If you want your pizza to have sauce and not taste like old shoe leather, you’ll have to build up reputation with all of our delivery boys, exploring all 202 of our stores nationwide, order 1000+ pizzas, and order pizza 300 days in a row.
Can’t believe kids these days just expect pizza to be delivered. I’ve been eating pizza since it was first invented and we had to grow our own vegetables, some of them took months until they were ready. Back when pizza was actually meaningful and fulfilling. You’d eat your pizza in the middle of town and the people that didn’t have time would stop and watch you eat with envy.
Sure pizza has more topping options now, and they can put cheese in the crust and there are rewards programs that incentivize ordering a lot of pizza for the opportunity to get 1 free one…but it actually tasted good back then.
pepperoni’s satisfaction effectiveness has been reduced 10% and is now unusable in combat and pineapple GCD has been given an adjustment from 45 sec to 15
little caesar’s don’t cut into any finances cmon now
Yuck. Have you TASTED the pizza you can get by ordering out? Ewwww. I make my own, thank you very much, and the best thing is … I NEVER have a pizza I don’t like.
…are you the thinkyouknow guy from yahoo answers WAY back in the day…omg, that dude had me rolling so damn hard every time he posted a question. i remember one titled “a little pc help pls?” and then it went into a long tirade of how he had poop on his hands and then on the keyboard…i…wonder if those still exist somewhere out there
Palatina, this (and Liadrean’s contributions) is a fantastic parody thread. Well crafted in my eyes.
No, but it’d have been an interesting conversation with the guy. I’m just a run of the mill Lasinad who roves the internet here and there.
You must have never eating papa johns pizza then spinach alfredo ftw!
Thank you. Wasn’t hard to make. I was just hungry one night at 2am, where no pizza is open.
You have to get the pizza app so you can collect reputation for toppings. No app = no rep = no toppings.
This is why we need to hot-patch in a Pizza Pathfinder. How can life survive if you can just call and order something without experiencing driving to every single Dominos store first and ordering every single option on the menu to raise your Dominos rep to exalted.
For a second there, I thought this topic had actually 404’d. That’d have been disturbing since Pizza is still the ultimate WoW Token. (Pizza Tokens are now being sold at 200k Delivery Points)
Dude screw that, cold pizza in my house is known as breakfast of the champions.
Champion Achievement will be gated behind Pizza Crust Reputation Revered with Thin crust, Tossed crust, Pan crust and Stuffed crust.
Left over pizza never goes to waste
Leftover pizza has been removed because it does not fit our vision of eating pizza as intended.
HERESY! Riot in the streets!
I really want pizza, but I have to grind reputation with the Money Faction and complete a frick ton of daily quests before I can even think about pizza.
Yeah, the J.O.B faction is really hard and the number of daily quests they give you is ridicules. Not to mention some are able to gain reputation with the faction faster then others. Then of course they don’t reward us all the same. Some people get a lot more out of the J.O.B faction then others do simply because they put more time in the previous expansion reputation S.C.H.O.O.L.