You think you do, but you don't

Pineapple, Canadian bacon, and REAL Bacon with Jalapeños and hot sauce all over it.


breakfast pizza is the best… make some scrambled eggs cut up the pizza and bam! amazing

Someones a bigboi :hippopotamus:

Never wasted just reheat and have it for breakie lol

I love leftover pizza for lunch. Unfortunately, the man I married is a skinny boi who is also a champion of making sure I never get leftover pizza because he will eat it all. Even if it’s a flavor he doesn’t like.

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You’re a real adult when wasting food doesn’t even register.

Do you guys not have DiGiornos?

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Quit whining and learn 2 pizza. I like not getting pizza when i want it. Pizza is more immersive that way. Quit being lazy and earn your pizza! Millennials…

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During grill season i rarely eat pizza. Pizza hut is cheap this week so ill get one tonight.

Why worry about leaving pizza out if the maid will put it away. I don’t understand your post

That is something that rich people and kids have in common.

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Titanforgong: randomly select extra cheese. Warforging: randomly select extra meat.


It may shock you… but being vegetarian has nothing to do with being able to make your own pizza. You can easily (and cheaply) make pizza with meat and you can also get frozen/delivery veggie pizza that is crap.

I earned my Pizza Rep by walking the full length of the Salad Bar! I had options galore! RNG was abundant as choices on the bar! I had all the salad bar fixings and even a hot pizza buffet for bonus!

Where is my PizzaFinder Part I & II ? I dont understand why my pizza wont come flying at me with 100% delivery?

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The Pizza Chain ™ will be removing locations you can order pizza from (hereby known as Pizza Portals). This will make ordering pizza seem larger and inspire those ordering pizza to explore old pizza locations. Enjoy!


It’s just a bit of fun. If it gets closed, that’s ok. A bit of humor hasn’t killed anyone. Your achievement has been fixed and you can now pizza. Thanks for your patience and have a great day.

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This was just her way of telling people she is vegetarian.

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Pizza finder achievement 3 has not yet been released. That will be our next major content batch.

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No it won’t, I love me some refrigerated left over pizza :slight_smile:

Also, this thread reminded me of when EQ2 added the ability to order irl pizza delivery by typing /pizza in-game, lol

But but…Pizza is love! ._.

Unless it’s pineapple. In that case it’s sacrilege.

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