You think you do, but you don't

Pizza is performing a topping squish: topping will now max at tLv 250. Will be contradictory in 4 weeks.

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Here’s the thing, but - spoiler alert - ham cheese and tomato on toast is basically pizza. So if you want to eat pizza, if you want those flavours of ham, cheese and tomato, then…sorry? A sandwich is waiting for you.

I mean, are there even pizza places around anymore? I don’t think so, no.

GASP! You never waste pizza. Never.

Pizza is best served the next day mmm girl that delicious reheated :pizza: slather that naughtiness over my bear chested body

that can never happen to pizza, what are you talking about

My pizza alts use the admin-only fridge system. A shame you won’t see it for some time. On that note, Pizza 9.0 is pre-ordering now.

Do you guys not have refrigerators?

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This one is too disturbing not to chuckle at. Gratz, you win at Pizza Public Promotion (P3)

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Sorry, it’s come to our attention that some people were eating their pizza wrong, and the ability to store pizza until the next day has been nerfed.

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I need pizza now, but it’s 3am.
Why is the delivery service timegated



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I don’t get all these posts about pizza. You guys got calzones 6 dinners ago. If you want pizza go eat the calzones in the fridge!

Darn you all this thread has made me hungry…hey wait…stop poking me with that straw!!..…NO you can’t drink a Margarita with your pizza!!

OWWW quit biting me I’m not a Margarita pizza. Darnet I’m hungry now (bites back)
:pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza: yum

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Don’t you love when you go through the whole trouble of going for pizza just to have the guy next to you get random free extra cheese?

Cheese is randomly bestowed upon an active sub. It isn’t favoritism (adds double pepperoni for no additional cost to person next to you)

(edit) Aaaaand it died. (Mourns Pizza)

The new Pizza zones look great, it’s a shame the architecture does not live up to the way the whole thing works.

We’ve been experimenting with new sauces, and have decided that the original recipe which has the least amount of allergic reactions will be discontinued. Pizza will now have high allergens with which to enjoy.

I’m reminded of a local pizza joint that sells one that they call “Il Diavolo”. It’s got jalapeños, serranos, habaneros, and probably a couple of other pepper varieties. Instead of marinara sauce, it uses buffalo wing sauce. It probably uses spicy meats, too, but at this point who can tell?

After two slices your tongue asks for an armistice. After three, you will burn in places you didn’t even know you had.

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You just get a plain cheese pizza.

You have to earn the right to have toppings!