and boring

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Blizzard has done a lot of what the Op suggested before.

Garrison missions where you had to defend your garrison with your followers.

In legion there was that solo mission to help the crackheads which was extremely easy for certain classes and a frustrating slog for others. Now part of that was because the artifact weapon system was trash on release. My priest was geared for healing, so his holy priest weapon had a good ilvl but shadow was extremely under leveled. That made the mission either impossible because I’d die as shadow or take forever trying to kill things as holy.

You could do island expeditions on normal and heroic difficulty as solo. Island expeditions must have been a huge amount of dev time to make work and yet you don’t see people clamoring for them to come back.

I think the fundamental flaw with challenging solo content is that it’s one more thing for blizzard to try and balance, which they already seem to have trouble with.

So either solo content is easy like leveling and everyone can do it or blizzard tries to balance the solo content so that every class/spec has a similar difficulty. That seems like a big ask, if the content is trivial then it can’t give good gear rewards because it’ll be abused and trivialize gear rewards.

If the solo content is challenging it’s a huge dev commitment to keep it that way because just comparing a rogue to a fury warrior to a prot paladin, how do you make it so each one can solo the same content with the same difficulty? What happens when classes get reworked? Blizzard has to balance solo dungeons, m+/raids and pvp now?

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Blizzard is incapable to create challenging solo content. They take hard core basement dwellers for testing. If they can complete then they consider it balanced. Like you said every solo content they made was cake walk for some, but nightmare for others

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Hope WoW hires you because these ideas are fire. I have no complaints, this is a good compromise.

Your wife sounds a lot like me, except that I also like some queued group content… though not as much as I used to. Battlegrounds just aren’t what they used to be…

But I was thinking, solo content should also be able to be played as duo content too. A lot of couples play this game together, or sometimes friends or siblings or coworkers play together…

Solo/casual content should really scale from solo up to light or small groups.


People who argue that the vast majority want mythic gear for logging in are usually trolling. There’s a lot of bait on the forums. Usually by types that either hide on alts and/or sells runs.

I love a lot of your suggestions. I think they are adding a refresh for holidays in 10.1.7. I hope they do even more than what was datamined.


Well, taking people who pay for carries and gear funnels as an example, they then use their inflated Rio/boss kills and ilvl to get into groups and act as deadweight since they are bad and never learned the content in the first place.

This results in other players experience being damaged.

Naturally this will not be 100% of the cases but you’ll still have some entitled manchild complaining that others won’t carry them.

love seeing the usual suspects against casuals having any sort of fun in their time in their lane. they probably think you can solo mythic ny’lotha lmao

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It is odd how a few select people hate on those who play the game in a more relaxed way.

I could understand it if it affected what they do i the game in any way. But it doesnt
Like with daily content for example, you have people who rage at the idea of it. That the world shouldnt be made fun for us.
However 10.1.5 put it back in to the game, and no one has said a word against it. No one is upset by it. Because it doesnt interupt their gameplay.

It feels like those who say the game shouldn’t have this stuff just do it out of malice


I agree and resonate with a lot of OP’s post. I’ve played since vanilla, and I remember the days when almost nobody was a raider because raiding wasn’t really much of a thing yet. Most guilds were casual, and we were all out in the world adventuring it for the first time. I wish so much that explorers, “casuals” and solo players were respected as much as PvP and Raiders, with their own equally powerful gearsets they could seek that would be tuned to mastering the world instead of pvp and raiding. Maybe someday we’ll get that, maybe someday we’ll get housing. Maybe… [sigh]


But you didn’t get those sorts of rewards in classic. Why do you want the same gear and same rewards now when you were happy not to do that in the classic era?

Did they not do this?

In S1 there was a whole set that solely came from world content, which got updated in the .0.5 patch and then again in the S2 patch.

There was a VERY strong ring (depending on your class) that involved the entire world content island and then the solo vault content.

There’s a whole set in both seasons so far devoted to nothing but world pvp, and is only slightly worse than the actual conquest pvp set. It’s actually competitive with the conquest set because of the set bonuses, for some cases.

All of the abovementioned sets can be upgraded into tier gear using catalyst with charges farmed from doing world content.

Crafted gear can be created without any grouping. Cant upgrade it to super high levels, but its more than enough for world content.

And then, we got world quests giving epics and such as well + all of the gear from different events and such. I feel like this is the most accessible gear upgrades have ever been for world content/solo players.

A full set of any of the mentioned gear (and even less than a full set) is more than enough to do any world or solo content, what more is needed?

Edit: Additionally, if primary/secondary stats aren’t your aim - tertiary slots and socketing SL gems can provide speed boosts, leech, some of the more interesting stats of that nature. So there are things to “master the world” with.

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they haven’t done housing. imo the most important thing the game lacks

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I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the point of the thread. Perhaps I was not clear enough and for that I apologize… This is not a general suggestion thread. It’s an opportunity for casuals to say what they want INSTEAD OF “mythic loot for logging in”… some of the things a casual wants may or may not already be in the game.

I think the loot that’s already in the game is good enough. I mention liking this level of loot to specifically demonstrate the fact that I do not want or need mythic loot.

I think that they mean they enjoy exploring a lot and it would be even more fun with an explorers gear set.

This is why “casuals” can’t have nice things in WoW. It’s patently obvious that the “try-hards” don’t really enjoy raiding/M+, they just enjoy the rewards. OTHERWISE they wouldn’t do this, they’d be happy to just raid/M+. The only way to truly be fair would be to go the path of PvP gearing. Raid gear should be best for raids, and meh everywhere else. Same for M+ gear and “open world/solo” gear. And there should be crafted gear for each, with mats available by doing the appropriate thing. Of course we all Daddy Blizz won’t do anything like this, because then raiders couldn’t properly lord it over the rest of us. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:


I agree! While some people complained back in the day about multiple gear sets I think it solves more problems than it creates… which really the only downside was bag space issues and having to set up a little macro for your pvp and pve sets… of course people still use these macros for different specs… they could also expand the paperdoll to have multiple tabs…

But anyway… I really think there should be pvp sets, dungeon sets, raid sets and world sets… this way raiders cannot just randomly queue up and roflstomp people in battlegrounds… nor would the raiders or dungeoneers feel compelled to do the world content they hate… and nor would world content drops somehow invalidate their own drops and so on and so forth.

I know you could never come close to making everyone happy but I feel like this would make the largest number of people possible, happy.

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Things go bad in normal dungeons?

I mean what we want these days is for people to stop stomping over others with lower gear and showing off.

We want Gw2 gear where 1 set is good for the entire game/expac and the devs focus on mechanics and class balance/gameply instead of how fast we gear.