You think expansion comes out this year?

Hello? Operator? I would like to report a murder? Yes? Who? Blizzard management and just about everyone who has not been fired, sued, quitted, phased out, or disappeared.

Sincerely - many players.

It would be a massive surprise if it did.

And if it did they should offer a pretty hefty deal to anyone that stayed subbed for all of SL because they would have obviously been spending a lot of time and money on that instead of SL content.

This is not a typical work cycle. They are still messed up from the employee issues. Employees who see no likelihood of change in the near future are still leaving. Considering the timeliness, quantity, and quality of the content currently coming out, I’d guess they are in the early stages of a major workplace reorganization and will not come to the point of a “new normal” for many months.

In fact, I think they are still trying to find ways to get away without having to make changes and blaming the customers for everything that has gone wrong.

    1. [[quote=“Wonderclam-icecrown, post:1, topic:1165286, full:true”]

    • > *Do you think we'll get a new expansion this year? Shadowlands will be 2 years old this November.*
    • > *[/quote]*](https://) :crazy_face:


I would guess,imho,by October or November of this year.

We are not getting another major patch. All that refers to is likely at most a 9.2.5 patch. If not something even smaller like a 9.2.3, get the arena out so that it aesthetically falls in line with the content of the major patch (aka 9.2).


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We didn’t get anything last quarter. They don’t need that. They just threw a bunch of items in the shop and it might just worked out after seeing so many people freaking out that they finally can ride a cute cat.

I don’t think they will or should release it this year, they’ve been far behind long before SL launch and probably still are. If they release it this year it might be an unfinished and buggy mess.

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I doubt it. what would it even be about? shadowlands feels like the end of wow :confused:

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Damn so fast. I always think about it as a new expansion, released in less than a year. I will be 30 soon :scream:, joining the old men club of WoW :sob:

30? You are young.
I will be level 60 in real life this year!


I think Blizzard is also still dealing with work stoppages as well, and employee morale’s been low for years.

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Depends on how they approach it.

If it’s like every other recent expansion (Legion +) where they are redesigning the game each expansion… such as re-scaling, stat squishing, ilvl squishing, futzing with classes, and implementing several overthought systems… then there is a less than 0% they release in 2022, but could possibly still make a 4th quarter release in early 2023.

If they keep it simple and focus mostly on actual content expansion (new levels, land mass, quest & story line, dungeons, and a release raid) they could probably make a Nov/Dec drop.

I would also add that IF 10.0 intends to incorporate any sort of cross faction functionality then I would expect release to take far longer than expectations

Hell no LMAO.

SL was half-baked and the team is a skeleton crew due to mass layoffs and quitting. What they need is time to rebuild a team and keep the team. They need to keep people as they’re in a loop of bringing in new blood, training them, giving them absurd objectives that would give seniors trouble, then laying them off/quitting. It’s a waste of resources and shows something is up with the leadership and execs for them to not retain devs.

Id rather get some spotty filler content as they get a new team up to speed who like and play the games (not mobile game devs) to make the next expansion. As the whole game and the systems need an overhaul to compete and survive with FF14.

Man, IDK. WoW’s development is super low energy right now. It’s obvious they’re working with a skeleton crew.

I think we’ll get a new expac q1 2023, with a larger-than-normal (and hopefully, content-filled) pre-launch event dropping mid November in order to drive hype & pre-orders.

Wild guess, but I’d figure 9.2 will drop sometime in April, with a small 9.2.5 patch hitting sometime in July-August to balance whatever issues crop up and set the stage for 10.0 prepatch.


Another rushed, content-sparse expansion will be terrible for this game.

Whatever they need to do to actually have a decent expansion from narrative-design, to content, and patch scheduling, they need to take all the time they need.

Exactly, Shadowlands wasn’t well received and Blizzard as a company is in complete disarray. They really need to take their time. The next expansion needs to bring a new vision to WOW. The game is stale and formulaic right now. They might have to eat a content draught and the player loss that results while they work on something original and creative.

I’ve had fun in Shadowlands. But I’m not interested in playing another off the conveyor belt expansion. They’ve been banging them out with the same formula for a while now.