want to order pizza right now. It will cut into your finances, and you probably won’t finish it before going to bed. And if that happens, part of it will go to waste.
I’d rather you not have Pizza this late.
We’re working vigilantly on having a pizza to be ordered first thing next season. If you can wait that long, we’ll even throw in a bonus topping.
You could always order pizza at this time anyway.
Don’t you guys have phones?
We hear you.
RNG pizza, close your eyes and randomly click on the the toppings selection. Lol
The RNG pizza will be released next April, as our resources are going into developing a new napkin with our logo.
/Insert delivery guy with nothing to add but to agree and repeat the same things you said, then proceed to laugh at his own jokes.
Hire 300 more of those delivery persons, and make them each a youtube channel to repost this message every hour on the hour.
Maybe. Where is the Pizza from?
The pizza will be shipped in a limited time pre-order online only, but your window to buy it will be exactly 27 minutes and 34 seconds.
What you don’t eat can go in the fridge, unless you don’t have one.
You’ll have to subscribe to Pizza to have access to the fridge. There are many perks to being a pizza subscriber.
Jokes on you. I’m vegetarian, so making my own pizza is cheaper and better than frozen crap like 99% of pizza chains use
If anyone do not agree with those terms, you could always go to your favorite social network and insult every customer publicly.
Our art team has developed this pizza very specifically for you to sample every last bit of it before we release Pizza.2
Heres your big wall of NO huehuehue
Thick Crust
Italian Sausage
Anchovies on the side
You underestimate both my finances and how much pizza I can stuff into my face within a 6 hour period.