Ill take things that will never happen for $500, alex
It is called…getting powerful. The dues were already paid. It hurts no one for people to get to play the way they want.
Acti-buzzard already ruined being able to level in them with friends and alts. Again, that hurt no one. They have ruined enough, based on a way a minority of players want to dictate how others play the game.
This makes no sense, it you’re getting powerful why would scaling old content make you less powerful? It just makes it equal.
But being equal isn’t getting more powerful… it’s being equal…
I’m not following, it seems like the same thing.
It’s simple logic. If everything is always scaled to you and you never get stronger than it, then you are never actually getting more powerful.
Being powerful means that you can complete any content available, there’s what scaling does.
No, scaling makes everything stay on an equal playing field with you. It makes leveling up irrelevant, detrimental even because the gear you have is no longer level appropriate and as such you are literally getting weaker as you level.
It also messes with relative strength way too much. When a random boar in one zone does as much damage and takes as long to kill as Demon Lord Gurgthalak the Destroyer in the next zone, then either Demon Lord Gurgthalak the Destroyer is either a pathetic nothing, or that random Boar is also Destroyer of Worlds. And that makes no sense.
Well the scaling will obviously be different but you shouldn’t be able to just one shot it just because it’s old content.
If I’m able to go toe to toe with and defeat Demon Lord Gurgthalak the Destroyer, then why should I not be ae to kill a random boar in one shot? Normal dudes irl can kill boars in one shot, why not legendary heroes that are decked out in the strongest gear and able to weild the strongest magics and frequently saves the world from god-like threats?
Because it’s a video game? Why do you want WoW to be hyper realistic.
I’m sure you are aware that collectors are a big part of the playerbase. Collecting from old content gives players something to do when Blizzard is too busy laying off employees to produce current content that will keep them busy. The question is, after you have them shut down the game because you want your pixels to be exclusive, and you won’t even be able to visit them anymore, what did you win?
There is nothing realistic about video games. They are designed to be entertainment. It has been estimated that a sub base of 1 million is necessary to keep the game profitable. Eliminating all collectors will put the game below that level. Why do you want to hurt the game?
Since when was fighting Demon Lord Gurgthalak the Destroyer hyper realistic?

Since when was fighting Demon Lord Gurgthalak the Destroyer hyper realistic?
No I’m talking about the part where you said the boar gets one shot in real life, it’s a game so obviously it’s not the same.
So you’re saying Demon Lord Gurgthalak the Destroyer should be stronger than a boar, but not by much. So I guess the boar must be a Conqueror of Nations, then. Gotcha.
If Gurgthalak has a power level of 8, the boar should be a 3. Can still be beaten, but still poses a decent challenge that isn’t just a one shot.
Scaling will make old content relevant again.
Scaling can make old content relevant, yes. But do it in a Timewalking kind of way, in that you queue for it and get scaled down to its level, then get evergreen rewards like currency to buy level appropriate gear with. Meanwhile, if you just want the transmog or whatever, you can just go in and blow everything up by yourself.
You know, like that other game does.
That’s the only kind of scaling old content should ever get. Optional queued for stuff.
That Blizz will never take away the ability to solo old stuff? Or that i’ll permanently quit?
OPer you are wrong in every way.
Raids are ONLY fun when you can solo them.
The cheating stats, cheating abilities and cheating immunities raid bosses are given is demeaning to the player and their character.
I abhor raids where you can be one hit, where it is just a test if you memorized the dance choreography instead of a real fight between equals.
Just because you don’t enjoy it doesn’t mean others don’t too.
And just because you are forced to realize that you were only playing a video game instead of doing something truly productive and beneficial is not a good reason why other players should be prevented from farming old raids for transmogs.
Let us be honest, what you are really asking is to keep other players from having nice looking transmogs because you cannot stand the idea that you had to waste your time and they didn’t. You secretly regret the time you spent doing those raids and somehow think keeping other players from getting what you have is going to make you feel better about yourself.
What about us solo players I can’t stand groups and all their ninjas