dont forget mages could solo trash in naxx for boes. my brother use to do this all the time
There is timewalking raids and timewalking dungeons, they are bringing some older dungeons to M+.
There is also classic WoW, so the options are already there.
Maybe for you but not for many others. I always wonder why folks insist that others must be forced to play by some person’s arbitrary rules.
Add to this forming groups for old content is nearly impossible.
This will kill wow lmao
The main reason why people want to be able to solo old content IS because people don’t form groups for it because people simply don’t do them when they are harder to do.
This will not “encourage more group play”, this will discourage anyone just wanting some transmog items, pets or mainly mounts from very old content.
We have defeated Loas, Old Gods, Titans, Evils with legendary artifacts… Please don’t make me have to have a dungeon group just to kill the pirates in Deadmine cause I want the Parrot pet when I currently have gear technically speaking over 10x stronger than the one I had when I defeated literal titans…
I’m sure this is a trollpost made to create drama, but still, just don’t even think about it anyone, thanks.
Content should be soloable as soon as the expansion in which that content is becomes outdated. We should already be able to solo Shadowlands content and yet we can barely solo BFA content… THAT’S the issue.
Ah. I see.
So basically, once you have an item, you want it to be forever unattainable for everyone else so your item, “*retains its value.”
Got it.
Careful what you wish for. WoW would become even more empty.
(Remove the 2 at the beginning of the link:
I’m saying this in full confidence. I loathe this idea not everyone wants to be a part of a gated community because guaranteed if your idea goes through it will be gated by elitism, scores, and cliques. You think that will increase subs it will not most log in a game to escape people or their reality. This isn’t school recess to a lot of them where they group up for activities its a Zen time to escape everyone else needs and focus on themselves. The hardcore community is one side and while it shouldn’t and for the most part hasn’t been ignored. So is the casual someone who has low dps or bad social skills should not be forced to join a group just for a special pixel. On the flipside we do have prestige mounts and titles already. Cutting edge titles end of M+ mounts those still have meaning who cares if a skeletal horse or a special phoenix are “easily attained” they’re freaking pixels. Some casuals and elites just want to kill some old bosses for old loot and call it a night. I have met hardcore raiders who after a mind numbing day of raiding or M+ say Im going legacy raiding to calm down. So I will conclude by calling you a delusional player who thinks difficulty = fun when no fun is subjective and can change depending on the individual.
How the hell did this thread of all threads not get recognised as bait…
I mean, it has all the signs.
A post by Garmuck and a wild stupid take.
I saw the title, clicked the post and as soon as I saw it was a Garmuck post I walked out and yet, 308 (soon to be 9 lol) apparently prove to me this forum aint s.
I literally agree with you. In fact I think old raids shouldn’t even give loot after the xpac is done. Every single person who earned their loot has their transmog devalued
I have never seen such a blatant troll in all of wow on the forums lol, any true mount collector or just collections junky in general would never ever ever agree with your perspective, we literally wait and wait for the content to be soloable so we don’t have to roll against anyone for drops, sorry bro, nice try but take your trolling elsewhere, it won’t work here, not saying no one ever runs with their friends but no one is ever going to want to pug old content when ninja looting is still a problem
I know I shouldn’t reply with a serious answer but I feel compelled, fact that it is now “Old” content means that new stuff has come around since then and thus it is no longer “End Game content” and THUS should no longer be hard and become more and more trivial as it goes on. It’s called linear progression
He who must call himself logical is surely lacking in logic himself
I get where you’re coming from, but as a practical matter, doing this would be akin to removing that content and the transmogs, from the game. Nobody is going to prog Tempest Keep for a 0.1% chance at Ashes. There needs to be relevant rewards for people to be willing to spend the time to do the content.
WoW throws its old content in the dumpster as soon as it’s not current. I agree that’s bad, but I think there are better solutions to that problem.
Personally, I’d love to see an old raid be re-released as a fully balanced timewalking raid every .5 patch as a stopgap for the next major content patch.
Thank you, many people agree with our sentiment as well in this thread. I hate how easy it is to get old raid loot which makes our gear worse due to accessibility.
Not if only new players are doing it. Elevating it to match old players who just want to farm it will NOT increase the number of people running it; in fact, it will REDUCE the number of players who just say “to h3ll with it” and move on. That’s when REAL irrelevance sets in.
Besides, why do you care? New players, level-appropriate players doing it doesn’t affect your game play one iota. Long-time players running it and one-shotting everything doesn’t affect your game play one iota, either. You’re complaining about something that doesn’t affect you at all … Is that your point? You don’t want it so no one else should be able to do it? Kinda narcissistic, isn’t it?
Ah-ha!!! We’ve found the problem … your inability to understand something from someone else’s point-of-view.
I put enough work in when now-old content was current content. I don’t need to “struggle” again if I wanna do it on my alt for specific items/armor pieces/mounts. The drop rate itself is enough struggle.
I want my legos back.
I would cancel my sub immediately, uninstall, and never download again if Blizz took away the ability to solo old raids.
Worst suggestion I’ve seen on here in a very long time
I’ve thought something similar.
If they made all gear function like heirloom gear - and made gear only “function” in the expansion it was released in, you could keep all content “live” and the effort/ progression would be in tact