I dont even understand how this is a legitmate argument. Why would you want it incredibly hard to do content that no longer gives any relevant gear aside from mounts? That seems like a good way to drive away a large chunk of the player base.
It’s the fun police.
No one plays old raids or old dungeons anymore it should stay solo-able.
If you’re in favor in killing WoW and making subs go away I guess this will be put in “101 Way To Kill WoW” book.
People’s focus will always be current content, not older content.
no one will agree with you
Yes but with scaling old content can become current content.
What would make it more relevant and exciting is if they were to scale down your gear to an even baseline. You would be able to show off your skill instead of just using gear gained from carries to overpower the content!
We’re approaching another 100 degrees today. I’m in my sunroom and the sweat is starting to find my eyebrows.
we havent had a day under 100 in 2 months. 112 was the highest.
The more you bang on about this the more it seems you’d be better off playing swtor which has exactly this feature. All instances and raids even from launch scale to current because bioware (now another studio) don’t have the dev budget to release 5-6 instances and multiple raid tiers per expac.
Current content grants current rewards, older content does not.
Even better.
My guess is, Blizzard thinks they either wouldn’t get the participation or it would bleed participation from current content.
Ill do you one even better, make old raids similar to how FFXIV does it:
Allow people to choose whether they want to form a party to do the raids (that scales everyone down to the ilvl of the raid), or be OP for the raid and 1 shot everything. As well, allow us to remove the raid lockouts for content that is more than 2 xpacs old.
Either way, people can get xmogs and mounts how they want and solves your issue by giving you the choice.
This has been suggested multiple times in the thread and every time we get the equivalent of OP sticking his fingers in his ears and going, “Blah blah blah blah.”
people can get xmogs and mounts how they want
Xmogs and mounts should be exclusive to scaled content or it requires no challenge to get, therefore diminishing it’s value.
This your subjective take and that’s okay to have, however, the rest of us will play how we want based on our preferences and style. At the end of the day it’s just a game and pixels that’s meant to be enjoyed.
At the end of the day it’s just a game and pixels that’s meant to be enjoyed.
Not sure how you can enjoy something without putting work in.
Most people don’t want the game to be a job all the time.
What happened is that, that loot has been long since irrelevant. You aren’t going to equip ilvl 30 gear for a 10 year old raid. You aren’t working for anything, even if it was harder to get like you suggest it wouldn’t be working for it. It’d be a fight filled with gimmicks everyone knows and would be put on farm if anyone even did actually run it. But the fact is investing time into running raids for mogs and mounts is all the effort that should be necessary, not some boomer mindset trying to lord the glory of ye olden days over people that just wanna fashion hunt.
Those are dusty, old, irrelevant raids. Why TF should that content be held sacred? Bruh. What?!
Here’s something else to consider in just about every expac if you had high enough gear and decent skill with your toon and patience current content could be solo’d. Warriors in grand marshall or some t3 could solo DM and stocks back in vanilla. In DF content my prot pally can solo normal 5mans and just about all the rares in FR and ZC. The ability to solo becomes inevitable because the gear makes possible.
People make small mog run groups for SL raids because mechanics requires it same for bfa raids on mythic.
Back to my earlier point no is stopping you from creating your own challenges to run legacy content. To your snarky little come back reply to my previous post - I put in work to level and gear my characters to do content I find satisfying for my time in game. You are not the arbiter of effort.
I actually agree - it would be super fun to have so many raids and dungeons to do with friends